•WELCOME to AIRSHIP 27's PDF Hangar where adventure takes flight! Here at HANGAR 27 we are dedicated to bringing the finest pulp action novels and anthologies by today's new pulp scribes directly to you in the universal PDF format and Print-On-Demand (POD) trade paperback. Read the best in today's Pulp Fiction on your Kindle or iPad or any other device that reads Adobe PDF files.
•Buy your book(s) today, and read it today for the low, low price of only $3.00 at our PDF store!
• Airship 27 Productions books are all available at Amazon.com as printed books still starting at only $16.99 for the latest editions. Links for Airship 27 titles at Amazon are at each book's listing in our online catalog.
•So buckle up tight, cast your eyes to the clouds and get ready for lots of pulse pounding thrills.
•Use the links at left to access our catalog.
•SPECIAL NOTE- If you have problems with your PDF order of any kind, please email the webmaster- Rob Davis. Contact us right away and we'll get your book to you pronto!
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Click on image above or the link to the left to go to the online catalog. Latest releases are listed in the left margin below the links.
**Watch for announcements in this space for future appearances of the Airship 27 Crew. Scroll down...**
Air Chief Ron Fortier, and Airship 27 Production Art Director Rob Davis proudly announce they have released their 300th Airship 27 book title!
RAVENWOOD – Stepson of Mystery Vol 5 is that title. Three hundred books and it only took us approximately 14 years to do. Thanks to all you Loyal Airmen for your constant support from day one. This volume features a novella by writer Dexter Fabi, with two shorts. One by Michael Housel and the other by Carson Demmans. Ace artist Adam Shaw provided the creepy cover and all interior illustrations were done by Fort Collins local artist pal, Sam Salas. As ever, the book is available from Amazon in both paperback and on Kindle.
Ron will be at Windy City Pulp and Paper Show in Lombard, IL April 4-6.
Rob is presently scheduled for Planet Comicon March 21-23 2025 at the Kansas City Convention Center/Bartle Hall! And along with Ron, Rob will be at Windy City Pulp and Paper Show in Lombard, IL April 4-6.
Watch this space for other possible dates and appearances.
Begun in 2004, Airship 27 Productions was the brain-child of veteran comic book writer Ron Fortier. Long familiar with the countless pulp book reprints being done every year to keep alive the memory of those classic 1930s heroes, Ron wondered why no one was bothering to create brand new adventures of these amazing characters. Partnering with professional comic book illustrator and graphic artist, Rob Davis, he then self-published THE HOUNDS OF HELL, co-authored with Gordon Linzner. In this tale, the popular pulp hero the Moon Man battles the equally famous pulp villain Doctor Satan. Combining their artistic sensibilities from their comic book experiences, the two added nine black and white spot illustrations and a brilliant wrap around cover by Tom Floyd.
They followed this book with their first anthology, LANCE STAR - SKY RANGER, starring all new exploits of a long forgotten Canadian aviation pulp hero. The art this time being provided by Rich Woodall. Then came many anthology volumes of SECRET AGENT X and the first all new adventures of CAPTAIN HAZZARD - CHAMPION OF JUSTICE, a one shot wonder back in 1938. Fortier and Davis reproduced Hazzard's one and only book and have since released several new volumes in this on-going series.
Today Airship 27 Productions continues its mission of producing brand new adventures of classic pulp heroes with over 200 titles in the catalog; featuring such iconic heroes as Sherlock Holmes, Sinbad the Sailor and Robin Hood. Focusing on action adventure stories, coupled with today's most talented young illustrators and delivered in colorful, beautiful designed packages to please the most critical book lover.
The company's zeppelin logo is emblematic of Ron and Rob's high flying goals; to produce the finest quality books that are always fun to read, again and again.
Nearly ALL OF AIRSHIP 27 PRODUCTION's BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE IN PRINTED FORM AT AMAZON.COM and many are now available from Audible.com. Check book entries at Amazon.com for the links! And, starting in March of 2019 Radio Archives began creating Airship 27 audio books in downloadable and CD packages! Watch this space for more exciting news regarding new Audiobooks from Airship 27!
To sign up for the Airship 27 "E-Blast" newsletter contact Promotions Manager MICHAEL VANCE.
Want to write or draw for Airship 27? We're always open to new creators! For submission guidelines contact Ron Fortier.