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So buckle up tight, cast your eyes to the clouds and get ready for lots of pulse pounding thrills!
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Ron Fortier Editor in chief & Rob Davis Art Director
To sign up for the Airship 27 "E-Blast" newsletter contact Promotions Manager MICHAEL VANCE.
Falco & CompanyFALCO & COMPANY
Airship 27 is thrilled to present Wayne Carey’s newest thriller, “Falco & Company.”
When billionaire tech guru Augustine Falco’s Japanese wife was killed in a terrorist attack, he vowed to find the people responsible and bring them to justice. Using his considerable wealth, Falco and his daughter Yuzuki set about recruiting a team of very skilled individuals. Al Davis, a former U.S. Army Ranger, Jonathan Grant, a talented British espionage agent and Jasmine Diaz, a sixteen-year-old computer wizard.
With them, Falco will seek out the mysterious mastermind who, through various international crime rings, has been funding dozens of terrorist groups. He will find his enemies and bring them justice. It is time for “Falco and Company.”
“Carey is a master story teller in the vein of Clive Cussler,” says Airship 27 Managing Editor Ron Fortier. “His settings and characters are always exotic, unique and captivating. Once you start one of his books, you can’t put it down until you’ve finished it.”
Pulp Factory Award winning artist Rob Davis provides the cover and interior illustrations for this, another Pulp Factory action packed New Pulp adventure. Don’t miss it!
Amazon Link: Falco & Company
Kindle Link: Falco & Company
Click the button below for a PDF version of the book for only $3.00!

Tan Alvaka of Asudra was one warrior of skill, loyalty, and courage. While on a diplomatic mission for his King, he discovers that his entire world, the planet Rigel, is in grave danger. A masked fiend calling himself Zorr, the name of the God of the Under World, has begun a secret campaign to infiltrate every kingdom with his hundreds of spies and assassins. Their gold to usurp the various monarchies, defeat their existing armed forces, and conquer them by any means possible.
As incredible as the plot seems, Tan soon realizes Zorr has the means and fanatical followers to make it happen unless he can expose the treachery, unmask the villain, and then gather an army of his own to stop them. In “Warrior of Rigel,” writer Gary Lovisi offers a fast-paced action adventure in the style of Edgar Rice Burroughs and Robert E. Howard. It’s a thrill a page from start to finish. One sword and planter fans won’t want to miss!
Amazon Link: Warrior of Rigel
Kindle Link: Warrior of Rigel
Click the button below for a PDF version of the book for only $3.00!
The threat of World War II looms over the eastern horizon and America prepares for when it will enter the battle. When many masters of the occult and magical talismans from around the globe begin disappearing, Intelligence Officer Major Steel fears the Nazis are behind the kidnappings and thefts. He hurriedly enlists the aid of Secret Agent X, Ravenwood--Stepson of Mystery, and powerful mage Ascott Keane. Even their combined powers may not be sufficient and so he is forced to reach out to the devil incarnate himself, the villainous Doctor Satan.
Will the red-clad Satan accept the offer to become mankind’s savior or, after the contest is settled, amass enough power to become its destroyer? Writer Glen Held delivers a fast-paced, action-crammed pulp adventure with classic pulp heroes teaming up in the greatest adventure of their lives.
Amazon Link: The Devil You Know
Kindle Link: The Devil You Know
Click the button below for a PDF version of the book for only $3.00!
By Carson Demmans
Hell Arizona is a flea-bitten two-horse town inhabited mostly by people with nowhere else to go. Drifters, tired worn out settlers and lots of outlaws. One of the few going concerns is the brothel operated by Golden Annie. One day a slim, emaciated Englishman in a bowler hats arrives asking if he might be allowed to play her piano situated in the parlor. Surprised by the fellow’s look and demeanor, Annie agrees and is then impressed with his skills on the keys. Enough to hire him on.
And thus Percy Smith become’s Hell’s newest resident. Then a series of unfortunate events leads to his killing a violent customer intent on beating one of the girls. Soon Smith becomes the target of every owlhoot in the territory and unbelievably survives every challenge he encounters until he’s put a half dozen men in Boot Hill. Still puzzled by his true identity, Annie establishes Smith as the town’s new sheriff and soon his reputation begins to grow across the territory. Eventually getting the attention of the meanest, roughest outlaw of them all, Old Bill. Fate has put them on a collision course and it’s anybody’s guess who will survive.
Carson Demmans delivers a one of a kind story that will keep readers guessing as to the Smith’s hidden secret. Artist Sam Salas provides the nine interior illustrations with Adam Shaw the eerie, beautiful cover. Art Director Rob Davis works his book design magic.
Amazon Link: Sheriff of Hell
Kindle Link: Sheriff of Hell
Click the button below for a PDF version of the book for only $3.00!
The Seven Circles of Satan
From popular writer Frank Schildiner, comes a swash-buckling adventure set in a time of romance and intrigue. The forces of evil assail the court of the Sun King, Louis XIV of France. Devils and demons from the deepest depths of darkness weave their terrible spells upon the nobles of the young King’s court. At the suggestion of his ailing advisor, Cardinal Mazarin, the son of a legendary warrior receives a call to service. The infamous Count Rochefort, son of the enemy of the Three Musketeers, will now battle, The Seven Circles of Satan!
Artist John Gallagher provides the black and white interior illustrations with Pulp Factory Award winner Rob Davis delivering the beautiful color cover and book design. Here are both familiar and new characters, good vs evil, with a kingdom at stake. Here is a classic adventure with a pulp twist. So, grab your sword and En Garde!
Amazon Link: Rochefort
Kindle Link: Coming Soon!
Click the button below for a PDF version of the book for only $3.00!
They are all back, the retirement-based Vietnam veterans, Patrick Stone, Dan Loman, Sharky Finn, and their manager at the Golden Years Leisure Living, Carla Mendoza in two new adventures. All the while still compelled to face the same health problems of aging and attempting to change the general public’s perception of seniors.
In “Retirement Recon” the boys are joined by 102-year-old Axel Tuck, a wheelchair-bound WW II vet as they battle a Red Chinese attempt to build a reeducation camp in their small California community. Whatever it takes to shut them down, the Geezers will get the job done.
In “Night Terrors” some of the men must deal with relentless nightmares that still haunt decades after their combat tours. In the process the Geezers and Carla take on twisted forces of censorship and the cancel culture, defending their love of freedom, loyalty, and country. Long ago these men took an oath that has no expiration date and they will fight to the end to protect America. For these Geezers, patriotism is more than just a word.
Amazon link: Geezers 2
Kindle Link: Geezers 2
Click the button below for a PDF version of the book for only $3.00!
When enlisting in the United States of America military forces, young men and women take an oath do defend their country and its Constitution. Both from foreign enemies and the domestic variety. With their lives if need be.
Pfc Patrick Stone and Pfc Dan Loman, meet and became brothers-in-arms in the rice fields of Vietnam. Years later, having survived, their friendship extends to the other “Geezers” of the Golden Years Leisure Living facility, particularly Donald Sharky and Ron Case. As old soldiers often do, the senior warriors share time together reliving old campaigns while bemoaning the sorry state of current world affairs.
Having the frustrating job of keeping them out of trouble is the lovely resident manager, Carla Mendoza. It’s no easy task especially when the boys uncover a nest of political agitators in their own backyard. Regardless of the obstacles put in their way, these patriots honor their oath no matter whose toes need stepping on.
Veteran Darryle Purcell offers up three stories introducing a cast of remarkable men who answered the call of duty. They are representative of all the men and women who wore the uniform with pride, honor and courage. And still do.
Adam Shaw provides the cover with the author rendering the interior illustrations.
Amazon Link: Geezers
Kindle Link: Coming Soon!
Click the button below for a PDF version of the book for only $3.00!
“There once was an age of men before the dawn of pre-history, when magic ruled and heroic warriors fought with blood-drenched swords in vicious battles for treasure, power, and honor. It was a time undreamed of, far away in lost eons of time, where lived the most heroic men and women who had ever trod the earth under their momentous bold, and brave hearts. In I, Barbarian, I try to recreate those adventures.
One such hero was Conan The Barbarian, created by Robert E. Howard. These incredible stories touched my heart and soul as a young man. They sang their songs boldly and honestly. Those stories, and others like them, by Howard, and other writers, made up my youth and are imbedded in my consciousness today — even so many decades later.” From the Introduction by the author.
Gary Lovisi is one of New Pulps most prolific and admired writers. Here, in this amazing collection, he offers eleven fast-paced, colorful pulp tales of mighty swordsmen, tempting witches, and dastardly wizards. Accompanying him on these adventures is artist Ron Hill who provides both the stunning cover and interior illustrations. Art Director Rob Davis puts it all together. These are stories intended to make your blood race with the fever of High Adventure in the Age of Heroes.
Amazon Link: Barbarian
Kindle Link: Barbarian
Click the button below for a PDF version of the book for only $3.00!
Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to introduce a brand-new pulp hero to our reading fans.
Meet Harvey Strong, a globe-trotting adventurer who seems to attract trouble like a magnet. In this first collection, Strong is pitted against the ancient Cult of Alkubra; the Cobra. Strong travels to the jungle of Ecuador treasure hunting and battles Nazis in Iceland.
New Pulp writer Tyler Auffhammer whips up an old fashion hero to give Indiana Jones a run for his money, while artist Ron Hill provides the interior illustrations and cover for this first volume. So hang on to your hats, pulp fans. This one is going be a wild non-stop action-packed ride.
Amazon Link: Strong Adventures
Kindle Link: Strong Adventures
Click the button below for a PDF version of the book for only $3.00!
By R.A. Jones
After almost fifteen years of publishing some of the most action-packed adventure pulp novels, new pulp publisher Airship 27 Production is delighted to announce the release of their first-ever pulp romance novel. “Shadows of Love” by R.A. Jones.
Amber Milton, daughter of Lord Kensington, never set out to fall in love with the handsome stable hand, Edwin Stone. Though aware her father was in serious financial jeopardy and might have to sell their country estate, The Barrens, Amber was oblivious to all by her own life of privilege.
When Stone began to teach her how to ride the stable’s fiercest stallion, Storm, Amber felt a new passion awakening in herself. In the end, she could do nothing but succumb and she and Stone pledged their love to each other, come what may.
Then their idyllic vow was shattered when the greedy, unscrupulous banker, Harold Meek, offered Amber’s father the funds to settle his debts. In return for helping him frame Stone for robbery and chasing him away, thus allowing him to marry Amber. In one dark and loathsome ploy, the young lovers are torn apart supposedly never to see each other again, each believing themselves betrayed by the other.
Yet sometimes in the face of such pure, sweet love, Fate takes a hand and through a series of incredible events ranging from Italy to the coast of Africa, Amber Milton and Edwin Stone’s lives are about to be reunited.
Artist James Lyle provides all the interior illustrations plus the cover for this plunge into Harlequin Romance territory.
Amazon Link: Shadows of Love
Kindle Link: Coming Soon!
Click the button below for a PDF version of the book for only $3.00!
In another world almost like our own, America chose not to enter World War II and Germany conquered all of Europe and England. Years later, through political subterfuge, the Nazis also take control of the U.S. government and suddenly Americans find themselves invaded by Nazis armies controlling giant mechanical robots that rain down death and destruction across the land.
Amidst this horror, one-time creamery employee Karl Stanley finds himself hiding in the mountains with a group of freedom fighters led by a young female mechanic named Luna consisting of people from all walks of life, including two Hollywood cowboy stars, Ray Hatton and Big Boy Guinn Williams. And as if that weren’t radical enough, Karl soon learns that the rebels have supernatural allies in the shape of ghostly tribal spirits and their animal avatars.
Now the second American Revolution is underway in writer Darryle Purcell’s fast-paced, action-adventure set in a world we hope never to experience. Purcell also provides the cover to this title while artist Jeff Dobberpuhl the black and white interior illustrations.
Amazon Link: Apocalypse 1952
Kindle Link: Apocalypse 1952
Click the button below for a PDF of the book for just $3.00!!
Buck Jones in the 21st Century
The year is 2022 and the government has created a secret science branch that has developed a working time machine. Agent Dave Custer is sent back to 1942 to save the life of Western movie star Buck Jones and bring him into the future. Upon their arrival, Custer and Jones are confronted by an unknown, well-armed enemy in the mountains of western Arizona. The inventor of the time machine—Prof. Zack Delaney—and his beautiful, blonde assistant—Sky Blue—join the battle against an organized cabal capable of coordinating mob riots, industrial espionage, and political assassinations.
Veteran writer and editorial cartoonist Darryle Purcell lets his imagination soar to new heights of pulp action and adventure. Not only spinning this fast-paced tale but also providing all the art from cover to interior illustrations. This is only the first of his new titles for Airship 27 Production.
Amazon link: Buck Jones
Kindle link: Buck Jones
Click the button below for a PDF of the book for just $3.00!!
During the 1940s the super-powered Crimson Howl, Human Bullet and the Swami were known as The Exceptionals. They were America’s first-ever enhanced heroes battling crime across the land. In World Warr II they joined the Allied Forces and helped defeat the Nazis only to come home and be perceived as a threat by their own government. In the end, they were ordered to cease their activities or face imprisonment. In complying, they disappeared from the public eye.
Years later, their mentor, science genius Dr. McCoy, is found brutally murdered with a message in blood left scrawled across his office wall. FIND THE HOWL. FBI Agents Ben Mulcahey and Harken Rourke are assigned the case which will entail locating those old super beings and uncovering secrets long hidden in the past. Secrets someone considers worth killing for.
First-time novelists Paul Landri and Jason Clark offer a grim, realistic look at the world of super-beings and the hidden layer of darkness beneath the surface of absolute power.
Amazon Link: Crimson Howl
Kindle Link: Crimson Howl
Click the button below for a PDF of the book for just $3.00!!
Prof. George Challenger
George Edward Challenger is a fictional character in a series of fantasy and science fiction stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Unlike Doyle’s intellectual super detective, Sherlock Holmes, Professor Challenger is an aggressive, hot-tempered, dominating figure. The fearless scientist was accompanied on his perilous missions by reporter Edward “Ned” Malone who narrated the adventures.
The Challenger Chronicles Volume Two
Arthur Conan Doyle’s scientist adventurer, Prof. George Challenger, returns in three new out-of-this-world stories filled with wonder and excitement. From investigating a crashed alien spacecraft to two mysterious craters in the heart of Ecuadorian jungles, Challenger must use his daring and intelligence to face the unknown. This includes joining Winston Churchill on a top-secret mission to Afghanistan.
Pulp writers Wayne Carey, Thomas Kent Miller, and Kevin Findley spin three amazing adventures featuring one of English literature's most classic heroes. California-based artist Clayton Hinkle provides the cover and the gorgeous black-and-white interior illustrations.
Amazon Link: Challenger Chronicles V2
Kindle Link: Coming Soon!
For a special $3 PDF of the book use the button below:
The Challenger Chronicles Volume One
Airship 27 Production is thrilled to debut brand new adventures of Arthur Conan Doyle’s second great hero. Prof. George Challenger. In this premier volume, writers Gordon Dymowski, Barbara Doran, Michael Panush, and Samanthan Lienhart send the daring Challenger to strange and exotic locales always in search of new wonders and thrills. Artist Clayton Hinkle provides both the interior illustrations and the dramatic color cover.
Amazon link: Challenger Chronicles V1
Kindle link: Challenger Chronicles V1
Click the button below for a PDF of the book for just $3.00!!
At seventy-five years old, John Taylor lives in an old church on Indian land, reflecting on his time as sheriff of Devil's Creek Run, a mining community that was desperately trying to find its way in the harsh and unforgiving land of the frontier west. From dealing with devastating droughts, Indian uprisings, and legendary outlaws, he is surrounded by the ghosts of those he has lost along the trail, friends and enemies as he reflects on it long after sunset.
Jon Casey delivers an original western focusing the spotlight on one man and how the land and history shaped him. This tale of the rugged frontier packs an emotional wallop.
Colorado artist Sam Salas provides the interior illustrations and Shannon Hall the dramatic cover, with Art Director Rob Davis doing the book design.
Amazon Link: After Sunset
Kindle Link: After Sunset
Click the button below for a PDF of the book for just $3.00!!
Blood Spiller's Quarry: A Novel of the Stone Law
In the first city of the Stone Age, a Neanderthal lawman hunts the world’s first serial killer. During a time of monstrous beasts and warring tribes, the sprawling Cro-Magnon settlement known as the Heap is home to new things: safety, trade, peace—and law. Red, a Broadhead exile adopted by the Heap, keeps those laws. He is a Fang, a sworn protector of the Heap’s people, and he’s dealt with everything from prehistory’s first crime lords and caveman blood feuds to forest-dwelling cannibals and mammoth stampedes.
A new terror comes to the Heap: the Blood-Spiller, a masked nightmare who kills without provocation. Red and his partner, the clever former warrior Star, struggle to catch this new killer in the flickering torchlight and primeval shadows of the dawn of mankind. And lurking under it all is a brewing war between the Heap and Red’s Neanderthal kin—and the dark conspiracy behind the birth of civilization itself.
Writer Michael Panush delivers a truly remarkable tale set against the backdrop of mankind’s earliest presence on the planet. Artist Earl Geier provides the cover and interior illustrations while Art Director Rob Davis designs the book. An unusual adventure for pulp fans everywhere.
Amazon Link: Stone Law
Kindle Link: Stone Law
Click the button below for a PDF of the book for just $3.00!!
Jesse Frost was a rising star in the world-wide conglomerate communication giant known as Megaplex. But when he accidentally stumbles upon a top secret project underway that will subvert soon to be launched satellites to illegally benefit the company, he attempts to contact the authorities. In the process he finds himself the target of hired assassins. In a desperate last act, Frost contacts the Daye Foundation via a library computer. The mysterious organization has ads offering assistance to anyone in jeopardy, regardless of the circumstances.
Help arrives too late to save Frost, but a mysterious agent from the Foundation known only as Solitaire takes on the assignment of uncovering Megaplex’s plans and finding the man responsible for Frost’s death. It is an assignment that will take the super spy from New York to Japan and finally the desert outback of Australia. Writer Lee Houston Jr. offers up a brand-new pulp hero in this thrill-a-minute adventure that will soon have readers mesmerized. Solitaire’s debut appearance is a welcome addition to the role of new modern day avengers.
Amazon Link: Solitaire
Kindle Link: Solitaire
To purchase a PDF copy of this book for only $3 click the button below:
When mysterious rocks fall out of the night sky, Princeton Astronomer Peter Armstrong is kidnapped by a group of criminals led by a mysterious little fellow named Stuka. He discovered the rocks emanate lethal radiation that melts people. Managing to escape, Armstrong soon realizes that he is the target not only of the gangsters but also foreign agents wishing to possess the stones and develop them into super weapons.
Writer Bob Madison delivers a fast-paced, old fashion pulp adventure reminiscent of the classic movie matinee serials. The action is non-stop with a cast of truly colorful characters.
Amazon paperback link: The Lucifer Stone
Kindle link: The Lucifer Stone
Click the button below for a PDF of the book for only $3.00!
Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to announce the debut of pulpdom’s newest hero, aviator Radio Rita. Envisioned originally as a pin-up representation of the publishing house by Managing Editor, Ron Fortier, the character took on a life of her own when several New Pulp writers suggested writing stories of the tall, action-loving redhead. Enticed by the idea, Fortier challenged writers to imagine their versions of the character from a set of four basic physical attributes. The result is four unique women, all of them Radio Rita. Buckle up for adventure, pulp fans. She’s still one of a kind.
Volume one features tales by Teel James Glenn, Samantha Lienhard, Gene Moyers, and Mel Odom with illustrations by Rob Davis and a cover by Ted Hammond. ***Winner of the 2023 Pulp Factory Award for Best Interior Art! ***
Kindle Link: Radio Rita
Amazon Link: Radio Rita
To purchase a PDF of the book for only $3 use the button below:
From horror to fantasy, action-adventure to mystery, writer Brad Sinor has covered them all. With his own unique styling and original twists, he produces remarkable stories. Collected here are 15 such tales guaranteed to excite and thrill any lover of pulp fiction.
Kindle Link: Pulp Writer
Amazon Link: Pulp Writer
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Greg Hatcher (1960-2021) was a dedicated teacher and writer. Before his passing at age 60, Hatcher created one of the most original characters in New Pulp fiction, Dr. Fixit, the man who invented super villains’ fantastic machines. This volume contains his first three published Dr. Fixit tales plus the fourth, which was completed by fellow New Pulp Scribe, Fred Adams Jr. It is a fitting tribute to a truly fine writer. Included is a Foreword by Greg‘s widow Julie.
The first three stories below were first published in Airship 27's anthology series Mystery Men & Women V. 6-8.
Mechanic Ernie Voskovec had a gift for fixing things. Working for criminal masterminds was an easy way to make money until….
Fixit finds himself hired by the creepy hero Ghostwalker to build a one of a kind car.
Ernie takes his sick wife on a vacation to the Mexican coast only to discover an old colleague awaiting them with nefarious plans.
with Fred Adams Jr.
When old Ernie Voskevec is kidnapped from his nursing he little realizes he’s about to experience one final adventure as the notorious Dr. Fixit.
Kindle Link: Dr. Fixit
Amazon Link: Dr. Fixit
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Qing began life as the little prince’s prized golden carp living carefree in a delightful pond on the royal estate. Then one day he ingested a magical soul stone and found himself evolving into consciousness. With this came other abilities such as flying and changing his shape; even into human form.
All of which would have been terribly confusing and maybe dangerous until he encountered the gifted Book Hunter Master Zhi Wanku who was instantly captivated by him. Enough so that she offered to accept him as her apprentice and teach him the proper way to continue his growth into a fully realized dragon.
When part of a town is set aflame by burning birds, Master Book Hunter Zhi Wenku suspects someone has released the creatures from a stolen artifact known as the Pot of a Thousand Crows. Along with her friend, Shen Wei, and their two apprentices, Qing, the koi dragon, and Xinglu, the dog demon, they set about to investigate.
All too soon the trail of facts leads to the mysterious death of an ancient cultivator known as Pan Wei and the magical wonders taken by his chief disciple and supposedly duplicated. Thus Zhi Wenku and Shen Wei have to deduce if they are indeed dealing with the authentic relics or cleverly constructed fakes. Soon they, and their allies, find themselves targets of the mysterious villains manipulating the destructive attacks.
Barbara Doran once again weaves a truly imaginative fantasy based on Chinese lore and mythology filled with colorful and truly unique characters. A fun romp from start to finish.
Paperback Link: Book Hunter's Disciple
Kindle Link: Book Hunter's Disciple
To purchase a PDF of the book for only $3 use the button below:
Qing began life as the little prince’s prized golden carp living carefree in a delightful pond on the royal estate. Then one day he ingested a magical soul stone and found himself evolving into consciousness. With this came other abilities such as flying and changing his shape; even into human form.
All of which would have been terribly confusing and maybe dangerous until he encountered the gifted Book Hunter Master Zhi Wanku who was instantly captivated by him. Enough so that she offered to accept him as her apprentice and teach him the proper way to continue his growth into a fully realized dragon.
From that moment on their adventures together were the stuff of legend and they encountered all kinds of weird and bizarre people and creatures along their journeys. Some would become staunch allies in their battle against the sorcerer Zhu Khan and his army of puppets locked away in a mighty mountain fortress.
Once again Barbara Doran weaves a beautiful and thrilling Chinese fantasy with truly memorable characters in a story rich with humor and adventure.
Amazon Link: Book Hunter
Kindle Link: Book Hunter
To purchase a PDF of the book for only $3 use the button below:
A rousing action-adventure tale in an alternate timeline. In a world much like ours, though different, the end of World War One saw a major shift in international alliances. Now, years after the conflict, hatreds are flaring up again; this time, the prize is the riches of Africa. And the battles will be fought in giant airships soaring above the clouds.
Writer Gene Moyers envisions a world that might have been in this fast-paced adventure where brave aviators aboard a German Zeppelin do combat in lighter-than-air behemoths. It is both beautiful and terrifying and will test their mettle to the utmost. Artist Brian McCulloch provides the cover with artist Mike Harris the nine black and white interior illustrations.
Amazon Link: Zeppelins Over Afrika
Kindle Link: Zeppelins Over Afrika
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While on a trip to Baltimore, writer Edgar Allan Poe finds himself lost one night in the bustling new American metropolis. He stumbled upon a strange mansion on the city’s outskirts where he is welcomed by a bizarre figure to attend a garish ball.
The little guide, named Reynolds, wears a realistic head mask of a sharp-tooth dog and once inside the weird festivities, leads Poe to an upstairs room to meet his host. There assembled are six other wanderers also puzzled by their presence there. When the master arrives, he is garbed in a long red cloak and hood and wears a frightening skull mask. He calls himself the Red Death and explains that they are invited to partake in a contest of spiritual survival.
If any of them can find the exit to the house, they will be set free. Whereas any who fail will die and their souls condemned to the fires of hell.
Writer R.A. Jones spins a fanciful tale of horror and human despair that unveils the true sins of six people and their desperate attempts to flee their inescapable judgment.
Amazon Link: The Last Days of POE
Kindle Link: The Last Days of POE
To purchase a PDF of the book for only $3 use the button below:
Airship 27 Production is thrilled to present Doc Atlas. He was created by Michael A. Black and Ray Lovato as their homage to the classic 30s and 40s characters such as Doc Savage, Jim Anthony, et al. In no time Doc and his team became huge fan favorites appearing via multiple publishers such as Eclipse Publishing and Crossroads Press. Now at long last, the dynamic trio of Doc, Thomas “Mad Dog” Deagan, and Edward “Ace” Assante have found a new home with Airship 27 Productions.
In this premiere volume, the dynamic trio of Doc ATLAS, Thomas “Mad Dog” Deagan, and Edward “Ace” Assante deal with three action-packed cases. From a deadly mystery haunting an ancient Mayan pyramid in Mexico, to Roswell, New Mexico to investigate the supposed crash of a flying saucer. And finally, down to the Amazon jungle on the trail of Nazi war criminals in control of a mysterious death-dealing monster. Here is action and adventure in the mold of the classic pulps with a daring new perspective by two amazing storytellers in crators Michael A. Black and Raymond Luis James Lovato. This is what New Pulp was made for!
Joining the team of Black and Lovato on Airship 27’s new Doc Atlas series is Pulp Factory Award-winning artist Ed Catto. Catto provides all the illustrations for this dynamic series from cover to interiors. Here is a package together Airship 27 believes all New Pulp fans are going to relish!
Amazon link: Doc ATLAS
Kindle link: Doc ATLAS
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Airship 27 Production is extremely proud to present a very special book in memory of one of pulpdom’s most enthusiastic fans and historians, the late Mark Halegua of New York who passed away last in 2021.
Amidst the Great Depression, Robert Ackers is an average guy trying to earn his living as a writer living in New York City. When a strange alien medallion comes into his possession and introduces him to an alien entity with incredible powers, his life is altered forever.
The being “in” the medallion can turn mild-mannered Ackers into a bonafide superhero, one encased in a seven-foot shell of pure blue light. With super-strength, invisibility, speed, and even telepathy, the Blue Light arrives on the scene with a bang, so become the dreaded foe of the local mobs and a hero to the neighborhood people.
But all isn’t fun and games as Ackers’ new career puts him in danger and those around him whom he cherishes, especially his new girlfriend, Sarah Baker. Inspired by the notes of the late Mark Halegua, writers Nancy Hansen and Lee Houston Jr. spin a wild and crazy story that is thrilling, humorous, and always fun from the first page to the last. Art Director Rob Davis provides the cover and artist Sam Salas the interior illustrations. The Blue Light is here to stay.
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Joe Computer-Private Investigator
Imagine the inner workings of a computer as an actual world called the Community. Its inhabitants are the programs that dwell there. Among these is a investigative fix-it type program designed to find and correct corruptions with the Community. Its name is Joe Computer, Private Eye.
In this collection of unique stories, Joe tackles a mysterious program known only as the Sicilian and must stop him from unleashing the Black Virus that could wipe out the Community. Then he to stop a revolution, Joe goes digitally undercover to find the source of the malcontents. In his third outing he deals with the ghosts of human programmers and finally has to save Alice, his kidnapped secretary.
Using iconic Private Eye set pieces, writer Lou Mougin sets the mystery world on its ear with this truly original take on tough-guy mysteries. Argentine artist Fer Calvi provides his unique art styling with both the interior illustrations and cover image. Award winning Art Director Rob Davis puts it all together for this one of a kind adventure. Joe Computer is truly one of a kind and that’s no lie.
Amazon Link: Joe Computer
Kindle Link: Joe Computer
To purchase a PDF of the book for only $3 use the button below:
Sprung from the mind of writer and raconteur Teel James Glenn Altiva is a fantasy world with two suns and a world of action and adventure in the mold of writer Egar Rice Burroughs, creator of Tarzan and John Carter of Mars.
Chronicles of Altiva
Book Two: The Battle for Stormrest
In this, the second novel in the Chronicles of Altiva, writer Teel James Glenn continues his epic saga. In the highlands of Umbria, the new leader of the Clan Shoutte, Erique, battles the outside armies pitted against his realm and the spy operating within his own ranks. Trained in a foreign land as a healer, Erique’s leadership is severely tested as he attempts to unite the various clans into one alliance, which he sees as the only salvation for the destruction they all face. Added by his dearest friend, Dame Arinna Cabal, his sister Cather, and the warrior ruler, Uta, he will make a valiant stand against the dark forces of the Shadowcasters.
Amazon Link: Battle for Stormrest
Kindle Link: Coming Soon!
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Book One: Journey to Stormrest
As a young prince, Erique rebelled against the idea of becoming a leader. He wanted to study religion and so left the highlands of his homeland Umbria to enroll in a foreign warrior monastery. Years later news arrives that his older brother, Atrum, the ruler of the Shoutte clan has been murdered. Now the newly ordained cleric has no choice but to return and assume the royal mantel of Shoutte of Shoutte. But Erique doesn’t do so alone, as the redheaded Arinna Cabal, the daughter of his sage teacher, volunteers to accompany him.
What awaits them is mystery, bloodshed and treachery as the prodigal prince will discover all of the highland clans are threatened by a mysterious foe capable of using dark magic against them. And it will fall on him to uncover this enemy before total destruction befalls them all.
Amazon link: Journey to Stormrest
Kindle link: Journey to Stormrest
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Dragonthroat: A Novel of Altiva
A new fantasy adventure novel by award winning New Pulp author Teel James Glenn, “Dragonthroat.” This is the first tale set in the other-world of Altiva. In the grand tradition of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Glenn weaves a fast paced, colorful yarn set in a truly amazing new world.
Vietnam veteran T.K. Mitchell never thought of himself as anything other than a former grunt doing his best to get by from day to day. Life was boringly routine until the appearance of an old woman calling herself Meegana Kakdon claiming to be a Warp Wizard.
She informs T.K. that he was actually born on another world called Altiva located in a different dimension than ours. A world in which his parents ruled. But traitorous foes plotted to overthrow them and before their deaths, they sent their baby to Earth. Now the time has come for T.K. to return to Altiva and claim his birthright.
In the blink of an eye, and very much against his will, T.K. is warped into a strange alien landscape with two suns, one red and one blue. Soon he encounters a warrior priest known as the Reverent Lord Enrique, the Shoutte of the Shoutte. Realizing the young man is a warp orphan, the cleric decides to be his guide. Day by day, T.K. begrudgingly comes to admire this strange and exotic world. A world filled with both beauty and danger to include the Royal Usurper who will stop at nothing to find and destroy him.
Artist Chris Nye provides the black and white interior illustrations and Award Winning Art Director Rob Davis the cover. Burroughs fans are going to enjoy this new series and rest assured there are many more Altiva stories on the way.
Amazon link: Dragonthroat
Kindle link: Dragonthroat
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MARSHAL HORNE of Talon’s Crossing
Talon’s Crossing, Nevada is a fast growing western town with its share of growing pains. Born on the edge of the frontier by ranchers and farmers weary of the horrors of the past Civil War, it is home to both the good and the bad. Men and women seeking their fortune off a land that doesn’t give it up easily. From buffalo hunters, to miners, cattlemen and gunfighters, all contending with the desperate Indian tribes and the unforgiving weather.
Maintaining law and order in Talon’s Crossing is veteran lawman Marshal Gideon Horne and his young, inexperienced Deputy Seth Barr. In four new stories they content with an audacious shooting competition, the mysterious murder of a cowhand, a notorious outlaw gang on the loose and the discovery of gold in the hills surrounding the town.
Amazon Link: Marshal Horne
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The Great Chicago Fire Conspiracy
The Arsonist
An obsessed, twisted maniac targets the city of Chicago for destruction in retribution for the burning of Atlanta ten years earlier during the Civil War. But he has been hunted around the world by an ex-Union officer named Philip Avers who knows his true identity.
Both men converge on the bustling metropolis on a hot summer night of 1871 as the Arsonist sets his plans in motion, Avers is too late to stop him. Now, with the help of a Chicago Tribune reporter names Richard Cromie, Avers will race through a fiery hell on earth to capture the fiend and bring him to justice. But only if he and Cromie can survive the holocaust themselves.
Writer George Tackes spins an incredible tale set against the background of one of the greatest tragedies in the history of America.
Amazon Link: Chicago Fire
Kindle Link: Chicago Fire
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Beautician to Vigilante
Teasy Sanders patrolled the streets at night wearing her lime green F. U. tee shirt from Flatiron University where she wished she could have attended. Like so many people in her neighborhood she’s tired of the criminals like the Gray Wolf gang who’d taken over. Gangs had killed her family and friends and she wanted her neighborhood back. She had the tools to put an end to the criminal activity, but the air pollution in the city was getting worse by the minute. And Teasy and her new gang may have found an answer to that.
The Civil Rights Act had once more been amended, and now included all life forms: humans, werewolves, vampires, and the most hideous, zombies. And suddenly the world was full of them. But could they save the world before everyone choked to death on the pollution?
Peggy Chambers delivers a fun romp through a world where fantasy becomes reality and the answer to the world’s problems could be sitting in an abandoned subway tunnel just waiting to be discovered.
Amazon Link: Flatiron
Kindle Link: Flatiron
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In the far distant future the Earth has long been abandoned, the majority of mankind traveling to the stars to discover new worlds. Whereas old hatreds continue to fester among those who remain until a global nuclear war lays waste to everything. Hundreds of years later a demigod named Jordyn Orion descends on what remains to discover new human enclaves have sprung up among which are men and women possessing strange, supernatural abilities.
Famed fantasy adventure writer Nancy Hansen returns to the post-apocalyptic world of The Silver Pentacle in this second volume which features two new stories. In “Lords of the Deep” the starman, Jordyn Orion continues to add to his team of heroes. This includes the shy but courageous half-human silkie, Roan Finnman.
Then in “Silken Death,” our crew come across an abandoned residential community infested with giant spiders that must be eradicated completely. Once again Hansen weaves her magic spell in a world totally unique but filled with the same universal struggles of good vs evil in the most amazing ways.
Artist Guy Davis provides the beautiful cover and accompanying nine black and white interior illustrations.
Amazon link: Pentacle 2
Kindle link: Pentacle 2
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In the far distant future the Earth has long been abandoned, the majority of mankind traveling to the stars to discover new worlds. Whereas old hatreds continue to fester among those who remain until a global nuclear war lays waste to everything. Hundreds of years later a demigod named Jordyn Orion descends on what remains to discover new human enclaves have sprung up among which are men and women possessing strange, supernatural abilities.
One of these is the young fire-starter Aleta Kalama and together the two battle the Angel of Death in the ruins of a once great Metropolis. Later they join forces with a lovely Wind Shaper to take on a merciless sea pirate known as Crazy Katy.
Master Storyteller Nancy Hansen launches her most imaginative series yet in “The Silver Pentacle.” These are fantastic tales from a time and place lost to the future.
Amazon link: The Silver Pentacle
Kindle link: The Silver Pentacle
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At the height of the Spanish Inquisition, a large number of the faithful fled Spain and the corrupted church to find haven and new lives on a chain of small islands south of Cuba. There, under the guidance of their priest, Father Beppo, they established peaceful fishing villages that would sustain them in both body and soul. It was their small piece of an earthly heaven.
Then black sails appeared on the horizon, furled from the masts of an unholy ship called Votrelec and captained by Varleck, a vampire pirate. Ever on the hunt for fresh bodies to man his crew of the undead, the blood hungry monster is delighted when discovering the unprotected islands. He is overconfident in his dark powers. Soon he realizes the villagers, under the guidance of the old cleric, have no intention of succumbing to his monstrous will. And so the endless battle of good versus evil is joined. But who will emerge victorious and who will fall when the seas run red with blood?
Amazon link: Fangs of the Sea
Kindle link: Fangs of the Sea
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Jon Shadows is a freelance bodyguard and investigator. In Jon Shadows, award winning pulp scribe, Teel James Glenn, has created a terrific new hero with echoes of the classic pulp avengers.
Jon Shadows, son of a fabled adventurer and mysterious female ninja assassin, courts danger wherever he goes. He takes on two new challenges in this volume, both of which could prove the final chapter of his daring exploits.
First, while visiting the alluring Flora Temple in New Orleans, a random act of violence leads them into a tangle of murder, robbery, and more. Next, he is contacted by the widow of a former Marine buddy who suspects her husband’s death was orchestrated by a billionaire genius sequestered on Wolf Island, a bizarre medieval fortress built on a remote island.
Award-winning writer Teel James Glenn offers up double the thrills and derring-do synonymous with the one and only Jon Shadows.
Amazon Link: Deadly Shadows
Kindle Link: Deadly Shadows
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When his ex-lover, Maria, tells him her billionaire husband, William Carter, is trying to kill her, he can’t help but come to her aid. Shadows’ plan is to attend an annual corporate employee meeting on Carter’s private island and do some digging.
He soon discovers the eccentric computer mogul has ominous ties to the Japanese crime syndicate known as the Yukaza and is already being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. But before Shadows can make sense of the data, a close friend is brutally murdered and it looks like he is slated to be the killer’s next target.
In Jon Shadows, award winning pulp scribe, Teel James Glenn, has created a terrific new hero with echoes of the classics avengers. In the end, Jon’s enemies soon learn “Killing Shadows” is no easy matter.
Amazon Link: Killing Shadows
Kindle Link: Killing Shadows
Click the button below to purchase a $3.00 PDF of the book directly from Airship 27!:
All for One
From the pages of Alexandre Dumas’ classic adventure novels come the Three Musketeers. The King of France’s personal guard will pledge their loyalty to their country and themselves in their boisterous cry, “All for one and one for all!” Now these colorful characters are back. First we have Athos, the veteran soldier who lives with a broken heart. Then we have Aramis, the priest turned swordsman. Finally there is Porthos, the larger than life rascal with a giant appetite for food, women and adventure. All of them watching over their young protégé, the handsome and daring D’Artagnan.
In two fast-paced action tales and one thrill-packed novella, these four famous heroes are back to thrill and excite new readers. From Italy, to Spain and then the new world of Canada, these men will take on any and all villainy as only they can. New Pulp scribes Joel Jenkins, Paul Beale and Alan J. Porter deliver three amazing tales continuing the exploits of Dumas’ cavalier musketeers
Amazon.com Link: The Musketeers New Adventures
Kindle Link: The Musketeers New Adventures
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Runemaster: Shield Maiden's Blade
The greatest village in the northland of Njodica is that of Kirwall, led by the battle veteran known as the Runemaster. His son, Skarl hopes to one day take his place and possess the mystic Rune axe. But Skarl is falsely accused of a crime by a jealous warrior and cast out. Days later the same villain conspired with the Ysling, a bloodthirsty tribe bent on destroying Kirwall. What ensues is a massacre leaving all dead except for Skarl’s beloved, the fiery shield maiden Lucina.
Alone with only his courage and fighting skills, the young warrior sets off on an epic journey to save his beloved. Along the way he will encounter all manner of horrors, both human and animal, ready to end his life alone in the cold wilderness.
Amazon.com Link: Shield Maiden's Blade
Kindle Link: Shield Maiden's Blade
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In an original, fun-filled adventure, two of literature’s most famous young heroes team up in a truly spectacular fashion. Alice from Lewis Carrol’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” finds herself magically transported to Neverland where she encounters the boy who never grew up, James Barrie’s Peter Pan.
But things are different now. Back in England, Alice’s parents have passed away and her older sister admonishes to leave behind her childish immaturity and face the cruelties and hardships in the real world. Whereas Peter has found himself abandoned by the pals the Lost Boys, who have also gone on to adulthood. Is it to be their fate as well? Or is there as yet another magical realm neither has ever imagined? One in which pain and suffering don’t exist and there is only happiness and endless adventures.
And so the pair set off to find this upper level kingdom and in doing so will be an assortment of weird, bizarre characters and challenges. “Alice in Neverland” is truly a tale for all ages, especially for the eternally young at heart.
Amazon.com Link: Alice in Neverland
Kindle Link: Alice in Neverland
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Jenna Coyne never set out to be a detective. She was content working for a sleazy insurance outfit and residing in Boston’s North End. When a case of mistaken apartments gets her caught up in a bad drug deal, she has to rely on her own wit and courage to untangle a twisted crime of vengeance.
Suffering from a case of PTSD, Jenna’s new boyfriend, Boston Police Sgt. Conrad Martin is quickly falling apart and becoming dependent on alcohol. This being the result of their encounter with vicious drug peddlers. Only another baffling puzzle can bring Martin out of his mental fugue. A mystery that will lead them into danger in middle of a savage New Hampshire snow blizzard.
Move over Miss Marple and Nancy Drew, there’s a new Lady Detective on the case!
Amazon.com Link: Jenna Coyne Mysteries v.1
Kindle Link: Jenna Coyne Mysteries V.1
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America’s greatest fear is realized when President Trent’s personal helicopter, Marine One, blows up with him aboard. At the same time, across the Atlantic, Air Force Two carrying Vice-President Duncan McNeil explodes while landing at Rome’s international airport. Within hours a Palestinian radical fringe group called Vengeance claims credit for the assassinations. A shaken Speaker of the House, Oliver Holstein, is immediately sworn in as the new President.
Every intelligence agency of the free world is tasked with finding Husam al Din, the mysterious mastermind behind Vengeance. Then Italian officials report that the Vice-President’s personal Secret Service agent miraculously survived the crash and is recuperating in a Roman hospital. What does he know? Can he provide intelligence that might uncover the inside agents responsible for the twin terror attacks? More importantly, is he still a target of Vengeance?
The stakes have never been higher as a cunning, ruthless foe prepares to unleash a nuclear holocaust on America’s allies in the final Executive Gambit.
Amazon.com Link: Executive Gambit
Kindle Link: Executive Gambit
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Space hauler, Captain Tony Michaels and his alien co-pilot/parter, Jiin of Tz-en, crash land on the planet Nihon; a colony world settled by the descendants of Earth’s Japanese people. Then their ship is confiscated and they are arrested for smuggling. When they attempt to resolve the false charges, they soon discover they are merely pawns in a deadly political civil war between two rival clans.
And if that wasn’t enough to deal with, they discover that specific colonists have begun having visions of ancient aliens who may have been the first indigenous race to live on Nihon.
Once again, writer Wayne Carey has delivered a colorful, old-fashioned science-fiction adventure filled with action and adventure set in strange and alien worlds. Sci-Fi fans will not be disappointed.
Amazon Link: Yokai
Kindle Link: Yokai
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After the planet El’aris was first discovered, human colonists enslaved the alien Tz-en. Then they mined the world’s natural resources for themselves. Eventually the Tz-en organized a rebellion with the help of paid intergalactic mercenaries, among which were Tony Michaels and Jon Perry. With the financial backing of the powerful star-spanning Deltan Technologies, they were victorious.
Ten years later, Michaels is summoned back to El’aris. Now it is the Tz-zen who rule with an iron fist subjugating the human Elarans. A desert tribe known as the Skir’ka has begun terrorist attacks on the major trade centers and Deltan Tech wants him to find and kill their leader. His name is Jon Perry.
Amazon.com Link: EL'ARIS
Kindle Link: ∑∑
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Since before the days of Homer, people have naturally loved a good story. From the oral traditions of heroic sagas all the way to the traveling minstrels of the Middle Ages and the Penny Dreadfuls and Dime Novels of a burgeoning new continent. People have always enjoyed action adventure yarns. Then in the 1930s they evolved as garishly painted monthly magazines printed on rough, cheap paper and they were christened the Pulps.
Today their heritage continues in both the hundreds of paperbacks that entertain the masses as “populace fare.” There’s nothing high-brow here, just plain old-fashioned entertainment as a new 21st century generation has picked up the mantle to continue those amazing tales. In these pages you will find….
The 222 Writers, Artists, Editors, & Publishers Who together are —
Amazon.com Link: Who's Who in New Pulp
Kindle Link: Who's Who in New Pulp
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James Francis sits on a bar stool the night of his 65th birthday reflecting on his sad life. He grew up hating his father, married the wrong girl and was soon divorced. He never had any children or close friends and now he’s alone facing his twilight years. Bitter memories are his sole companions. Or so he believes until he is approached by a funny little man who suggest that he might be able to go back and re-live his life—a second time. Only with one major difference. This time he would make the right decisions. If that were at all possible, would he accept the offer?
And thus begins R.A. Jones’ wonderful tale of a man miraculously given a second chance at life. It is a poignant story that reveals the significance of every choice we make along the journey. Each choice having endless cause and effect to shape the person we will ultimately become. As for James Francis, his do-over is one filled with love, heartache and forgiveness no reader will ever forget.
Amazon.com Link: The Road Twice Traveled
Kindle Link: The Road Twice Traveled
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The Battle of the Immortals
Angus Drake and Jayne Montrose are immortal, members of a select group of humans endowed with this eerie gift. Throughout the ages they enjoy playing elaborate pranks on one another to alleviate the boredom of their existence. When Jayne is captured by an old rival named Erin De Costa, Drake and chum Warren set off to rescue her.
In 1596 the famous Spanish jeweler and silversmith, Don Jose Damon du Juan created a beautiful carnet for Jayne made of a multifaceted red ruby in a silver setting. Considered one of the finest pieces of art ever created, it was supposedly lost at sea many years later. Erin informs Jayne that “Eye of Dawn” is actually in a museum and wants Jayne to steal it for her. If she refuses, Erin will kill several children she has kidnapped from an orphanage Jayne opened decades earlier and continues to support.
With innocent lives in the balance, the battle of the immortals has begun.
Amazon.com Link: The Eye of Dawn
Kindle Link: The Eye of Dawn
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For years Metro City has been watched and protected by the mystery man called The Wraith. Garbed in a black and blue outfit, cape and cowl, this masked vigilante possesses a unique energy power called the Judgment Stare by which he compels his prisoners to relive their crimes through the pain and suffering of their victims.
Created by writer Frank Dirscherl, the Dread Avenger of the Underworld first appeared as a comic series and then ultimately prose and even an independent film.
Airship 27 presents four brand new Wraith stories by the best scribes in New Pulp. Along with The Wraith creator Frank Dirscherl, this volume features stories by Greg Gick, Erik Franklin, Bobby Nash and Adam Oravec.
Whether battling criminal mobs, crooked cops or giant alligators in the sewers, the Wraith will stop at nothing to protect the citizens of Metro City. Beware the yellow glowing eyes of the Judgment Stare.
Amazon Link: The Wraith 1
Kindle Link: The Wraith 1
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My name is Ron Fortier and for most of my adult life I’ve written those wonderful little magazines in which stories are told not only with words but also with beautiful illustrations drawn by talented artists. Comics are an art form created here in America back in the late 1920s and today they are published around the globe.
In the course of my writing career, I have met some truly amazing people with so much talent it often boggles the mind. I’ve become friends with many of them and that humbles me. I’ve done my best to make this a positive narrative. All the incidents I am about to share with you are true and did happen.
So thanks for picking this up. My hope is the stories you are about to read will inform and entertain you but most of all amuse you. After all, when they first came on the scene they weren’t called comics; they were called funny books.
Welcome to my world.
Kindle version: My Life in Comics
Amazon version: My Life in Comics
Available as a PDF for just $2.00 by clicking the button below

It is 1916 and the winds of rebellion are rising in Ireland as Easter Sunday nears. Sick of British rule, Irish freedom fighters plan to strike while England is supposedly pre-occupied with the war in France. Meanwhile, in the village of Carrybeg, young Rauri Mac Cathail operates a small creamery with his Uncle Ivor, a decorated veteran of the Boer campaigns in Africa. Weeks before Easter, Rauri is attacked by a gang of local thugs jealous of his romantic interest with the lovely Aishling O’Hagan and they beat him severely. Left to die in a ditch, Rauri is found by the hunchback orphan, Damian Hughes, and brought to Ina Riley, an old woman with healing skills. What people do not know is that both Ina and Aishling are werewolves and the only way they can save Rauri is to make him a changeling as well.Mixing wild horror fantasy with factual historic events, writer Philip McCormac weaves a tale of drama and passion that is pure pulp magic. One readers will not soon forget!
Kindle version: Behowls
Amazon version: Behowls
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Pittsburg private eye Ike Mars was struck by lightning twice. Now he can change his face to look like anybody else—an enviable talent for any investigator. When a small time hood dies in Mars’ arms, after having been shot, he leaves Mars with a small, key covered in blood.
The street-smart shamus safely assumes the man was killed by people after that key. So, the question is why is it so important as to be worth a man’s life? What mystery does it unlock and how much danger is Mars in now that he possesses it?
Once again, pulp scribe Fred Adams, Jr. launches another thrilling mystery series with this novel starring one of the most unique characters ever to walk the midnight streets of crime novels.
Kindle link: Bloody Key
Amazon link: Bloody Key
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
A former Vietnam Green Beret becomes a werewolf hitman for the New Jersey mob. A private eye struck twice by lightning discovers he can mold his face like rubber and disguise himself to look like other people. Co-joined Chinese American twin brothers solve crimes in San Francisco at the turn of the century. These are only a few of the remarkable, unique and amazing characters you will discover in this collection of six pulp stories from the imagination of Fred Adams Jr. The wonder starts here.
Kindle link: Pulp Writer
Amazon link: Pulp Writer
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
London 2018—Upon his discharge from the military, Captain Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond finds civilian life dull. Posting an ad in the London Times he explains his desire to find new adventures. Much to his surprise, he gets much more than he could have ever bargained for and soon finds himself battling an evil genius bent on destroying all of London. He finds this is a threat he can’t possibly win alone and soon he has recruited his former S.A.S team, unique men with special skills that just might save the day.
The legendary British pulp hero, Bulldog Drummond returns in three brand new adventures. Captain Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond, a nine-year veteran of the Royal Loamshires, 22 SAS Regiment, is a bonafide action junkie. He hates nothing more than dull, boring routine and so he is constantly advertising in London papers in hopes of finding worthy souls seek assistance in a sticky situation. People in need of rescue from impossible odds.
In this volume, Drummond finds himself in the Saharan hellhole of Kufra in search of Ghaddafi’s stolen uranium stock. Then he’s off to the Texas border to assist an FBI pal in hunting the fabled monster known as the Chupacabra. And lastly, when his boss is assassinated and his team goes missing, Drummond must face an old and relentless foe.
Once again proving the words Bulldog Drummond are synonymous with action and adventure.
Amazon Link: Bulldog Drummond V3
Kindle Link: Bulldog Drummond V3
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Former SAS Captain, Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond and his teammates always seem to find themselves in hot water, no matter the place or situation. In this second volume of Airship 27 Productions brand new series, writer Ian Watson lets loose with three explosive action-packed tales.
From the hunt for a missing Nazi Gold Train to confronting a sadistic African warlord and surviving a category 5 hurricane on a small Caribbean island, Bulldog Drummond once again demonstrates why he is one of pulpdom’s oldest and most exciting two-fisted action heroes.
Amazon Link: Bulldog Drummond 2
Kindle Link: Bulldog Drummond 2
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
London 2018—Upon his discharge from the military, Captain Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond finds civilian life dull. Posting an ad in the London Times he explains his desire to find new adventures. Much to his surprise, he gets much more than he could have ever bargained for and soon finds himself battling an evil genius bent on destroying all of London. He finds this is a threat he can’t possibly win alone and soon he has recruited his former S.A.S team, unique men with special skills that just might save the day.
Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to launch the return one of pulpdom’s most illustrious champions, Bulldog Drummond, in “On Poisoned Ground” by writer I.A. Watson. This is a brand new version of a classic hero, reinvented for our times and jam-packed with suspense, thrills and danger enough to fill a half dozen books. Once you open page one, you will not be able to put this book down.
Kindle link: Bulldog Drummond V1
Amazon link: Bulldog Drummond V1
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
During the days of the classic pulps, one of the finest mystery magazines on the stands was 10 DETECTIVE ACES. Among the revolving series that appeared in that monthly were the cases of tough guy private eye Marty Quade as written by Emile C. Tepperman whose career went from 1933 to 1942. His most remembered work has been the Purple Invasion Series for Operator 5.
Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to bring back this classic pulp character in four brand new adventures by writers Gordon Dymowski, Chris Bell, Gene Moyers and Michael Black.
From a missing pulp writer to spies on a military base, gumshoe Quade finds himself always neck deep in hot dames, flying fists and lethal lead. But Quade is no ordinary shamus, with both a quick wit and street-smart survival instincts, he almost always solves the case.
Kindle link: Marty Quade V.1
Amazon link: Marty Quade V.1
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Frustrated with his job as a high school science teacher, Frank Blaine enjoyed his rare weekends participating in Civil War battle re-enactments. It is a passion he shares with his young son, Steve, and several neighbor pals. This particular year they are near Ramsey, Virginia the site of the Pine Creek Battlefield where in 1864 the Union Army fought fiercely to thwart a Confederate excursion northward.
All is going as planned when, in the middle of one exercise, Frank encounters other soldiers not part of his company. Soldiers who suddenly materialize and then vanish in the blink of an eye…as if they weren’t really there. Without any clear rationalization for these encounters, Frank begins to suspect the impossible: that he’s being confronted by ghosts from the actual battle. And, he wonders, if this is so, why?
Author Wayne Carey spins a suspenseful story about a one-hundred-fifty-year-old secret that can no longer remain hidden…even if the dead must at long last tell the tale.
Kindle link: Company of Shadows
Amazon link: Company of Shadows
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
During the 1930s German pulp writer Paul Muller wrote a series of adventures featuring his hero, Sun Koh : Heir of Atlantis. From the very start he was intended to be an Aryan version of America’s Doc Savage. Like Savage he was larger than life and accompanying him on his adventurers was a group of loyal, unique individuals. Whereas Doc Savage was a man of science and his companions all experts in various technical fields, Sun-Koh’s stories were slanted towards mythology and mysticism. He was supposedly a time-traveler from the sunken continent of Atlantis, a member of the Atlantian royal family and master of arcane abilities. Although there were plenty of super-scientific gizmos in his adventures, it was the magic that took center stage. His aides were magicians, immortals and religious Hindu assassins. Quite an eclectic mix.
After being out of print for many years, Dr. Art Sippo’s controversial New Pulp offering returns in this newly expanded Airship 27 edition with an introduction by Pulp Factory Award winning writer, Andrew Salmon and all-new illustrations by Rob Davis.
Kindle Link: Sun Koh
Amazon.com: Sun Koh
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Since the advent of air combat over Europe during World War One, aviation would become an integral part of shaping the military future of all nations. Thus were born skilled men and women whose love of flying and unerring survival skills would label them as Aviation Aces.
Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to take to the wild blue with four brand new, pulse-pounding, cloud-climbing adventures. From a hidden Japanese base in the South China Sea, to the search for a missing scientist and a top-secret mission in a “rubber” plane, these stories soar boldly into the killer skies. Join writers Gene Moyers, Jeff Fournier, Andy Fix, Robert Ricci and Fred Adams Jr. as they fly straight into thrilling pulp action.
Kindle Link: Aviation Aces
Amazon.com: Aviation Aces
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Webster’s dictionary defines “Myth” as a traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or hero or event, with or without a determinable basis of fact or natural explanation, especially one that is concerned with deities or demigods and explains some practice, rite, or phenomenon of nature. A collection of myths is a mythology.
In this new collection, four classic heroes from mythology face new and dangerous challenges to prove once again their worthiness to claim the stature of legends. In the old world of the past, the Viking warrior Sigurd must battle overwhelming odds to attain Valhalla while Hercules travels to Africa to seek the aid of the Red Sorceress.
Switching to the American frontier, the steel-driving man, John Henry encounters a blood-sucking monster ready to contaminate the West. Then Johnny Appleseed, the walking barefoot lad in his tin pot hat, comes to the aid of weary pioneers.
Here are four imaginative adventures from the pens of Teel James Glenn, Elizabeth Freeman, Eric Esquivel, Harding McFadden and Iris Hawkins. All beautifully illustrated by artist Ron Hill.
Amazon Link: Pulp Mytholothy V3
Kindle Link: Coming Soon!
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Three of New Pulp’s finest scribes tackle a trio of such amazing creatures as referred to as myths in their own unique styling. Samantha Lienhard offers up an exciting adventure with the legendary demigod Heracles in his struggles to rescue his family from the afterworld. Michael Panush spins a yarn of the fabled witch Baba Yaga, whose house stands on giant chicken legs, and her war against an obsessed Russian General. And finally, Mel Odom whips up a novella length tall tale of the greatest Western hero of them all, Pecos Bill, as he confronts the magical Sea Hag of the Gulf Sea.
Imagination abounds in these fanciful tales that will have readers cheering happily from cover to cover.
Kindle Link: Pulp Mythology V.2
Amazon.com: Pulp Mythology V.2
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Airship 27 Productions brings you four tales of wonder and imagination as distilled through the minds of today’s New Pulp writers. The stories that have been handed down before the written word that still mesmerize and entertain us. In these pages you will find such eternal heroes as Hercules, Achilles, the Monkey King and Beowulf in classic adventures courtesy of Jamie L. Evans, Joel Jenkins, Barbara Doran and Fred Adams Jr. In PULP MYTHOLOGY, ancient thrills are made new again.
Kindle Link: Pulp Mythology
Amazon.com: Pulp Mythology
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
The Adventures of Captain Graves
Of all the colorful men who sailed the exotic waters of the South Pacific, none was more legendary than Captain Elliot Graves. Rogue, pirate, spy, explorer were all titles used in telling of adventures aboard his ship, The Reaper’s Scythe. Then in 1944, Captain Graves disappeared without a trace, his ship supposedly sinking off the coast of Australia with all hands lost.
Eight years later, reporter Bill Harrison finds Graves living in Honolulu and manages to persuade him to recount the events of his last and greatest adventure. The legendary sea captain then reveals for the first time what actually happened on a remote South Sea island that changed his life forever.
Writer Thomas McNulty spins a fast-paced tale of two-fisted men, beautiful women and lush island paradises where both heaven and hell await. Here are classic pulp thrills as delivered by a master storyteller.
Kindle Link: Captain Graves
Amazon.com: Captain Graves
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
The Wu-Dang Chronicles collects all three volumes of writer Barbara Doran’s classic adventure of Chinese mythology and magic set against the background of the California Gold Rush.
Wu Dang - Fist of the Wanderer
1848 Shanghai. Chinese martial arts master, Yi Xiao, is summoned before his grandmother, Madam Lang. His lookalike cousin, Yi Shu, is next in line to the throne and must reach his dying father to rightfully claim the title of emperor. But an army of assassins is on the hunt for the prince. Madam Lang plans to convince them Yi Xiao is the royal heir and have him flee the country; the destination is San Francisco.
Wu Dang - Exile of the Wanderer
In California, Martial Artist, Yi Xiao, continues seeking his Doa, that elusive wisp of spiritual peace that is so elusive. It certainly doesn’t help when he finds himself dealing with all kinds of supernatural monsters controlled by an American sorcerer named Bly. Bly’s goal is to steal the all-powerful magic of the mighty Old Man Mountain spirit and Xiao has to stop him. Luckily Yi Xiao has his unique allies.
Wu -Dang – Return of the Wanderer
The third final chapter. Working as a mail carrier, Yixao encounters a group of warriors from his mother’s homeland of Khaitan. The Five Elemental Masters are attempting to escape an evil sorcerer and his agents. Failing to subdue his curiosity, Yixao joins Jigme, the Elemental Master of Earth in his battle against the Five Demonic Elementalist. This ultimately leads them back to China for a climactic battle with their real enemy. In the end, it isn’t quite the homecoming the Wanderer had imagined.
In her Wu Dang series, writer Barbara Doran has created an incredible saga filled with some of the most colorful characters to ever grace the pages of Pulp Fiction.
Paperback available at Amazon: Wu Dang
Wu Dang: Return of the Wanderer
Daoist Priest in exile, Lang Yixao, has been traveling through California with his close friend, Heibai Wuchang, doing his best to stay out of trouble and continue his spiritual training. But trouble won’t leave him alone. Working as a mail carrier, he encounters a group of warriors from his mother’s homeland of Khaitan. The Five Elemental Masters are attempting to escape an evil sorcerer and his agents. Failing to subdue his curiosity, Yixao joins Jigme, the Elemental Master of Earth in his battle against the Five Demonic Elemenatalist. This ultimately leads them back to China for a climatic battle with their real enemy. In the end it isn’t quite the homecoming the Wanderer had imagined.
Kindle Link: Wu Dang 3
Amazon.com: Wu Dang3
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Wu Dang: Exile of the Wanderer
Still Wandering
Chinese Martial Artist, Yi Xiao, having been transplanted to California is still seeking his Doa, that elusive wisp of spiritual peace that is so elusive. It certainly doesn’t help when he finds himself dealing with all kinds of supernatural monsters controlled by an American sorcerer named Bly. Bly’s goal is to steal the all-powerful magic of the mighty Old Man Mountain spirit and Xiao has to stop him.
Luckily Yi Xiao has his own unique allies. There is Wu Chang, the walking-dead martial artists sent from China by Xiao’s grandmother to be his bodyguard. Then there is Deathshead, the Indian Coyote spirit with his own agenda and a community of Spanish born sisters that also possess strange arcane abilities. Throw in a water horse and a fire snake creature and once again writer Barbara Dorn cooks up a fantasy stew unlike anything ever imagined.
“Wu-Dang : Exile of the Wanderer,” is a non-stop pulp adventure that will both entertain and delight readers from ten to eighty.
Kindle Link: Wu Dang2
Amazon.com: Wu Dang2
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Shangai to San Francisco
1848 Shanghai. Chinese martial arts master, Yi Xiao, is summoned before his grandmother, Madam Lang. His lookalike cousin, Yi Zhu, is next in line to throne and must reach his dying father to rightfully claim the title of emperor. But an army of assassins is on the hunt for the prince. It is Madam Lang’s plan to convince them Yi Xiao is the royal heir and have him flee the country; destination San Francisco.
And so Xiao embarks on his journey aboard an American schooner piloted by a Captain Burton. But before setting out, he is discovered by a lovely young girl named Gan Han who knows his true identity. She is a master of her family’s Lotus Blossom fighting technique is obsessed with fighting Xiao to prove its superiority over his own style. In the end, he is forced to bring her along, though he adamantly refuses to fight with her. All Xiao seeks is spiritual contentment in achieving his Dao.
Once again Barbara Doran weaves a fanciful adventure merging two different cultures against a unique moment in American history. It is an adventure filled with danger, comedy and magic you soon won’t forget.
Kindle Link: Wu Dang
Amazon.com: Wu Dang
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Six Guns and Sorcery
In 1868, six people sought refuge at a hidden enclave in the high desert country of eastern Oregon: A brilliant female doctor dying of a rare disease; A Confederate deserter; Two refugees from a lynch mob; A former slave; A womanizing shootist. These were the first acolytes of Stonegarden Abbey, learning the secrets of Hermetic magic under the tutelage of the mysterious prophet Ezekiel Reardon. But Ezekiel had an agenda of his own, and their time at Stonegarden ended in fire and tragedy.
Those left alive thought the tragedy was behind them. But the dark power they believed was gone and buried with Ezekiel only slept, and it is awakening now, ten years later. The survivors of Stonegarden must return to the ruined Abbey when they are called to rescue one of their own, a woman they had thought long dead. With the help of a teenage half-breed Native girl, these broken people must reclaim their old skills and find the strength within themselves to save their fallen sister Anne-Marie from an ancient evil… and the fate of the Earth itself might well hang in the balance.
Kindle Link: The Silver Riders
Amazon.com: The Silver Riders
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
In the early 1900s San Francisco tycoon Reginald Smith had all a man could want. His trading business, the Oriental Trade Consortium, had become a financial empire and the beautiful Ling-Tao became his wife. Then his fortunes changed when his beloved died in childbirth, giving him two sons, Ming and Hong. The problem being they were co-joined twins, forever tied to each other by an accident of birth.
Smith hired a brilliant tutor for them who convinced him to stop sheltering his sons from the public. He argued that they would only survive the cruelty of the world by embracing it, by becoming as strong and clever as their father. Thus began their true education and upon his death, Reginald Smith left his vast wealth and influence to his amazing sons.
Together in Mystery
A strange mystery plagues the city's fabled Chinatown. A mysterious gem from China has been stolen and believed to be in the city. Pitting their unique intellects and vast resources, the Smith Brothers take on the case to ward off a bloody tong war. But can even they solve the mystery of the Eye of Quang Chi before the streets run red with blood?
Kindle Link: The Eye
Amazon.com: The Eye
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
In 1947, just outside of Corona, New Mexico, on a hot July day, a flying saucer crash lands in the desert. The government immediately sends in the military and has the alien craft and its crew transported to an airbase in Roswell. Four of the five alien voyagers are dead, the fifth, a huge, gelatinous creature, becomes the sole focus of their investigation.
Leading in the study is C.I.A. officer Celeste Gains. By accident she creates both a mental and physical bond with the alien who refers to itself as Sslits. For the next fifty years it will be the entire purpose of her existence. Her mission is twofold. First to keep it out of the public eye and second, prevent unscrupulous government agencies from exploiting Sslits’ amazing abilities. Among these is nullifying the aging process for her. At ninety, Celeste doesn’t look older than her mid thirties.
When a second Sslits arrives on earth, its sole purpose to locate and destroy the first, Celeste is faced with her greatest challenge yet. Veteran writer Michael Vance offers up both a fresh and frightening look at a “first encounter” unlike anything ever imagined.
Kindle Link: Sslits
Amazon.com: Sslits
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to present the first novel based on the action packed, adult comic "Scimidar" created by writer R.A. Jones and artist Rob Davis. Between 1986 and 1994, Eternity Comics, a label of Malibu Comics, published creator owned, offbeat titles and none was more original than "Scimidar" first released in 1988.
Set in a post apocalyptic world of the far future, Jones & Davis' series told the story of a beautiful, sexy mercenary who would do whatever it took to survive and protect those she loved. "Scimidar" pushed the envelope in regards to fast-paced, action orientated adult fare for its time and is to this day fondly remembered by its legion of fans.
Now R.A. Jones retells the origin in this exciting new, pulp infused novel, while Davis returns as the book's illustrator. There was never another character like "Scimidar," before or since. Open this book and find out why.
Kindle Link: SCIMIDAR
Amazon.com: SCIMIDAR
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
At one time boxer Pepe Rodriguez believed his only opponents were the men he faced in the ring. But when his own self-doubts derail his boxing career, Pepe soon learns to understand one’s own personal demons are the most deadly foes of all. Years later they return to once again threaten any chance he has of real happiness and contentment. In the end he will have to endure one final bout against his darker side or risk losing his soul to despair forever.
With the Hyde Seed writer Michael Housel delivers an insightful cautionary tale about the duality of life and the struggles all of us must face in one way or another.
Kindle Link: The Hyde Seed
Amazon.com: The Hyde Seed
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
The brainchild of the late radio personality and fiction writer Mark Justice, the Dead Sheriff chronicles the exploits of an Old West Zombie lawman and his trusted indian companion/handler. This series is the epitome of "Weird Western", an unlikely offshoot of the Wild West storytelling exemplified by Louis Lamour, Zane Grey and John Wayne films. Sit back, turn down the lights and settle in to enjoy a horrifyingly fun time in the Weird West with The Dead Sheriff.
The Dead Sheriff: A Cold and Lonesome Grave
When Indian half-breed Sam, journalist Richard O’Malley and their charge, the Dead Sheriff, encounter a group of Irish free-fighters in the Canadian Rockies, it sets them on their strangest adventure yet. The Fenians are led by Lizzie Callahan, O’Malley’s first love from Boston. Nicknamed the Banshee, she and her group are set to ambush a British expedition out of Vancouver that is looking to capture the fabled Bigfoot. The Brits, led by one Lady Thorne, believe the creature is the missing link in human evolution. The Banshee and her group plan on disrupting the plot and taking the Sasquatch for themselves ransoming it to help fund their activities.
Against Sam’s protestations, O’Malley commits them to partner with the rebels unaware that there is another of the Demonic Master’s agents inhabiting that frozen wilderness. It exists in the shape of a supernatural cannibal known as the Wendigo. Aware of their destination, the Master directs the Wendigo to find and destroy them.
Writer Phillip Pan pulls out all the stops in delivering another gripping tale of horror and suspense in this, the sixth chapter in the saga of the west’s weirdest hero, the Dead Sheriff.
Amazon Link: Dead Sheriff 5
Kindle Link: Dead Sheriff 5
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
The Master's Hellspawn
Since acquiring the magic amulet, the half-breed Sam has used it to re-animate a murdered lawman thus creating the Dead Sheriff. To maintain the fabrication of a zombie avenger, he adopted the role of Cheveyo, the Dead Sheriff’s loyal Indian companion. Together they roam the west hunting outlaws and supernatural monsters accompanied by Richard O’Malley, a Boston journalist looking to chronicle their adventures in dime novels.
The amulet was once the property of a New Orleans mystic known as the Master and he wants it back. To that end the Master recruits a sadistic arsonist named Perdifious who believes himself Satan’s own Hellspawn and has gathered together an army of savage, sadistic killers. They wreak havoc and destruction wherever they go and their next destination is a Quaker settlement named Purity. Learning of this, Sam, the Dead Sheriff and O’Malley plan to confront them there and save a town full of non-violent pioneers.
Amazon.com: Dead Sheriff 4
Kindle: Dead Sheriff 4
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
The Dead Sheriff: Holster of Death
The mysterious Master has been seeking the half-breed Indian Sam who rides with the Dead Sheriff as his companion Cheveyo. It is all a ruse, as the fabled zombie lawman is nothing more than a puppet corpse manipulated by Sam through the use of a magic amulet; an amulet Sam stole from one of the Master’s agents.
When the Great Castwell’s traveling magic show appears claiming to have the Dead Sheriff as one of its acts, the Master dispatches the demonic twins Damon and Emile Loizeux to investigate. They discover that Castwell is a fraud and his Dead Sheriff is merely an actor in disguise. Still, if allowed to continue, the show will ultimately attract Sam and his pal, journalist Richard O’Malley. Thus the trap is baited setting up a confrontation that will be both horrific and cataclysmic.
Veteran pulp writer Fred Adams Jr. creates a fast-paced weird western thriller featuring the characters created by the late Mark Justice adding to the saga of the west’s most bizarre hero, the Dead Sheriff.
Amazon.com: Dead Sheriff 3
Kindle: Dead Sheriff 3
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
The Dead Sheriff Cannibals & Bloodsuckers
Before his death in Feb, 2016, radio personality turned pulp writer, Mark Justice wrote “The Dead Sheriff,” a weird western that merged his love of both horror fiction and cowboy movies. Last year Airship 27 Productions proudly produced a new edition of that one and only book. Later, it was learned that Mark had actually begun a second book featuring the creepy lawman and his Indian companion, Sam. After reading the partial manuscript, fellow pulp scribe Ron Fortier volunteered to complete the tale with Mark’s widow, Norma Kay Justice, giving her approval. Starting only months after the conclusion of their first adventure, Sam and journalist, Richard O’Malley, along with the Dead Sheriff, find themselves battling twisted cannibal brothers, a traveling bordello of vampire prostitutes and a demon from hell. Can even the Dead Sheriff survive this Trio of Terror? Featuring a special post-script by Mrs. Norma Kay Justice.
Amazon.com: The Dead Sheriff 2
Kindle: The Dead Sheriff 2
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Richard O'Malley is a hard working Boston reporter in the years following the Civil War. He is fascinated by tales of the wild west and the colorful frontiersmen who are taming it. None captivate him more than the stories of the Dead Sheriff; a dedicated lawman who had risen from the grave to continue his mission. Taking his life savings, O'Malley embarks on a personal quest to find this mythical figure and chronicle his exploits. What he finds will make them both legends.
Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to bring pulp fans Mark Justice's most original creation in this new, expanded edition; the first of a brand new series starring THE DEAD SHERIFF.
Kindle Link: The Dead Sheriff
Amazon.com:The Dead Sheriff
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
High atop the Clarion Tower, a blinking red light begins to pulse signaling one of New York City’s most illustrious, vigilante heroes, the Phantom Detective. In reality, he is Curtis Van Loan, a debonair playboy millionaire well known in the society columns of all the major dailies. What is hidden from the public is Van Loan’s dedication to law and order. A decorated combat pilot during World War I, he is an expert fencer, ju-jitsu master and speaks a dozen foreign tongues fluently. Forget the silly Top Hat featured on the old pulp covers, while in action the Phantom Detective wore a belted topcoat, a fedora and black domino mask. He carried a .45 automatic and a hidden knife in his left sleeve.
Curtis Van Loan, wealthy Manhattan playboy by day, masked avenger by night as the Phantom. Now he returns in four new cases by today’s brightest pulp scribes. From hunting a monstrous gangland killer to rescuing a newspaper journalist, the Phantom’s work is never done. Then a protection racket gets his attention before he flies off to Cleveland to connect with Elliot Ness.
From the pens of Carson Demmans, Fred Adams Jr., Michael F. Housel and Michael Black, here are a quartet of fast-paced, action adventures worthy of the one and only Phantom Detective.
Amazon Link: Phantom Detective V3
Kindle Link: Phantom Detective V3
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
The Phantom Detective Volume Two
Airship 27 Production is delighted to present its second collection of brand-new stories featuring one of the most famous pulp characters. Curtis Van Loan, the famous socialite, returns as the mysterious pulp hero, the Phantom Detective in four brand-new mysteries. These cases involved an eighty-year disappearance, an insane arsonist, an evil young prodigy, and the murder of army veterans. All penned by four of today’s leading New Pulp scribes; Carson Demmans, Gene Moyers, Michael F. Housel, and Fred Adams Jr.
Artist Kevin Paul Broden provides the black and white interior illustrations and Adam Shaw the classic PD cover image. Designed and assembled by Award Winning Art Director Rob Davis. This is mystery the old-fashioned pulp way!
Amazon Link: Phantom Detective V2
Kindle Link: Phantom Detective V2
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The Man in the Mask
Hidden in The Phantom Detective's Park Avenue penthouse is a secret closet containing clothing of all descriptions and sizes. Along the wall are weapons; automatic rifles, sub-machine guns. There is also a miniature lab along with an extensive make-up kit that allows him to don different faces as his mission requires.
This popular pulp icon returns now to once more battle villainy and crime in five new cases by Gene Moyers, Whit Howland, Robert Ricci and two from Gary Lovisi. Each recaptures the fun, excitement and thrills of this classic hero from the past—the Phantom Detective!
Kindle Link: Phantom Detective 1
Amazon.com: Phantom Detective 1
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Sam Dunne was the lead guitarist and singer for the popular rock band, Gin Sing. Critics and fans prophesied a meteoric rising the top of the music charts. Then his bandmates, Eddie Shay and Danny Barton, kicked him to the curb and went chasing after rock stardom without him.
Now Dunne works small one night gigs while teaching English Lit at a community college. He’s let the past go and learned to accept things as they are. The murder of a former bandmate forces him to become an investigator in his own defense—beginning a new chapter in his life...

When singer-songwriter Sam Dunne inherits bluesman turned bank robber Boley Watts' handmade guitar. Watts was jailed for his part in a string of bank robberies, and the cashover $100,000, has never been recovered. Boley took that secret to his grave with him, but Sam thinks the guitar is the key to finding the loot. So do two hard-case FBI agents, a private detective, and Boley's relatives, and all are determined to get the guitar away from Sam.
He and his puzzle-wizard girlfriend Carlotta work to unravel clues from a code Boley left in the guitar and make some headway, until Carlotta turns up missing and Sam has to resort to desperate measures. In Strings Attached, author Fred Adams, Jr. presents a clever plot, credible characters, and solid action. Artist Sam Salas provides the interior illustrations and Airship 27 Production’s Award winning Art Director the cover is the subject of a special essay by Managing Editor Ron Fortier.
Amazon Link: Strings Attached
Kindle Link: Strings Attached
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the link below:
Musician Sam Dunne takes on a gig composing a musical score for a cheap, direct to cable slasher film called “Lake Deadly.” Much of the film is shot on location around a nearby lake and Dunne soon learns all is not as it seems among the cast and crew. Petty jealousies and hidden animosities threaten to derail the shooting.
What he doesn’t imagine is the murder of a young woman on camera. Someone purposely switched out the fake dagger with a real one and the girl’s throat is slashed in front of dozen of witnesses. All of it caught on camera.
Once again, Dunne finds himself caught up in a gruesome murder with more than enough suspects to satisfy any weary detective. Only this isn’t make believe and as he attempts to solve the mystery, he is well aware the unknown killer may strike again. All are suspects and possible victims at the same time.
Kindle Link: Blood is the New Black
Amazon.com: Blood is the New Black
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Fifteen years ago Sam Dunne was the lead guitarist and singer for the popular rock band, Gin Sing. Critics and fans prophesied a meteoric rise to the top of the music charts. Then Dunne’s bandmates, Eddie Shay and Danny Barton, kicked him to the curb and went chasing after rock stardom without him.
Dunne now works small one night gigs while teaching English Literature at a community college. He’s let the past go and learned to accept things as they are. Then he turns the radio on one morning to learn Shay has been murdered: shot to death in his private home studio.
Soon the police start focusing their attention on Dunne as a “person of interest.” It’s a custom made set-up, with him as the chief suspect based on a fifteen year old grudge he’s supposed to be nurturing. When common sense proves to be useless, the former rocker is left with only one recourse: to do his own investigating and find the killer before he’s fitted with a prison wardrobe.
Writer Fred Adams Jr. spins a gritty, fascinating mystery authentically set in the world of sex, drugs and rock roll delivering a masterful reading experience along the way. “Dead Man’s Melody” is clearly a cut above the rest.
Kindle Link: Dead Man's Melody
Amazon.com: Dead Man's Melody
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Throughout the history of American western movies, iconic characters were used over and over again until they became staples of these cowboy flicks. There were always the good guys who were the pioneers, farmers, and lawmen and then the other side of the coin with the outlaws, raiding Indians and tyrannical cattle barons. It seemed if you were doing a western, these types were always present.
Then in the 1960s with the invasion of Italian-made oaters, a little used character suddenly seemed to take center stage; the bounty hunter. He was the cold, calculating man in black who hunted the meanest, deadliest owlhoots for a cash reward.
Inspired by these action-packed Spaghetti Westerns, writer Rick Lai has created a terrific new hero in Major Sabbath. A veteran of the Civil War, he now roams the Wild West as the most efficient manhunter of them all
Throughout the history of American western movies, iconic characters were used over and over again until they became staples of these cowboy flicks. There were always the good guys who were the pioneers, farmers, and lawmen and then the other side of the coin with the outlaws, raiding Indians and tyrannical cattle barons. It seemed if you were doing a western, these types were always present.
Then in the 1960s with the invasion of Italian-made oaters, a little used character suddenly seemed to take center stage; the bounty hunter. He was the cold, calculating man in black who hunted the meanest, deadliest owlhoots for a cash reward.
Inspired by these action-packed Spaghetti Westerns, writer Rick Lai has created a terrific new hero in Major Sabbath. A veteran of the Civil War, he now roams the Wild West as the most efficient manhunter of them all. Lai, along with Erik Franklin and Frank Schildiner, offer up a trio of gun-blasting tales featuring this man with the penetrating angel eyes and lightning fast draw. Once you meet Major Sabbath, you'll never forget him.
Kindle Link: Major Sabbath 1
Amazon.com: Major Sabbath 1
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Pulp Confidential
Authors Tim Bruckner and Derek Lantin are aided and abetted by noir artist Rob Moran in bringing readers the experience of the shadowed corners of crime in the mold of the 1930s pulp magazines.
First up is Tim Bruckner's "Scared Pretty": It is the 1930s and a sadistic serial killer is on the loose in Hollywoodland.
What follows is writer Derek Lantin's Bankok thriller "The Missing Beauty": British accountant Jack Walters is in Bangok for a new job. What he finds instead is an exotic beauty—leading him into a web of kidnapping and murder!
Kindle Link: Pulp Confidential
Amazon.com: Pulp Confidential 1
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Michael Mansford, is spirited away to a mystical realm that exists between life and death. There he is recruited as agent of the Light by a supernatural being calling himself Mr. Surrogate. Surrogate bestows upon Mansford a magical golden mask. Upon donning this grim false-face, Mansford is transformed into a powerful mystic who will become known as the Persona.
The Persona V.2 Green-Fleshed Fiends
Since he was chosen to be the new mystic warrior known as the Persona, Michael Mansford has tried his best to live as normal a life as possible. But all too soon he’s once again called upon to battle weird evil forces beyond the understanding of modern science. A German scientist has created a machine allowing him to mentally create new realities. From these alien-like dimensions emerge green, dwarfish creatures who seem harmless at first but are soon followed by monstrous beings set upon the total destruction of our reality.
Once again the Persona is called upon to battle unspeakable evil and is aided by his Brink Town friends and his girlfriend, Stacey Standish. Can even The Persona’s amazing powers prevail over an imaginary world created from a twisted mind wanting to play god.
Kindle Link: Persona 2
Amazon.com: Persona 2
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
It is 1938 in Brink Town, NJ, and a mayoral campaign is underway. What the citizens are unaware of is that their little hamlet has become the target of a demonic cult known as the Ministry of Chaotic Command and they are sponsoring a candidate who is in actuality a demonic being.
But before the servants of evil can unleash their horror, Brink Town's leading businessman, Michael Mansford, is spirited away to a mystical realm that exists between life and death. There he is recruited as agent of the Light by a supernatural being calling himself Mr. Surrogate. Surrogate bestows upon Mansford a magical golden mask. Upon donning this grim false-face, Mansford is transformed into a powerful mystic who will become known as the Persona.
His task, to expose Hell's secret invasion and defeat the Demon Monster that threatens all he loves and holds dear. But can he succeed? To do so he will have to sublimate his own identity and become this new and relentless warrior; THE PERSONA.
Kindle Link: The Persona
Amazon.com: The Persona
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
In 1927 German filmmaker Fritz Lang brought to the screen one of the most ground-breaking sci-fi melodramas of all time based on the screenplay he co-wrote with his wife, novelist Thea von Harbou. Set in a futuristic urban dystopia, the story follows the attempts of Freder, the son of the city's ruler, and Maria, a citizen of the lower levels, to bridge the gulf separating the economic classes of the city. It is regarded as a classic and one of the first full-length movies in the genre.
Long before City Planner Joh Fredersen and Chief Engineer Karl Rotwang completed the construction of the amazing city called Metropolis, both fell in love with an idealistic young woman named Hel. Yet both were obsessed men and their love for her was fated to end in broken-hearted tragedy.
Writers Charles Santino and Michael Panush peel back the curtain to tell how three souls, each fueled by their grandiose dreams, built a towering monument to mankind. One founded on the blood, sweat, and tears of the less fortunate. This is a tale of triumph and loss, hubris and crushing reality. Come, Metropolis beckons among the clouds.
Paperback Link: Metropolis Resurrection
Hardcover Link: Metropolis Resurrection
Kindle Link: Metropolis Resurrection
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
The Towers of Metropolis Volume 2
Airship 27 Production is thrilled to announce the release of their latest title, “The Towers of Metropolis Vol 2.” In 1927, German filmmaker Fritz Lang created the silent science fiction masterpiece, “Metropolis.” It remains a monumental work of imagination wherein the struggles of mankind are challenged by the soulless evolution of the mechanical age. Here, in this setting of mile-high towers of wonder, the secret sufferings of the past collide with the shining ambitions of the future. And yet, the citizens of “Metropolis” remain ever slaves of the present.
Here in this second volume of new stories, writers Dexter Fabi, Carson Demmons, and Harding McFadden revisit Lang’s supercity where all times collide and only the pure of heart can truly survive.
Artist James Lyle provides the 12 interior illustrations and cover, while Art Director Rob Davis handles the book design.
Amazon Link: Metropolis V2
Kindle Link: Metropolis V2
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The Towers of Metropolis Volume 1
Five visionary new pulp writers have envisioned four dramatic tales which unfold in this amazing world prior to the events of the classi film "Metroplolis". William Patrick Maynard & Michael Richard Maynard join forces with Michael Panush, Kevin Noel Olson and Erik Franklin to guide readers back to those vaulted, shining Towers of Metropolis in this new collection inspired by Lang's masterpiece.
Kindle Link: Metropolis 1
Amazon.com: Metropolis 1
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Emmet Clay is a golem built by a powerful Russian rabbi. As the Rabbi's chief enforcer, he disguises himself as a detective. His two loyal allies are the beautiful and fiery Zipporah Sarfati, a deadly Sephardic swordswoman and the young Harvey Holtz, the rabbi's son; a devoted student of Jewish mysticism.
Sickle City is a magnet for the bizarre and unholy. When a legion of dead Roman soldiers converges on the modern metropolis, its salvation will lie in the hands of three unique warriors employed by Herman Holtz, a corrupt, bootlegging Jewish rabbi.
Emmet Clay is a golem built by Holtz' older brother, a powerful Russian rabbi. As Holtz' chief enforcer, he disguises himself as a detective. His two loyal allies are the beautiful and fiery Zipporah Sarfati, a deadly Sephardic swordswoman and the young Harvey Holtz, the rabbi's son; a devoted student of Jewish mysticism. Together the three of them must uncover the secret of the Dagger Men, a secret society of Jewish warriors that traces its origins back to the bloody destruction of Judea.
Writer Michael Panush (creator of El Mosaico and Stein & Candle series) offers up a terrific, fast-paced supernatural thriller filled with some of the most original, fanciful characters ever imagined. "The Dagger Men" is roller-coaster pulp ride that doesn't slow down until the very last page!
Kindle Link: Dagger Men
Amazon Link: The Dagger Men
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Pulse-pounding stories of men and women who dared to challenge the status quo and through their skills and courage achieved victory both on and off the playing fields of America.
All-American Sports Stories Volume Two

“Next to religion, nothing contributes more to the American way of life than sports.”
—Jock McKenzie, award winning New Hampshire sports reporter and radio personality. 1925-2013
BAREKNUCKLE BOXING—Derrick Ferguson—Levi “Dancer” Kimbro faces his greatest challenge in the ring vs the savage Deathblow Ballantine. This time it’s personal.
MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL —Dexter Fabi—A young rookie player is mentored by an old pro and together they experiences the longest record season in the game’s history.
COLLEGE FOOTBALL—Ron Fortier—Returning Vietnam veteran Lucas Brown must over come a tragic disability to recapture his dreams of gridiron glory.
Here are three dramatic stories detailing the excitement, thrills, beauty and drama that is American Sports as told by today’s New Pulp scribes. The clock is ticking, the game is on the line and only the best will triumph.
Kindle Link: All-American Sports Stories 2
Amazon Link: All-American Sports Stories 2
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All-American Sports Stories Volume One
In the grand tradition of those early sports pulp, Airship 27 Productions offers up a quartet of exceptional sports stories by today's best fiction writers all set in the 1930s. Terrence McCauley delivers up the tale of a former moonshiner looking to make his fortune on dirt tracks of stockcar racing. J.Walt Layne details one of the first interracial college football games ever played. Up next John Rose gets us into the ring with a boxing prodigy from the hills of Kansas and then Fred Adams Jr. offers up a barnstorming adventure with the Negro Baseball League Moline Wizards.
Four pulse-pounding stories of men who dared to challenge the status quo and through their skills and courage achieved victory both on and off the playing fields of America. This premier volume also includes a bonus true-life memoir from Richard Kellogg recalling his first deer hunting experience with a beloved uncle.
ALL AMERICAN SPORTS STORIES is for all sports fans, young and old alike.
Kindle Link: All-American Sports Stories
Amazon Link: All-American Sports Stories
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Rutherford Jones
The year is 1937 and the Ford Jones Detective Agency operates from a small second story office in Oakland, CA. Jones is a mousy, little man whose clothes are always a size too big. His assistant is a tall, muscular black man named Rufus. All of which is a sham used to trick white clients. Rufus is in fact the real Rutherford Jones, aka Ford Jones. Aware that his skin color would impede his chosen career, he convinces his young, alcoholic friend, Jimmy “Bottles” McGee to pose as Ford Jones. The ruse leads to all manner of complications for the pair.
Rutherford Jones in Trouble Times Three
The year is 1937 and the Ford Jones Detective Agency operates from a small second story office in Oakland, CA. Jones is a mousy, little man whose clothes are always a size too big. His assistant is a tall, muscular black man named Rufus. All of which is a sham used to trick white clients. Rufus is in fact the real Rutherford Jones, aka Ford Jones. Aware that his skin color would impede his chosen career, he convinces his young, alcoholic friend, Jimmy “Bottles” McGee to pose as Ford Jones. The ruse leads to all manner of complications for the pair.
In this trio of stories by writer/creator Robert Ricci, Jones and McGee solve strange occurrences at a northern mine, deal with a power struggle within the Chinese community and assist a singing cowboy solidify his role as a new cinema star while running into a classic female pulp avenger along the way. Ricci has created a truly original pulp hero who, like his predecessors, uses both his fists and know-how to serve the cause of justice.
Don’t miss this, his slam-bang New Pulp debut!
Kindle Link: Rutherford Jones
Amazon Link: Rutherford Jones
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
It's 1935 in Detroit, the city is in the midst of a heat wave when a beautiful white woman is brutally raped and murdered setting off a powder keg. The chief suspect is a recently paroled black man. Fearing for his life, he goes into hiding only to discover that the victim's father, a rich retired judge, has put a bounty on his head; one million dollars for his apprehension; dead.
Standing between the fugitive and a lynching mob are detectives Michael Yellowstone, an Osage Indian, and his partner, Lt. Jack Hill. Yellowstone is determined to find King and bring him in alive. What he doesn't know is that Hill has a totally different goal in mind.
Writers Michael Vance and R.A. Jones offer up a tense, suspenseful thriller that explodes across the pages wherein money-hungry citizens are transformed into blood-thirsty hunters in the biggest manhunt of them all.
Kindle Link: Motor City Manhunt
Amazon Link: Motor City Manhunt
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
He began his life as a slave. During the Civil War he escaped and lived among the Indians of the Five Civilized Tribes in the Oklahoma Territories. He learned to ride, shoot and track prey from his adopted people. When the war ended, he was recruited as one of the first black marshals in the history of the west.
In a thirty year career, operating under the authority of Judge Parker out of Fort Smith, he captured over three thousand outlaws, was involved in fourteen major gun battles and never wounded once. At the end of his career, he became a Deputy Sheriff in Tuskegee until his death at the age of 70. He is considered the greatest western lawman that ever lived.
Bass Reeves Frontier Marshal V. 5
In this volume of Bass Reeves Frontier Marshal, the legendary black lawman faces another four challenges as he rides the badlands of Oklahoma before it became a state.
From the curse of a Mexican witch to chasing a renegade Indian Chief, Reeves is relentless in his pursuit of lawbreakers and totally devoted to justice.
Writers Michael Panush, Thomas McNulty, Gary Phillips and Mel Odom offer up tales of frontier as seen through the eyes of the greatest lawman of them all. This is old-fashioned western action as only gritty pulp scribes Michael Panush, Thomas McNulty, Gary Phillips, and Mel Odom can deliver. So saddle up and get ready to ride in adventure.
Amazon link: Bass Reeves V5
Kindle link: Bass Reeves V5
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 at the link below:
•••••Bass Reeves Frontier Marshal V. 4
There was no greater lawman in the Old West than Unites States Deputy Marshal Bass Reeves. For thirty years, Reeves rode throughout the untamed Territories under the famous Hanging Judge Isaac Parker out of Fort Smith. In that time he captured well over three thousand outlaws and survived several deadly gun battles.
Now writers Ron Fortier, Derrick Ferguson, Terry Alexander and Mel Odom offer up four brand new, action packed adventures of the legendary Bass Reeves. In these stories the Marshal will employ all his wilderness skills to deal with some of the most brutal, cold blooded killers on the frontier. While at the same time protecting the innocent whom he has sworn to serve.
In all the annals of American history there was never a finer lawman than Bass Reeves, Frontier Marshal. So saddle up, pilgrims and get ready for some rip-roaring action.
Kindle Link: Bass Reeves V.4
Amazon Link: Bass Reeves V.4
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Bass Reeves Frontier Marshal V. 3
In all the annals of frontier history, there was no lawman as skilled or tireless in meting out justice then former runaway slave, Bass Reeves. Having lived with the Five Civilized Tribes during the Civil War years, Reeves was taught tracking and hunting by the natives of that rugged land. After marrying and starting a horse ranch, he soon realized raising a large family (he would have ten children) was expensive. Thus when offered to pin on the U.S. Deputy Marshal’s badge, Reeves accepted for two practical reasons; his own respect for the law and the fact that Marshals got to keep whatever bounty was posted on the outlaws they hunted.In this volume, writers R.A. Jones, Terry Alexander and Mel Odom put the legendary Marshal to the test in three brand new adventures. From facing an old deadly foe, hunting a killer in Indian country and going after a preacher who believes himself to be God’s own avenging angel. This is the Wild West at its wildest, challenging the one man who could not be beaten, Marshal Bass Reeves.
Kindle Link: Bass Reeves 3
Amazon Link: Bass Reeves 3
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Bass Reeves Frontier Marshal V.2
BASS REEVES LEGENDARY MANHUNTER In the years after the Civil War, the greatest lawman to operate in the untamed wilderness frontiers was U.S. Deputy Marshal Bass Reeves. An ex-slave, Reeves took on the silver badge because he believe all men to be equal in the eyes of the law and so he would become an agent of that justice. In his actual career he captured over 3,000 felons and survived fourteen gun battles. A crack shot with both rifle and pistol, he was never wounded once. Here, in this second volume of an ongoing series, the Deputy Marshal finds himself teaming up with a spitfire of a she-devil known as Quickshot Katy, chasing down desperate train robbers, protecting an army gold shipment and defending a vicious killer against an entire town demanding blood. Writers Milton Davis, Mel Odom, Michael Black and Derrick Ferguson have saddled up to deliver four new action packed western yarns starring the one and only Bass Reeves – Frontier Lawman.
Kindle Link: Bass Reeves 2
Amazon Link: Bass Reeves 2
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Bass Reeves Frontier Marshal V.1
Writers Gary Phillips, Mel Odom, Andrew Salmon and Derrick Ferguson have whipped up four action packed adventures inspired by this legendary figure. Tales of a wild frontier where outlaws and renegades roamed freely until the coming of one amazing man who wore a badge and vowed to bring justice to one and all. He was Bass Reeves—Frontier Marshal.
Kindle Link: Bass Reeves
Amazon Link: Bass Reeves
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Publisher – Airship 27 Productions
Editor – Ron Fortier
Assistant Editors – Todd Jones – Jaime Ramos
Art Director – Rob Davis
Cover Painter – Douglas Klauba
Collected within these two covers are sixty fantastic stories of action, adventure, mystery, horror, fantasy and suspense. It is a treasure chest of the best of the New Pulp Movement, the fastest growing style of fiction writing in world today. And all of it generated as a benefit project to aid and support writer/editor Tommy Hancock. Sixty writers and thirty-six artists have pooled their talents to produce a volume like none other ever conceived before. If you are unfamiliar with New Pulp, then look no further than this one book. Then buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Amazon.com link: Legends of New Pulp Fiction
Kindle link: Legends of New Pulp Fiction
Available as a PDF for just $7.00 by clicking the button below
Houdini- Pulp Hero!
He began his stage career as a card manipulator. As his popularity grew, Harry Houdini quickly became known as one of the most colorful stage magicians and escape artists of all time. Then the movies came knocking and the man people had only read about in the newspapers was suddenly starring on the silver screen, captivating audiences with his daring serial exploits. Harry Houdini was no longer just a magician, he was an international superstar.
The Amazing Harry Houdini Volume 1
In 1904 Houdini began a world tour starting in London and the adventures grew even more fantastic. From his encounters with Bram Stoker and Arthur Conan Doyle, Houdini then battled an evil cult in the catacombs of Paris before heading to Berlin on the Orient Express where murder reared its ugly head. These amazing tales are chronicled here by Jim Beard, James Palmer, I.A. Watson and Roman Leary and present a new look at an extraordinary man who was indeed larger than life, he was Harry Houdini, Pulp Hero!
Kindle Link: Harry Houdini
Amazon Link: Harry Houdini
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Born on the pirate island of Tortuga, fourteen year old Jezebel Johnston is a beautiful mulatto sired by an English privateer named Long Tom Johnston and Mofina, the Madame of a well known bordello. For most of her young life, Jezebel was mesmerized by her father’s stories of life on the high seas. Eventually he sailed off on a new adventure and never returned. These are the tales of what happened...
Jezebel Johnston: Captain Johnston
Jezebel Johnston returns to the island of Tortuga where she was born and raised. Now a pirate captain of her own ship, Revelation, she has an audacious plan to help her mother Monifa, a bordello madam, and Lady Antonia Alvarez, the widow of a well respected businessman. Jezebel hopes to form an alliance between the two women and thereby create a shop where she unloads whatever booty her pirating can win for her and her crew. That stolen booty to be sold to rich plantation owners.
The plan seems sound enough until she learns to make it a reality she will have to join forces with her former mentor and lover, Walter Armitage, captain of the sloop Sea Witch. She must bury old feelings of both love and anger if they are to become an effective pirating unit on the high seas.
Once again writer Nancy Hansen sets sails with a cast of colorful, exciting characters in one of the most applauded New Pulp series on the market today. There is no one else like Captain Jezebel Johnston.
Amazon Link: Jezebel Johnston V9
Kindle Link: Coming Soon!
Available as a PDF for just $3! Click on the link below:
Jezebel Johnston: Rise of a Buccaneer
RISE OF A BUCCANEER — Follow the exciting and intriguing saga of Jezebel Johnston, a Caribbean island girl set on a course to become a famous Pirate Queen. Continuing the series this collection contains the second set of four novels of Nancy Hansen’s thrilling and authentic sea-faring adventure; “Danseuse,” “Sisters of Vengeance,” “Mastiff,” and “Mourning Star.” Cover and interior illustrations by Rob Davis. (no PDF or Kindle versions available—please see the individual entries for these versions)
Amazon paperback link: Rise of a Buccaneer
JEZEBEL JOHNSTON- Revelation the 8th chapter of writer Nancy Hansen’s pirate queen saga. In India, employed by the Maratha Warlord Shivagi, Jezebel Johnston directs the captured ship Mastiff in its battle against a superior British warship and wins the contest. To show his gratitude, Shivagi frees the mulatto pirate and her two friends, dancer Zuri and African warrior Amaka, while granting them whatever they desire. Though her companions only wish for their freedom, Jez request the ship and its captured crew.
Using her learned manipulative skills, Jezebel quickly gains the trust of the mixed nationality crew of Mastiff and soon is sailing westward back to the Caribbean and her home in Tortuga. Little does she realize what she will find there and the challenges it will pose to her new career as a Pirate Captain. Once again writer Nancy Hansen delivers a taut and wonderfully realized story of high adventure with an unforgettable cast of truly remarkable characters.
Award winning Airship 27 Production Art Director Rob Davis provides both the interior illustrations and the dazzling cover of Jezebel in action.
Amazon Link: Revelation
Kindle Link: Revelation
Available as a PDF for just $3! Click on the link below:
Stranded far from her Caribbean homeland, pirate Jezebel Johnston struggles to survive over the alien waters of the Barbary Coast. Through a strange twist of fate, she, and two other freed slaves, Zuri and Amaka, come under the protection of the famous Maratha Indian Warlord Shivaji Bhonsle. The soon to be Maharajah has a strong disdain for foreign interference in his country along with a unique respect for the faith of others and the intelligence of women.
Thus Jezebel and her sisters, feel a strong obligation to aid the famous war by volunteering to participate on one of his seagoing raids against the Mughal overlords. To do so, they will have to become spies, gather information on which ships are carrying what cargo and how best to take them.
It is a dangerous game, one Jezebel and her companions are aptly qualified for, their bravery mingled with their natural charms set into motion a daring seagoing assault that will have serious repercussions throughout the Indian world.
Amazon link: Jezebel Johnston: Mastiff
Kindle Link: Jezebel Johnston: Mastiff
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clinking the button below:
Jezebel Johnston: Sisters of Vengeance
Slaves in an Arab World
Abandoned and sold into slavery along the Barbary Coast, Jezebel Johnston’s fate becomes intertwined with two other women; Zuri the slave dancer and Amaka, a fearless African warrior whose heart is filled with anger. Together the three must work together while captives of their greedy Arab master Zahir. Fate then takes a hand as the three desperate women find themselves rescued by Shivaji Raj, a notorious desert warrior king.
But at what price will their freedom be bought? The charismatic leader wants to recruit the trio in helping him defeat his own Muslim enemies. The mission is dangerous but the promise of freedom too tempting to ignore. Once again, writer Nancy Hansen delivers a fast moving, action packed adventure starring her cunning soon-to-be Queen of the Pirates, Jezebel Johnston.
Amazon link: Jez 6
Kindle Link: Jez 6
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clinking the button below:
The Barbary Coast
Having sailed to the East African coast with French captains Ancel Thibodeaux (“Le Tigre”) of the Mourning Star, and One-Eyed Jacques Chagall of the Danseuse, Jezebel Johnston sets about her new career as a spy. Dropped off at a trading port in Bombay, it is her task to learn which merchant ships are soon to sail for open waters. She will then pass this invaluable information to the pirate captains.
But there are unexpected surprises in store with the reappearance of buccaneer Denis Blanchett. Though a capable seaman, Blanchett has a cruel streak and is obsessed with making Jezebel his private property. Meanwhile Chagall doesn’t trust Jezebel and she begins to worry that his personal greed will scuttle their intricate schemes before they can bear fruit.
Writer Nancy Hansen’s pirate saga of Jezebel Johnston is unlike anything on the market today and offers up thrills and spills on every page. This is the pirate life with all its dangers and romance as authentically depicted by a master storyteller.
Kindle Link: Danseuse
Amazon Link: Danseuse
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below:
Jezebel Johnston: Birth of a Buccaneer
Follow the saga of Jezebel Johnston, an island girl set on a course to become a famous Pirate Queen. Contains the first four novels of Nancy Hansen’s thrilling, authentic adventure; “Devil’s Handmaid,” “Queen of Anarchy,” “Sea Witch,” and “Mourning Star.” Cover by Kevin A. Johnson, interior illustrations by Rob Davis.
Amazon Link: Buccaneer
Available as a PDF for just $10.00 by clinking the button below:
Jezebel Johnston: Mourning Star

With Emile Gagnon’s Sea Witch laid up in the French port of Fort Royale for minor repairs, Jezebel Johnston and young Zachary Spencer go into town to trade with the local merchants. While there, they come to the attention of an unscrupulous smuggler named Luc Charbonneau who cleverly manipulates them into being blamed for thievery committed by his own gang. But before he can rally an impromptu lynch party, they are rescued by Captain Ancel Thibodeaux, the real authority on the small West Antilles island.
Thibodeaux is fascinated by the beautiful Jezebel and pressures her and Zachary into joining the crew of his own pirate ship, Mourning Star. Having no other recourse, the two agree and the wily French buccaneer sets about tutoring the lovely mulatto into being part of his elaborate scheme to sail across the Atlantic and raid the rich Barbary Coast.
Once again writer Nancy Hansen unfurls the sails of her imagination in this, the fourth chapter in the saga of Jezebel Johnston as she navigates the dangerous waters of rogues, brigands and scalawags on her way to becoming the greatest pirate of them all!
Kindle Link: Mourning Star
Amazon Link: Mourning Star
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clinking the button below:
Aboard The Sea Witch
Having escaped the clutches of the sadistic French pirate, Julien Levesque, young Jezebel Johnston and her companions, Walter Armitage and Pakke, throw their lot in with the inexperienced captain Emile Gagnon and his crew. Fleeing in his speedy sloop rechristend Sea Witch, their audacious plan is to recruit additional sailors and raid the pearl rich islands beyond Port Royale. But to do so they will need to rely on stealth and cunning to avoid the larger pirate ships. If they succeed, a treasure beyond imagining awaits them. If they fail, a cold and watery grave. Once again Nancy Hansen sets a course for action and adventure with pulpdom’s newest, most daring hero, Jezebel Johnston, pirate maid. “Jezebel Johnston–Sea Witch” is a seagoing pirate tale filled with colorful rogues and a lush, historical background. Soon to be an instant pulp classic.
Kindle Link: Sea Witch
Amazon Link: Sea Witch
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Jezebel Johnston: Queen of Anarchy
Having survived the sinking of the British privateer, Devil’s Handmaid, by a Spanish warship employing an ancient weapon, the disguised Jezebel Johnson and a few of her compatriots are rescued by a flotilla of French vessels. Their commander is the ruthless and sadistic Captain Lucien Levesque. Having witnessed the fiery destruction of the British ship, Levesque is obsessed with hunting down the Spanish galleon and obtaining the secret of the Greek Fire they possess. To do this, he will scour the surrounding islands until his prey is found.
Meanwhile, Jez, and her lover Watler Armitage, find themselves pressed into service aboard different ships in Levesque’s tiny fleet where they must endure daily hardships to stay alive. At the same time she comes under the attention of the Queen of Anarchy’s handsome but fierce quartermaster, Mister Blanchette. What is his interest in the young mulato sailor and why are Jezebel’s own feelings confused when near the blond-haired rogue?
Writer Nancy Hansen unleashes the second chapter in her bold new pirate series starring the brave and beautiful Jezebel Johnson, the true Queen of Anarchy!
Kindle Link: Queen of Anarchy
Amazon Link: Queen of Anarchy
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Jezebel Johnston: Devil's Handmaid
The Call of the Sea
Frustrated by her own boring existence, Jezebel conceives of a daring plan to escape the island. She disguises herself as a boy and signs aboard the pirate ship, Devil’s Handmaid, captained by the notorious Dandy Dan Abrams. Her disguise works and within hours she’s sailing away from all she knows as she boldly challenges the dangers and threats that lie before her.
Writer Nancy Hansen tells a story of clashing empires all seeking to expand their dominion into the New World. Amidst this expansion of wealth and influence, the pirates of the Caribbean were borne, a savage fraternity of outlaw sailors, murderers and scalawags who ruled the seas. Now comes the saga of a young girl willing to share their tempestuous adventures, cutlass for cutlass, until one day she will become the greatest pirate queen of them all.
Kindle Link: Devil's Handmaid
Amazon Link: Devil's Handmaid
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Return to Strikersport, where magic and science clash, and masked adventurers guard the city from danger.
When three rival gangs descend on the city, an imbalance in reality summons four of Khaitan's Eight Immortals. Granting their power to four of Strikersport's citizens and aided by adventurers Tiger and Dragon, among others, they battle both mundane and magical dangers to protect Strikersport from being lost in the Chaos between the worlds.
Kindle Link: Tales of the Golden Dragon
Amazon Link:Tales of the Golden Dragon
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Shanghai in the 1930s is a place of excitement and intrigue... and magic. It is an international hotspot where foreign agents from around the world ply their trade. Brought to Shanghai to investigate a powerful new aircraft engine, young Conall McLeod becomes embroiled in a high-stakes game between gangs, spies and immortal beings. Together with his beloved Mudan Chang and hot-shot Chinese pilot, Feng Zhanchi, Conall must navigate the dangerous waters of the city's criminal undercurrents and help free a lost immortal from the clutches of evil.
Writer Barbara Doran spins a fantastic tale of action and mystery filled with some of the most memorable characters ever conceived. Whether deep within the city's maze of dark alleys or high atop an ancient castle of evil, none will be able to escape from The Wings of the Golden Dragon!
Kindle Link: Wings of the Golden Dragon
Amazon Link: Wings of the Golden Dragon
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below

Trouble in Strikersport
When a mysterious evil force known only as the Voice begins to take control of the local mobs in the coast city of Strikersport, two new heroes appear on the scene. Their origin, the neighborhood streets of Chinatown. The masked Tiger and Dragon wield both science and magic in their battle to combat the forces of darkness. Soon several of the city's prominent citizens become players in this cataclysmic war. These include players from a wealthy family with roots to Strikersport history, a rookie cop and a crusading newspaper editor.
Writer Barbara Doran spins a classic pulp adventure with breakneck pacing, original characters and a tangled plot that will keep readers guessing to the very end. Mixing martial arts with Chinese mysticism, she offers a truly unique action mystery sure to entertain readers from beginning to end.
Kindle Link: Golden Dragon
Amazon Link: Golden Dragon
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
During World War II, C.O. Jones, under a different name, was recruited into a special unit of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services). Special in that all the members had some kind of extrasensory abilities bordering on magic. Their main mission was to seek out and combat the Nazis’ top secret Occult Practioners.
But the war is now over and C.O. is just another veteran looking for a fresh start. He hopes the quiet little town of Brownsville, Pennsylvania is the perfect place to do so. That is, until he gets involved with the local criminal element and discovers, through his own unique gifts, that someone is using dark magic to further their own illegal agenda. For C.O. Jones, it seems the ways of magic are to be found in the most unlikely places.
Amazon Link: C.O. Jones V.4
Kindle Link: C.O. Jones V.4
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
C.O. Jones: The Damned and the Doomed
World War II vet C.O. Jones has come to Los Angeles to work as a Private Investigator. The business is good honest work and he is gradually adapting to the West Coast lifestyle. When he takes a job to investigate the death of an orphan boy in an isolated desert monastery, he isn’t ready for the dark memories the case rekindle in him.
From his earliest days as a runaway working in a traveling carnival to a particular espionage assignment during the war, Jones is about to confront an old familiar Nazis horror in the arid, California wasteland. Only now it has been reborn in the most obscene way, with lost children as its victims.
Once again, Fred Adams Jr. spins a tale of suspense, menace and courage in the face of true evil. “C.O. JONES – The Damned and The Doomed” is a punch-in-the-gut pulp thriller you won’t want to put down.
Kindle Link: C.O. Jones 3
Amazon Link: C.O. Jones 3
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below

HOLLYWOOD MONSTERS It’s 1949 and army veteran C.O. Jones is living in Los Angeles working as a private investigator. When he’s hired to find a missing starlet, he soon finds himself embroiled in a sophisticated conspiracy which includes not onlykidnapping but high profile blackmail as well. All of which would be enough to keep any honest, hardworking P.I. busy but when it’s Jones, there is also the added element of magic to consider. Possessing an uncanny ability to recognize arcane abilities in others, Jones begins to uncover even deadlier shadows in the background. Never mind one of them may actually be a real werewolf with his own personal interest in the case. With C.O. Jones, often times the monsters aren’t only up on the big silver screen.
Kindle Link: Skinners
Amazon Link: Skinners
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
====C.O. Jones: Mobsters & Monsters
During World War II, C.O. Jones, under a different name, was recruited into a special unit of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services). Special in that all the members had some kind of extrasensory abilities bordering on magic. Their main mission was to seek out and combat the Nazis’ top secret Occult Practioners.
But the war is now over and C.O. is just another veteran looking for a fresh start. He hopes the quiet little town of Brownsville, Pennsylvania is the perfect place to do so. That is, until he gets involved with the local criminal element and discovers, through his own unique gifts, that someone is using dark magic to further their own illegal agenda. For C.O. Jones, it seems the ways of magic are to be found in the most unlikely places.
Popular new pulp writer Fred Adams, Jr. delivers another scorching thriller that races across the pages with fresh, original characters, suspense and ever-exploding action. Hold on to your seatbelts as you meet the C.O. Jones, one of the toughest new pulp heroes of them all.Createspace POD Link:
CO Jones
Kindle Link: C.O. Jones
Amazon Link: C.O. Jones
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Ten years ago, when Airship 27 Productions was first launched, Davis accepted the position of Art Director and in that time has overseen the look and design of all the Airship 27 Productions novels and anthologies now numbering over a hundred.
With a background as a successful, highly respected comicbook artist, Davis quickly established himself as a gifted book illustrator when he took on that role for the company's first titles three titles, The Hounds of Hell, Brother Bones – The Undead Avenger and Secret Agent X – Vol One.
"It was always agreed our books would feature interior illustrations," explains Airship 27 Productions' Managing Editor, Ron Fortier. "Having Rob Davis onboard to provide the illustrations for those early titles was such a thrill for us and a major part of our success in the burgeoning New Pulp field."
In the past ten years that Davis has been associated with the company, he has done hundreds of illustrations featuring both classic and new pulp heroes to include Secret Agent X, Captain Hazzard, the Moon Man, the Black Bat and dozens of others. In his drawings for the Airship 27 Sherlock Holmes anthology series, he's made a reputation as one of the premier Holmes & Watson artists working today. That was solidified when he won the first ever Pulp Factory Award in 2009 in the Best Interior Illustrations category for his work in Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Vol One.
PULP – The Art of Rob Davis is the first published collection of Davis' remarkable work and contains 175 black and white pieces; all of which have appeared in the pages of various Airship 27 Productions books. Adds Fortier, "We've no doubt this book will soon become a collector's item to any true pulp fan who appreciates the role of art in the history of pulp fiction." The book features an introduction by award-winning British writer I.A. Watson and Fortier provides a post-essay to round the volume.
Kindle Link: Pulp
Amazon Link: PULP
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below
Pulpdom's Sexiest Avenger!
The Domino Lady first appeared in the pulps in 1936. After graduating from the Berkeley College in California, Ellen Patrick goes off to Europe on a joy filled jaunt. Her trip is cut short when her widowed father, D.A. Owen Patrick, is murdered by gangsters. Upon her return home she learns the corrupt authorities have no intention of finding her father's killers. Thus she puts on a domino mask and a backless white dress to avenge him. Though arming herself with a small .22 automatic and a syringe full of knockout serum, the Domino Lady's most effective weapon was her sensual beauty, which often distracted her opponents until she could turn the tables on them.
Domino Lady Casefilels V.1 (Kindle Only)
Five stories from two masters of the modern New Pulp era; Writer Gene Moyers and Artist James Lyle
The Domino Lady first appeared in the pulps in 1936. After graduating from Berkeley College in California, Ellen Patrick goes off to Europe on a joy-filled jaunt. Her trip is cut short when her widowed father, D.A. Owen Patrick is murdered by gangsters. Upon her return home, she learns the corrupt authorities have no intention of finding her father’s killers. Thus she puts on a domino mask and a backless white dress to avenge him. Though arming herself with a small .22 automatic and a syringe full of knockout serum, the Domino Lady’s most effective weapon was her sensual beauty, which often distracted her opponents until she could turn the tables on them. (these stories originally published in DOMINO LADY volumes 1-4)
The fifth volume of Airship 27’s best selling series, The Domino Lady. Born and raised as a wealthy Los Angeles debutant, Elle Patrick assumed the role of the mysterious Domino Lady when her father, an honest district attorney, was assassinated and his killer never found. Devoting her secret persona to battling crime and corruption, the Domino Lady quickly became the beautiful scourge of the underworld.
She returns in four brand new adventures. From battling crooked politicians to searching for a stolen museum artifact, the masked lovely is relentless in her quest for justice. In this volume, she’ll encounter a mirror-image double and solve the murder of a beloved friend. Writers Gene Moyers, George Tackes, Gene Popa and Fred Adams Jr. deliver an action-packed quartet of pulp goodness.
Artist Warren Montgomery provides all the black and white interior illustrations and the beautiful full-color cover.
Amazon Link: Domino Lady V.5
Kindle Link: Domino Lady V.5
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Socialite by day, crimebuster by night. That’s the life of Elle Patrick, a Los Angeles debutant by day and the mysterious Domino Lady by night. In this collection of brand new adventures writers Gene Moyers, Kelly Nolan, Kevin Findley and Samantha Lienhard challenge the blonde avenger with four daunting mysterious that will require all her deductive skills to solve. From matching wits with a London art dealer, the murder of three dock workers, hunting missing jewels and possessing the ring of a late Hollywood diva. The Domino Lady is once again on the prowl. Her prey, criminal masterminds who think they are above the law. She is about to prove them wrong.
Kindle Link: Coming Soon!
Amazon Link: Domino Lady V. 4
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Pulpdom’s sexiest masked avenger returns in five new adventures courtesy of writers Adam Mudman Bezecny, Gene Moyers, Brad Mengel and Samantha Lienhard. By day she is wealthy Los Angeles socialite Ellen Patrick. By night she dons her mask, cape and arms herself with a hypodermic syringe and deadly silver plated automatic to become the beautiful and mysterious vigilante known only as the Domino Lady.
In this volume she uncovers a secret female society also combating evil, a plot to take over rich wineries, confronts a blackmailer, defends a Hollywood union against gangsters and solves a friend’s murder. All in a night’s work for the one and only Domino Lady.
Kindle Link: Domino Lady V.3
Amazon Link: Domino Lady V.3
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Pulpdom’s sexiest masked avenger returns in this second volume of her all new adventures. From a gang of corrupt policemen to secret Nazis saboteurs out to destroy the Los Angeles Olympics, the beautiful and wily crime-fighter has her hands full in this new quartet of tales by Gene Moyers, Brad Mengel, Robert Ricci and Paul Findley. As always, lovely socialite Ellen Patrick weaves her way in and out of trouble, donning her black silk domino mask whenever injustice rears its ugly head. From the time of her father’s murder, Ellen has dedicated herself to righting wrongs. She just does it in a most peculiar fashion becoming the pulps’ most alluring and deadly hero; the Domino Lady.
Kindle Link: Domino Lady 2
Amazon Link: Domino Lady 2
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Now new pulp writers, Greg Hatcher, Gene Moyers, Tim Bruckner and Kevin Findley offer up four brand new adventures of Los Angeles' most notorious, and sexiest, crime-fighter of them all, the Domino Lady!
By Greg Hatcher
A brilliant but twisted psychiatrist is hired to learn the secret identity of the Domino Lady and then put her out of commission permanently.
By Gene Moyers
The Domino Lady takes on an illegal offshore floating gambling casino run by merciless hoods.
By Tim Holter Bruckner
When one of Ellen Patrick’s dear friends is accused of cold blooded murder, it’s up to the Domino Lady to clear her name.
By Kevin Findley
Investigating a crooked politician, Domino Lady finds herself caught up in war between two criminal gangs.
Kindle Link: Domino Lady
Amazon Link: Domino Lady
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
In the last few years of World War II, a group of brave Germans who opposed Hitler and his Third Reich orchestrated an underground movement that worked from within to defeat the Nazis. These brave men and women were constantly at risk being hunted by the ruthless Gestapo. Their fate, if captured, was agonizing torture and death. Still they struggled on.
Six years later, in the back alleys of New York’s Bowery district, a mysterious masked avenger calling herself the Snake appears. She recruits denizens of the street to be her agents and begins a ruthless campaign against organized crime. Who is she and what is her connection to the events in Berlin prior to the collapse of the Third Reich?
Based on a six-page synopsis by legendary comics writer, Richard Hughes, author Michael Vance has woven a thrilling, fast-paced adventure that will keep readers guessing and on the edge of their seats from start to finish. You’ve never met a character like the Snake. She’s sexy. She maybe crazy. But she is most of all, deadly!
Kindle Link: SNAKE
Amazon Link: SNAKE
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Young Jason Mankiller never believed his surname was an omen of his future until the Civil War broke out and he joined the Union Army. Fate took him to the fields of Gettysburg. By the time the battle ended, he was sitting atop a small rise surrounded by the bodies of dozens of Confederate troopers. Days later, while drunk, his fellow soldiers had tears of blood tattooed onto his face. From that day forward, the Man Who Cried Blood's reputation spread far and wide.
After a deadly shoot-out with outlaws, bounty hunter Jason Mankiller founds himself in the small town of Low Water. Upon delivering the bodies of the criminals to the local marshal, he is immediately arrested for murder and locked up. Then, before he could comprehend what was happening, he was on trial in front of a kangaroo court set on finding him guilty. Too late, Mankiller realizes both the town marshal and mayor are also wanted men who have set themselves up as the law in this out-of-the-way hick village.
Found guilty, h’s sent to the hell hole known as the Pima Territorial Prison run by the sadistic Warden Holden Mayhew. Now the bounty hunter’s only goal is to stay alive long enough for his friends to learn of his fate and find a way to free him. But in Pima, that will not be easy when brutal and savage killers surround him.
Once again, western writer R.A. Jones delivers a fast-paced, action-packed adventure starring his one and only “Man Who Cries Blood.”
Amazon Link: Caged Fury
Kindle Link: Caged Fury
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Mankiller Returns
During the Civil War, young Jason Mankiller had a tattoo painted on his left check; that of blood drops falling from the corner of his eyes. Since that time, earning his reputation as a bounty hunter, he is known on the Texas frontier as The Man Who Cries Blood. In this second tale, Mankiller is on the trail of three vicious Comancheros who have been stirring up trouble between the Comanche and the white settlers of Fort Rogers. Even though the skilled hunter has the friendship of the notorious half-breed Comanche Chief, Quanah Parker, it is still left to him to find the renegades and prevent more bloodshed. Once again writer R.A. Jones weaves a thrilling adventure set against the backdrop of post-Civil War Texas, bringing to life the pioneer men and women who crossed a vast wilderness to create a new chapter in American history. Comanche Blood is a part of their story.
Kindle Link: Comanche Blood
Amazon Link: Comanche Blood
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.

Young Jason Mankiller never believed his surname was an omen of his future until the Civil War broke out and he joined the Union Army. Fate took him to the fields of Gettysburg. By the time the battle ended, he was sitting atop a small rise surrounded by the bodies of dozens of Confederate troopers. Days later, while drunk, his fellow soldiers had tears of blood tattooed onto his face. From that day forward, the Man Who Cried Blood's reputation spread far and wide.
Ten years later, Jason Mankiller is in Ft. Rogers, Texas, hoping to find a job and bury his past. But the blood tattoo won't let him escape the gunfighter's trail. Writer R.A. Jones delivers an old fashioned western adventure in the grand tradition of Max Brand and Louis L'Amour. Here are pioneering men and women facing the birth of a new American destiny that will demand their blood, sweat, tears and sacrifice. For Jason Mankiller, that promise of a better life will be claimed at the end of a smoking gun.
Kindle Link: Gun Glory
Amazon Link: Gun Glory
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
They battle demons and monsters, hunt ghosts and defend us against the things that go bump in the night. They are Occult Detectives and they’ve been a staple of pulp fiction since the beginning of those glorious, garish magazines. Now Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to bring you a quartet of tales starring some of the most unique Occult Detectives ever created; three newly minted heroes and one classic master of mysticism.
From the days of the Wild West, Joel Jenkins offers up his Indian Shaman hero, Lone Crow. Then we have Josh Reynold’s colorful Charles St. Cyprian, the Queen’s own Royal Occultist, followed by Jim Beard’s Sgt. Janus, the Spirit Breaker. And we culminate with a little known pulp classic figure, Ravenwood: the Stepson of Mystery as chronicled by Ron Fortier.
Get ready to take on possessed gunfighters, eerie mesmerizing spirits, a bewitching temptress and a legion of the undead as these four brand new tales usher you into thrilling adventures beyond the realm of the ordinary; your guides…the Occult Detectives.
Kindle Link: OCCULT Detectives
Amazon Link: OCCULT Detectives
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Young Nemo and the Black Knights
Airship 27 Productions' 100th book!
Before He Was Nemo
In 1870, French science fiction author Jules Verne published "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea," and introduced the world to Captain Nemo, commander of the world's first submarine, the Nautilus. But what of Nemo's origin? He was an Indian whose title and name at birth were Prince Rajesh Dakkar, son of the Rajah, or King, of the then independent territory of Bundelkund. His father hired a teacher whose own reputation for wisdom would spread across the nation. His name was Indra Singh, and his principal purpose was to mentor Rajesh and to secure the best tutors and materials for the instruction of his student. But book learning within the confines of palace walls was not enough for th eyoung prince. He longed for adventure and at the age of eighteen purchased a 150-ton ship with square rigged sails, dramatically modified and improved the efficiency of the craft. He set out to conquer the world leading an international crew of rogues and thieves soon to be called the Black Knights. These are their amazing stories.
Kindle Link: Nemo
Amazon Link: Nemo
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Also available:
First begun as a comic book mini-series in the 1990s with writer Michael Vance and comics artist Rob Davis, this "prequel" to the books Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and Mysterious Island by Jules Vern chronicles the search for a long lost Atlantean power source that Indian sub-continental Prince Dakkar (aka: Nemo) undertakes with a hand-picked, international motley crew of misfits. This Graphic Novel is created from scans of original art and the one issue published (most of the pages have never before seen print!) all from the aborted black and white series. The art has been lightly retouched with new lettering applied. Writer Michael Vance recently re-wrote the story in prose novel form published by Airship 27 Productions as Young Nemo and the Black Knights. This graphic novel is published to accompany the new novel and present the concept as originally conceived. We hope you enjoy the ride!
The Adventures of Captain Nemo at Amazon: NEMO
From the pages of the classic pulps comes the most frightening avenger of them all, the Purple Scar! The handsome, debonair Dr. Miles Murdoch was a world famous plastic surgeon. His life was the stuff of dreams until it all turned into a heart-wrenching nightmare. Murdoch’s brother, a dedicated police officer, is brutally gunned down while on patrol. Before dumping his body into the river, his murderers pour acid over his face as a final act of contempt. When the body washes ashore days later, Officer Murdoch’s face is beyond recognition, a scarred, purple visage unlike any horror ever imagined. It is the sight of this death grimace that transforms Miles Murdoch into an avenging angel. Vowing to bring justice to those responsible, the skilled surgeon molds a pliable rubber mask from that repulsive, mutilated face; a mask he dons to become the Purple Scar, the scourge of crooks and villains everywhere. He has become the physical embodiment of their worst fears brought to fiendish life.
By day, Doctor Miles Murdock is a famous plastic surgeon devoted to helping those in needs of his special skills. Then at night he dons a gruesome death-mask made from his late brother’s face and becomes the horrifying scourge of the underworld; the Purple Scar.
Now, this fourth volume of his all new adventures, the Scar returns in four brand new fast-paced stories. He chases after a deadly killer, encounters a gang of young turks bent on a life of crime and is framed for a theft he did not commit. New Pulp scribes Gene Moyers, Felix Cruz, Michael Housel and Fred Adams Jr. deliver the thrills and spills in a collection guaranteed to add chills to your pulp enjoyment.
Kindle link: The Purple Scar V4
Amazon Link: The Purple Scar V4
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
====The Purple Scar Volume Three: "The Black Fog"

An all new novel by Gene Moyers! A hooded man suddenly appears on the streets of Akelton carrying a strange device strapped to his back. Affixed to it is a nozzle from which enveloping black fog spews forth quickly swallowing everything in its path; to include men, women and children. Just like that the city is thrown into panic as the mysterious villain begins popping up all over the city wielding his eerie weapon.
Realizing he is facing a supernatural threat, Captain Dan Griffin enlists the aid of the city’s own gruesome crime fighter, the Purple Scar. The Scar—secretly plastic surgeon Doctor Miles Murdoch—with the aid of his nurse Dale Jordan and ally Tommy Pedlar is quickly on the hunt for the mastermind behind the fog of terror. For the first time in his vigilante career, the Purple Scar is battling an evil scientific genius whose purposes can only herald doom and bloodshed. It is a battle he cannot afford to lose.
Kindle Link: The Black Fog
Amazon Link: The Black Fog
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Haunted Hero
When Dr. Miles Murdoch’s brother was murdered by the mobs, he vowed vengeance. In the following weeks, wearing a horrifying death mask, a new avenger appeared on the streets of Akelton, bringing with him righteous retribution. The city now finds itself under the protection of a haunted hero, a mysterious angel of doom who metes out his own brand of permanent justice.
In this second volume featuring this little known classic pulp figure, writers Gene Moyers, Paul Kevin Findley, Erik Franklin and David Noe pit the purple-hued Master of Fright against a quartet of villainous opponents: from a gang of deadly jewel thieves to a merciless arsonist bent on burning down the entire city. In these new tales of the Purple Scar, justice and horror are on a collision course you don’t want to miss.
Kindle Link: Purple Scar 2
Amazon Link: Purple Scar 2
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
By Jim Beard
The Purple Scar confronts a crooked politician willing to commit any crime to gain power.
By Jonathan Fisher
Someone has started a gang war and it's up to the Purple Scar to find the instigator and save his city
before it all becomes a blood-bath.
By Gene Moyers
Drugs are disappearing from hospital inventories and finding their way to a Black Market operation
in Akelton. The Purple Scar must find the mastermind behind the scheme.
By Gary Lovisi
The Purple Scar hunts a cold blooded murder-for-hire gang.
Kindle Link: Purple Scar
Amazon Link: Purple Scar
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Mobile Alabama in the early 1920s is a hot-house of history, tradition, political corruption and racial bigotry. Amidst this landscape of both grandeur and depravity arises a new avenger to battle the forces of evil and injustice. He is the mysterious Bay Phantom, a dark clad warrior willing to mete out justice with his blazing .45s. But beneath this flamboyant mask is the often inept, naïve Joseph Perrone, heir to a commercial fisheries empire.
The Bay Phantom-Midnight in Hell's Cathedral
Once again Mobile, Alabama's mysterious crime-fighter, the Bay Phantom, finds himself battling a criminal mastermind known only as the Kraken. The villain has the power to turn people into mindless puppets and have them do his bidding, leaving chaos and destruction in their path.
As if that wasn't enough for the Phantom to deal with, his friend, Tom Dart, is about to be executed in state prison for crimes he did not commit. Can Maribelle Darcy devise a plan to rescue Dart before the fatal hour arrives?
Then a certain Federal Agent named Elliot Ness arrives in town with the goal of capturing the Bay Phantom.-Once again pulp scribe Chuck Miller weaves a zany, madcap pulp thriller like no one else can. This is action-adventure with a Southern Twist not to be missed.
Kindle Link: Midnight in Hell's Cathedral
Amazon Link: Midnight in Hell's Cathedral
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
The Bay Phantom-Feast of the Cannibal Guild

The Return of the Bay Phantom
When a shadowy group of criminals start shaking down restaurants in Mobile, Joe Perrone once again dons the cloak and goggles of the Bay Phantom. Shortly thereafter, wealthy young men begin dropping dead without warning. What do these things have in common with a mysterious psychic, a sinister funeral home, and a nationalist movement known as the Transatlantic Patriots Guild?
That is what the Bay Phantom must learn, and he must do it without his trusted aide, Mirabelle Darcy. She is away on a mission of her own; one that necessitates her breaking into the Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary. Thus left to his own devices, can the Phantom thwart the Cannibal Guild and their deadly assassin, the Mummifier? Or will he become their next victim?
Once again Chuck Miller offers up a thrilling new adventure set in the Deep South and starring his original pulp hero; The Bay Phantom. This is pulp action with an added spicy kick.
Kindle Link: Feast of the Cannibal Guild
Amazon Link: Feast of the Cannibal Guild
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
The Bay Phantom-Confederacy of Devils
Joseph Perrone’s (AKA the Bay Phantom) one amazing asset is his partner, the beautiful Mirabelle Darcy, a young black woman with the ninth highest I.Q. in the world. An engineering genius, it is Mirabelle who provides Perrone with the guidance to see him through the deadly and macabre challenges that await them. A secret Crime Lord is attempting to take over the city and has unleashed a blood-thirsty Werewolf and a bizarre assassin known as the Black Embalmer to carry out his insidious plans.
Now it is up to Mirabelle and the Bay Phantom to save their city with the help of an Austrian doctor named Sigmund Freud. And that’s only the beginning!
Kindle Link: The Bay Phantom
Amazon Link: The Bay Phantom
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Former Union scouts and saddle tramps Durken and McAfee are more than satisfied with their lives as cattle-punchers for Homer Eldridge and his Triple Six ranch. Writer Fred Adams, Jr. spins a weird western tale that will have readers on their edge of their seats and jumping at shadows. Six-Gun Terrors mixes a heady brew that is half H.P. Lovecraft and half Louis L’Amour.
When a plague of rattlesnakes descends on parts of the frontier, striking terror in the hearts of local farmers and ranchers. General Sherman, representing the federal government, once again seeks out the services of his two most reliable scouts, cow-punchers Durken and McFee. Content with their current occupation working for cattle baron Homer Eldridge, the ex-Union scouts are reluctant to answer the General's summons. Such past missions have led them straight into encounters with the supernatural in truly horrific ways.
This new assignment is no different, as the two must lead a cavalry company into the heart of Indian Territory seemingly infested with poisonous reptiles. Their primary goal: discover the reason for this plague and whether it is merely nature gone wild or something a great deal more sinister.
Author Fred Adams Jr. once again blends authentic western action with gut-wrenching horror as he weaves a twisted, nightmarish tale of slithering terror that will keep readers up late at night.
Kindle Link: Six-Gun 3
Amazon Link: Six-Gun 3
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Deep in the heart of the Caplock Mountains of Nevada a frightening new horror is preying on settlers and prospectors alike. When the entire crew of a mining outfit is found torn to pieces, the U.S. Cavalry is sent to investigate under the command of General Sherman, the famous Civil War tactician. He immediately recruits his former army scouts turned cowpunchers, Durken and McFee, to help ferret out this new threat to frontier settlements.
Soon the two cantankerous saddle-mates find themselves caught up between government agents and frightened Indian tribes who warn of an ancient evil returned to plague the white invaders; warriors capable of transforming themselves into beasts!
Once again Fred Adams Jr. delivers a gripping weird western that combines the best elements of both western and horror genres to deliver a non-stop action-adventure that will have pulp fans whipping through the pages. Six-Terrors Volume II is a book you won't want to put down.
Kindle Link: Six-Gun 2
Amazon Link: Six Gun 2
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Former Union scouts and saddle tramps Durken and McAfee are more than satisfied with their lives as cattle-punchers for Homer Eldridge and his Triple Six ranch. When a mysterious, black clad preacher arrives in town leading a congregation of dwarfish foreigners, strange things begin to happen. First cattle from various spreads are found savagely butchered out on the range for no apparent reason. Then several Triple Six hands go missing.
McAfee begins to suspects there is something very sinister about the new reverend and his people. Something that will bring more horror and destruction with it.
Writer Fred Adams, Jr. spins a weird western tale that will have readers on their edge of their seats and jumping at shadows. Mixing a heady brew that is half H.P. Lovecraft and half Louis L’Amour, SIX-GUN TERRORS is a creepy adventure not soon forgotten.
Kindle Link: Six Gun
Amazon Link: Six Gun
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
It is 1969; Newark, N.J. Former Green Beret Jim Slate comes home from Vietnam to live a quiet, peaceful life. His wish is cruelly denied him when he is kidnapped by Michael Monzo, a local gang boss who wants to rule the entire city. To do this he must bring down his rivals.
Monzo recruits an occult practioner who can turn an ordinary man into a vicious werewolf and then control his actions by the use of a magic amulet. But to carry out this heinous plan, he needs a subject. And so Jim Slate is snatched and turned into a “Hitwolf.”
Oct. 1969. It has been several months since veteran Green Beret Jim Slate escaped captivity at the hands of New Jersey mob boss, Michael Monzo. Employing a mercenary wizard, Monzo had transformed Slate into a werewolf with the intentions of using him as his own personal “hitwolf.” But Slate managed to foil Monzo and fled to the New Jersey wilderness known as the Barrens.
There he rendezvoused with three of his former army pals and related his harrowing experiences. Knowing the mob will never stop hunting Slate, the team heads for the swamps of Chambliss, Georgia to hide out. At their request, Slate turns Swede and Haines into werewolves while the third, Singer, opts to remain the solo “normal” one of the squad. Things turn worse when, through some Washington contacts, Slate learns he was betrayed by his former C.I.A. liaisons in ’Nam. Now they have added their considerable resources in capturing him and the others.
Determined to use their new-found abilities only to defend themselves against their enemies, Slate walks a delicate tightrope hoping the beasts he and his mates carry in their veins can be controlled. If not, then all hell will break loose and even the blood of the innocent will flow.
Kindle Link: Hitwolf 2
Amazon Link: Hitwolf 2
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Hitwolf V1
It is 1969; Newark, N.J. Former Green Beret Jim Slate comes home from Vietnam to live a quiet, peaceful life. His wish is cruelly denied him when he is kidnapped by Michael Monzo, a local gang boss who wants to rule the entire city. To do this he must bring down his rivals.
Monzo recruits an occult practioner who can turn an ordinary man into a vicious werewolf and then control his actions by the use of a magic amulet. But to carry out this heinous plan, he needs a subject. And so Jim Slate is snatched and turned into a “Hitwolf.”
But Slate is no one’s puppet and, despite the curse put on him, he will not be controlled. After he manages to escape his master, Slate disappears into the thousands of acres of New Jersey woodlands known as the Pine Barrens. But Monzo has no intentions of losing his pet killing machine. Now the manhunt begins to capture Jim Slate…dead or alive!
Kindle Link: Hitwolf
Amazon Link: Hitwolf
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Two Legendary Heroes
Come Together to Defeat
Upon completing his training with the Warmasters of Shamballah, Dillon journeys back to America to begin the next phase of his training under tutelage of one of the greatest adventurers of all time, Jim Anthony – The Super Detective. But no sooner do they meet then one of Anthony’s most dangerous villains resurface from his past to once again threaten mankind, the superhuman Sun Koh – Prince of Atlantis.
Now the old warrior and his young student, aided by Anthony’s loyal family and allies, will take on this new threat, pitting their lives against powerful adversaries. From New York to Berlin and then on to a hidden civilization at the bottom of the world, the Super Detective and his two-fisted protégé must stop the fiendish Sun Koh before he can unlock the ages old secret of the Vril power.
Writers Josh Reynold and Derrick Ferguson have whipped up a frenetically paced tale that never lets up for a second, masterfully delivering old fashioned pulp action in what is sure to become a New Pulp Classic!
Kindle Link: The Vril Agenda
Amazon Link: The Vril Agenda
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Former stage magician George Chance, by various twists of fate, becomes an eerie vigilante to help the police solve baffling, unique mysteries. He is aided by his loyal crew made up of former glamour girl, Merry White, circus little man, Tiny Tim Terry, former bookmaker and gambler Joe Harper and Glenn Saunders, a novice magician who is his identical double. Created by writer G.T. Fleming-Roberts, the Green Ghost and his team battled all manner of villainy in some of the most macabre pulp adventures ever recorded. Now Chance & Company are back in four brand new tales as chronicled by a quartet of today’s finest New Pulp writers; Michael Panush, Greg Hatcher, B.C. Bell and Erwin K. Roberts. In these pages the Green Ghost will face a giant mechanical monster on a long abandoned boardwalk, attempt to solve the murder of his old mentor and uncover a ring of foreign saboteurs using radio frequencies to carry out their missions of terror and destruction. Here are pulp thrills and spills showcasing one of the most original classic pulp heroes ever invented. Brought to you by Airship 27 Productions, the new home of High Adventure.
Kindle Link: Green Ghost
Amazon Link: Green Ghost
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Airship 27 Productions' first Art book!
Rob Moran is an award-winning artist of Noir-inspired, black and white illustrations. Here is a book of some of his best work, pencil and fully inked, in a genre he defines with every stroke of his pencil or pen. Printed in 8 1/2 x 11 format to really show off the line work and detail. This book will only be available in print form. PDF or Kindle just won't do it justice.
Amazon: NOIR
Our FIRST Digital Only book:
When Butch Faro’s gang of merciless killers threatens the sleepy Texas town of Sandy Creek, it will take the performers of Professor Phineas Proctor’s traveling circus, their golden hued robot-gunfighter and a brave Mexican blacksmith to thwart their plans and save the town.
Award winning New Pulp Writer, Ron Fortier, delivers a unique, fast-paced weird western like nothing you’ve ever read before.
Airship 27 Production – Pulp Fiction for a New Generation!
Kindle only: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IW9NVTI

Sandra and Molly were two typical office workers enjoying their lives, which consisted primarily of going to work, shopping and looking for cute guys. Then their world came to a disastrous end brought about by a fast-acting, airborne virus that decimated the the world’s population.
Now the girls live in the abandoned office building in which they once worked surrounded by a new and dangerous landscape; one where mutated animals roam the streets and giant birds soar through the empty skies; where frightening humanoid bat creatures have appeared to challenge humans for supremacy of the earth.
What are two attractive, intelligent, single girls suppose to do now…other than merely hunt for food and try to stay alive? Well, there are still malls, albeit much less crowded, and though rare, a few cute guys still out there. So even if the apocalypse sucks, Sandra and Molly are not about to let it cramp their style.
Writer Peggy Chambers offers up a truly unique, twisty adventure with two of the most likeable heroines you’ll ever meet. “The Apocalypse Sucks,” is a pulp mash-up readers are sure to enjoy from cover to cover.
Link to an interview with interior artist Zachary Brunner: Interview
Kindle Link: The Apocalypse Sucks
Amazon Link: The Apocalypse Sucks
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
For generations, the freedom loving Cossacks battled their enemies; the Ottoman Turks and Crimean Tartars for the supremacy of the rugged Steppes. Frustrated by the constant raids of these reckless, horse-riding warriors, Constantinople prepares a major campaign that will end the Cossacks and their way of life forever.
Realizing they are severely outnumbered against such a Turkish reprisal, the Cossack Headsman seeks out the sorcerer Alexsandr with a bold scheme. He wants Alexsandr to enter the realms of magic and enlist the aid of magical creatures of Slavic myth as allies. With the help of his friend, Commander Marko and the battle-hardened Bohun, the wizard must summon all his skills, both martial and arcane, to fulfill his sacred mission and in doing so save his people.
In the grand tradition of Robert E. Howard and Harold Lamb, writer Riley Hogan spins a tale of tested comrades about to risk all in a dangerous quest that, if they survive, could lead to the greatest victory in Cossack history.
Kindle Link: As Tartary Burns
Amazon Link: As Tartary Burns
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Zeppelin Tales
The Golden Era of the airship was the 1930s, the same period as that of the pulps and it is no surprise their romantic images would inspire pulp writers of the time. The original monthly, ZEPPELIN STORIES, was produced solely to highlight these magnificent flying machines in exciting, colorful and fast-paced adventures. Now, Airship 27 Productions, itself bearing the image of these high-flying cruisers, launches a brand-new series devoted to airships.
In this debut volume you will thrill to the exploits of Jim Beard’s new hero, Tracer Talbot, as he encounters a mysterious pirate airship and her crew. While writer I.A. Watson sets off on an aerial adventure aboard an experimental Zeppelin built to explore the skies of an alien dimension. Join us as AIRSHIP 27 – ZEPPELIN TALES Volume One soars into the stratosphere of the imagination on this, its maiden flight.
Kindle Link: Zeppelin Tales
Amazon Link: Zeppelin Tales
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
The Crimson Mask
Veteran Police Sergeant Clarke is gunned down by hoodlums, shot in the back of the head. As he lay dying, a rush of blood to his face formed a macabre mask, a crimson mask! When his son, Doctor Robert “Bob” Clarke, saw that strange stigmata he interpreted it as a sign, inspiring him to become his father’s avenger, the Crimson Mask!
Once again Airship 27 Productions digs into the dusty vaults of long forgotten, second tier pulp heroes to revitalize another great character in brand new, exciting adventures. Writers J. Walt Layne, Terrence McCauley, C. William Russette and Gary Lovisi took on the challenge of creating new, bizarre mysteries for the pharmacist turned crime-fighter and in doing so have put together a terrific collection of fast paced pulp action echoing the thrills of the original classics.
Aided by retired Police Commissioner Warrick, his former college roommate David Small and lovely nurse Sandra Gray, the Crimson Mask must hunt down the villainous distributors of tainted heroin, stop an invisible thief, learn who ignited the latest city gang war and solve the mystery of a killer targeting his father’s allies.
Hold on to your fedoras, jump on the running board and get ready for blazing thrills galore, pulp fans, as the Crimson Mask is back!
Kindle Link: The Crimson Mask
Amazon Link: The Crimson Mask
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
The time is 1935. After a decade of fame as the Queen of the Serials, Hollywood actress Gloria Swann is dismayed to see her box-office numbers dwindling with each new production. Desperate to reclaim her popularity, she bankrolls her own film project; an over the top jungle adventure to be shot on location in the wilds of the Amazon rainforests of Brazil.
After the crew and cast arrive at their isolated destination, a series of accidents occur threatening the lives of several of the players. The main target of these unexplained mishaps is Swann’s younger stunt double, Angela Morgan. She suspects there are evil forces lurking in the jungle that threaten their safety. Her only ally in this belief is veteran stunt coordinator Karl Braun. When Gloria Swann mysteriously disappears, Angela may be the only hope the Queen of Escapes has to survive.
Writer Curtis Fernlund’s homage to the classic film serials of yesterday is a rousing, fast paced adventure that speeds from one danger-filled cliffhanger to the next. James Lyle provides marvelous interior illustrations and Andy Fish captures all the fun in his gorgeous cover painting, packaged and designed by Rob Davis.
Kindle Link: The Queen of Escapes
Amazon Link: The Queen of Escapes
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Nightbreaker; a radio star turned vigilante, he exist in a strange limbo world. The beautiful Dreamcatcher who bends all magic to her will. The mysterious Ferryman, a living conduit to the world beyond! And their leader, Black Talon, the embodiment of the unfettered fury of the African Veldt...stalking a jungle of concrete and glass!
Together they are The Shadow Legion, a secret alliance of mystery men and women who battle the fantastic threats that can tear apart the metropolis they call home!
The superheroes of Nocturne, Florida, known as the Shadow Legion, are back but this time each is going solo. In a quartet of new adventures, each must confront weird and bizarre threats to their city and its people.
The blind Ferryman, who communes with ghosts, must save an innocent child from an eternal nightmare while the battling Nightbreaker confronts an old foe from his past with the ability to rain down death and destruction on the city. Meanwhile the Black Talon is kidnapped by a powerful necromancer whose obsession is to destroy all superheroes. And finally the beautiful Dreamcatcher must ally herself with a bizarre living rag-doll in her search for a maniacal fiend.
Here are four fast paced adventures chronicling the exploits of amazing heroes in their eternal battle with the forces of darkness. The Shadow Legion fights on.
Kindle Link: Shadow Legion 2
Amazon Link: Shadow Legion 2
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Shadow Legion: New Roads to Hell
There has always been something strange about Nocturne, Florida: the City That Lives by Night. It is an entertainment nexus luring tourist from around the world to its night clubs, music venues and other, more adult entertainment venues. But there is a darker side to which these carefree revelers never see; one of dark doings, violence and eldritch evil.
Now a new sinister force threatens Nocturne and only a handful of unique, gifted beings can protect the city’s innocent.
They are The Shadow Legion, a secret alliance of mystery men and women who battle the fantastic threats that can tear apart the metropolis they call home!
The Shadow Legion's saga begins here in New Roads To Hell, a gripping novel by Thomas Deja that reveals the secret origins of Nightbreaker and Ferryman, and features the menace of Rose Red, a crimson haired devil with a talent for murder!
Kindle Link: Shadow Legion: New Roads to Hell
Amazon Link: Shadow Legion: New Roads to Hell
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
British adventure writer, H. Rider Haggard’s most popular fictional character was Allan Quatermain, the irascible African big game hunter. As the hero of the classic KING SOLOMON’S MINES, Quatermain immediately fired the imagination of readers across the world and created an instant demand for more of his adventures.
Quatermain-The New Adventures V.5
More African Adventures!
H. Rider Haggard’s greatest hero returns in three new adventures. From battling the Spirits of the Dark Continent to fighting alongside a fearless Arab Warrior, Allan Quatermain takes on all challenges.•Here are two tales by DeWayne Dowers and Wayne Carey plus “Allan Quatermain and the Star of Wonder,” a full length novella by Thomas Kent Miller. All enclosed in a stunning cover by Ted Hammond!
This is old-fashioned action and adventure guaranteed to entertain pulp fans everywhere.
Amazon Link: Quatermain 5
Kindle Link: Quatermain 5
Available as a PDF for just $3.99 by clicking the button below.
Quatermain: The New Adventures V. 4- The Lightning Bird
The Lightning Bird
When the president of the First National Bank of Durban dies mysteriously consumed by flames, a beautiful Zulu woman named Izula approaches hunter-guide Allan Quatermain with a fantastic tale. She believes the cause of the man’s death, and those of others, is the legendary Impundulu, better known as the Lightning Bird.
Quatermain reluctantly agrees to help her and with the aid of his friend, Sean Finnegan, they launch an expedition eastward to the Grootslang Kloof located in the Soutpansberg Mountains. It is here, the mysterious forest of Thathe, surrounding Lake Fundudzi, that Izula hopes to find the malevolent witch doctor she believes is controlling the Impundulu.
The trail leads them a hidden city now ruled by a sadistic Portuguese trader. To free the enslaved populace and defeat him, Quatermain and his companions will have to confront an evil as old as time itself. Here is H. Rider Haggard’s most famous pulp hero in a brand new, action-packed novel that will have pulp fans cheering.
Kindle Link: The Lightning Bird
Amazon Link: The Lightning Bird
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Quatermain: The New Adventures-The Beast Men
When all the villagers of several veldt kraals mysteriously go missing, Allan Quatermain finds himself embroiled in one of his most baffling African adventures. Whispers among the Zulus claim weird beast men, half-human and half-cat, are responsible for the abductions. Quatermain and his companion Mnqoba begin their investigation skeptical of the rumors but at the same time baffled by the unexplained disappearances of so many so quickly.
Their mission leads them to a ranch owned by British Doctor Emerson Blake and his late partner's beautiful widow, Emma. Both scoff at the stories of the beast men and do their best to convince the famous hunter that there must be a logical explanation. Quatermain is almost won over when, after a new attack by the creatures, Mnqoba is counted among the missing. Now he must confront the reality; someone or something has brought death to Zululand?
Writer Wayne Carey whips up a thrilling old-fashioned adventure yarn featuring one of the most endearing heroes in all of literature. “Allan Quatermain & the Beast Men,” is pure pulp action from start to finish.
Kindle Link: Quatermain-The Beast Men
Amazon Link: Quatermain-The Beast Men
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Quatermain: The New Adventures Volume 2
Adventures in Africa
H. Rider Haggard’s classic hero, Allan Quatermain, returns in three brand new adventures all set on the Dark Continent. Thomas Kent Miller’s novella has the big-game hunter traveling to Ethiopia to search for the fabled Library of Alexandria. Erik Franlin pits him against an ancient cult of assassins while Alan J. Porter has the skilled tracker stuck in the middle of the Boer War trying to find the source of a diamond smuggling operation.
Three fast-paced, original tales that capture the mystery and adventure of a wild, untamed land and the man who loved it above all else. Journey with him and embrace the magic that was and remains Africa.
Kindle Link: Quatermain V2
Amazon Link: Quatermain V2
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Quatermain: The New Adventures Volume 1
Airship 27 Productions answers the on-going demand for new Quatermain stories by presenting two brand new Alan Quatermain novellas each filled with a host of suspense, action and exotic African locales. When a French river boat pilot discovers elephant ivory suffused with gold, it sends the expert guide on a quest find a fable elephant’s graveyard to learn answer to the “GOLDEN IVORY” by Alan J. Porter.
Next, a naïve American lad follows Quatermain deep into the jungle to find eight missing white women only to uncover an ancient evil capable of possessing the bodies of its victim’s in Aaron Smith’s chilling “TEMPLE OF LOST SOULS.”
Here are complete tales that will thrill pulp fans and introduce a whole new generation to one of the most famous adventure heroes of all time; H. Rider Haggard’s Alan Quatermain.
Kindle Link: Quatermain-The-New-Adventures
Amazon Link: Quatermain: The New Adventures
Available as a PDF for just $3.00 by clicking the button below.
Jamie and the Fish-Eyed Goggles
Youngsters Jamie Ryan and Kristi LeClerc find a set of magical goggles while visiting the library. The two discover that the colorful, oddly shaped goggles show "the heart's desire" of the person being viewed when looked through. Excited at their discovery the two travel their neighborhood to learn what their neighbors and parents desired to do with their lives.
Ron Fortier has written a delightful and fun story for kids and adults alike illustrated with energy and bright colors by artist Gary Kato.
Amazon Link: Goggles
Kindle Link: Goggles
Available as a PDF ebook for only $2! Use the link below to order.
A precocious school age boy who uses observation and deduction to befuddle and impress his classmates, teachers and parents.
Barry Baskerville and the Stolen Car
Barry Baskerville was one of the strangest boys in his hometown of Watsonville. Most of the boys in his class wanted to be astronauts, truck drivers, or cowboys. Barry thought that was silly. He was determined to become the world's most famous detective. He wanted to be just like Sherlock Holmes. His keen deductive skills sometimes irritate and annoy his classmates and teachers. Intended for young readers (age 7-10).
When the family car is stolen Barry and his trusted dog Pompei investigate! Using his powers of deduction and dogged determination bicycling around town will Barry solve the crime?
Written in snappy prose by Richard Kellogg and colorfully illustrated by Gary Kato. Fun for fans of mysteries and Sherlock Holmes enjoyed by all ages.
Amazon Link: Stolen Car
Kindle Link: Coming Soon
Available as a PDF ebook for only $2! Use the link below to order.
Barry Baskerville's Fishing Adventure
Barry Baskerville is a precocious school age boy who uses observation and deduction to befuddle and impress his classmates, teachers and parents. In this eighth volume of the adventures of the boy who would be Sherlock Holmes, Barry irritates and tests his teachers and classmates with his logic riddles. Then school is out for the Summer and Barry and his friends get together for a fishing trip to the local stream. Little did they realize when they stumbled on their school bus driver napping beside the stream, his fishing pole propped at his side, that they would become involved in a mystery!
Once again Richard Kellogg weaves a tangled tale of gentle mystery and deduction beautifully and lovingly illustrated by Hawaiian artist Gary Kato. Sherlock Holmes fans of all ages will enjoy the mysteries and riddles posed within. The game is afoot!
Amazon Link: Fishing Adventure
Kindle Link: Coming Soon!
Available as a PDF ebook for only $2! Use the link below to order.
Barry Baskerville's Christmas Mystery
"Barry Baskerville was one of the strangest boys in his hometown of Watsonville. Most of the boys in his class wanted to be astronauts, truck drivers, or cowboys.Barry thought that was silly. He was determined to become the world’s most famous detective. He wanted to be just like Sherlock Holmes." A precocious school age boy who uses observation and deduction to befuddle and impress his classmates, teachers and parents in a tale brightly illustrated by artist Gary Kato intended for young readers (age 7-10). In this installment of the delightful series Barry is up to his usual antics as he annoys his friends and teachers with his tricky questions based around careful observation. When Christmas trees begin to disappear in town Barry thinks up a scheme to track down the thief with the help of his trusted hound, Pompey!
Amazon Link: Christmas Mystery
Kindle Link: Christmas Mystery
Available as a PDF ebook for only $2! Use the link below to order.
Barry Baskerville and the Buried Treasure
Barry Baskerville & The Buried Treasure
Airship 27 Productions is delighted to announce the release of their sixth chapter in the ongoing Barry Baskerville children’s book series. Written by Richard Kellogg and illustrated by Gary Kato, the series spotlights the young boy who wants to grow up to be a detective like his hero Sherlock Holmes. In this sixth adventure, Barry’s father inherits a diary farm out in the country. When Barry learns there is a buried treasure hidden on the farm, he makes it his mission to solve the puzzle and find the treasure. Once again Kellogg & Kato present a delightful adventure for children of all ages.
AIRSHIP 27 PRODUCTIONS – Pulp Fiction For A New Generation!
Amazon Link: Barry Baskerville 6
Kindle Link: Buried Treasure
Available as a PDF ebook for only $2! Use the link below to order.
Barry Baskerville's Marvelous Memory
The fifth in the children’s book series about the young Boy Detective who fancies himself another Sherlock Holmes.
In this new tale, Barry, besides his usual games and riddles at school, manages to save his parents from a pair of unscrupulous con artist posing as insurance salesmen. Once again Richard Kellogg spins a fun, informative story that young and old will relish while Hawaiian based artist Gary Kato provides the beautifully colored illustrations.
Amazon Link: Barry Baskerville 5
Kindle Link: Barry Baskerville 5
Available as a PDF ebook for only $2! Use the link below to order.
Barry Baskerville's Blue Bicycle
The fun and colorful adventures of Barry Baskerville, the boy who admires and wants to be Sherlock Holmes, continue. After Barry's parents gift him a new blue bicycle for his birthday Barry confounds and confuses his teachers, classmates and solves a crime! Colorfully illustrated by Gary Kato this book joins the previous three fun and educational adventures of Barry Baskerville.
Amazon Link: Barry Baskerville 4
Kindle Link: Barry Baskerville 4
Available as a PDF ebook for only $2! Use the link below to order.
Barry Baskerville Traps a Thief
Airship 27 Productions is proud to announce the release of its third children’s book series starring Barry Baskerville; the boy who idolizes Sherlock Holmes. “Barry Baskerville Traps a Thief,” is the third installment in this bestselling series from one of the premier publishers of New Pulp Fiction. Written by Prof. Richard Kellogg, the character’s creator and avowed Sherlock Holmes enthusiast with colorful artwork by Hawaiian based graphic artist, Gary Kato.
In “Barry Baskerville Traps a Thief,” the young boy detective has to solve the mystery of who is stealing wooden items in his Watsonville neighborhood. With the help of his parents and the local police, young Barry begins gathering clues and energetically follows them to unmask the culprit. “Along with Prof. Kellogg’s whimsical tale,” adds Fortier, “we have a book full of beautiful, colored illustrations by an industry pro in Gary Kato. Fans of the series will not want to miss this new entry.”
Amazon Link: Barry Baskerville 3
Kindle Link: Barry Baskerville 3
Available as a PDF ebook for only $2! Use the link below to order. (available soon)
Barry Baskerville, the boy who wants to be just like Sherlock Holmes, returns for more trouble and fun!
Amazon Link: Barry Baskerville Returns
Kindle Link: Barry Baskerville Returns
Available as a PDF ebook for only $2! Use the link below to order.
Barry Baskerville Solves a Crime
< 8.5" x 8.5" (21.59 x 21.59 cm)
28 pages
Juvenile Fiction / Mysteries & Detective Stories
"Barry Baskerville was one of the strangest boys in his hometown of Watsonville.
Most of the boys in his class wanted to be astronauts, truck drivers, or cowboys.
Barry thought that was silly. He was determined to become the world’s most famous
detective. He wanted to be just like Sherlock Holmes."
Thus begins "Barry Baskerville Solves a Case." A precocious school age boy who uses observation and deduction to befuddle and impress his classmates, teachers and parents in a tale brightly illustrated by artist Gary Kato intended for young readers (age 7-10).
Amazon Link: Barry Baskerville Solves a Case
Kindle Link: Barry Baskerville Solves a Case
Available as a PDF ebook for only $2! Use the link below to order.
During the 1960s America was locked in a tense Cold War with the Soviet Union, Ian Fleming’s James Bond unleashed a spy craze and the Beatles swept across American shores with their version of new Pop-Rock and Roll. Meanwhile American comics had entered into the Silver Age with the birth of Marvel Comics and a resurgence in DC Comics superheroes. Every week new titles seemed to proliferate on drug store magazine spinner-racks.
Now Airship 27 Productions digs for inspiration deep into those long forgotten comic vaults to create an oddball hero, GHOST BOY. Ghost Boy is young Alex Conroy; the top agent of S.O.S. (Science Operational Security) who is possessed with strange superhuman abilities. His best friend is an eight-foot robot called P.O.P.S. (Photoelectric Optimal Protection Sentry).
It is the mid-1960s and the U.S. is in thick of the Cold War with the Soviet Union and Red China. The country’s greatest asset is Ghost Boy, a young genius with amazing supernatural powers, and his eight foot tall steel and chrome robot, Pops. Ripped from the pages of Jigsaw Comics, Ghost Boy returns in this collection of four brand new adventures.
A rogue army invades America; a giant monster from another dimension attacks a small western town and a cunning foreign inventor creates a machine to enslave the minds of his targets. These are just some of threats facing our heroes as penned by pulp writers Terry Alexander, J.Walt Layne, Erik Franklin and Lee Houston Jr.
So hold on to your hats, pulp and comic readers, the Cold War is about to heat up!
Amazon Link: Ghost Boy 2
Kindle Link: Ghost Boy 2
Available as a PDF ebook for only $3! Use the link below to order.
Ghost Boy Volume One
Writers Terry Alexander, Micah Harris and Andrew Salmon recapture the fun and magic of the 60s in this character and offer up four brand new adventures. As an extra bonus, Ron Fortier and artist Gary Kato tell the origin tale of GHOST BOY in a special nine-page comic which kicks off this thrilling collection, all gathered under a gorgeous cover by Laura Givens.
Sixties era comics fans rejoice, GHOST BOY is here!
Amazon Link: Ghost Boy
Kindle Link: Ghost Boy
Available as a PDF ebook for only $3! Use the link below to order.
The greatest seafaring adventurer of all times returns to the high seas, Sinbad the Sailor!
Born of countless legends and myths, this fearless rogue sets sail across the seven seas aboard his ship, the Blue Nymph, accompanied by an international crew of colorful, larger-than-life characters. Chief among these are the irascible Omar, a veteran seamen and trusted first mate, the blond Viking giant, Ralf Gunarson, the sophisticated archer from Gaul, Henri Delacrois and the mysterious, lovely and deadly female samurai, Tishimi Osara. All of them banded together to follow their famous captain on perilous new voyages across the world’s oceans.
Sinbad the New Voyages Volume 7: Sinbad and the Minotaur
By a strange twist of magic, Sinbad and the crew of the Blue Nymph find themselves hurled back into the Bronze Age and travel to Minoan Crete where they encounter one of the greatest legends of all time, the monstrous Minotaur. Inhabiting the underground maze built by King Minos beneath his Palace of Knossos, the half-man, half-bull devours any poor soul sent into the twisting labyrinth. But when the wily Sinbad learns there is also a fabulous treasure hidden within that same dark lair, he and his fearless team begin to plot a dangerous scheme to steal the prize. Even if it means battling the fabled horned beast.
Once again Ralf, the Viking berserker, Henri the Gaulish hunter and Tishimi, the female Samurai will pit their cunning and courage to survive their most amazing voyage yet in writer Nancy Hansen’s incredible new action adventure yarn. Artist Gary Kato provides the nine black and white interior illustrations with Canadian artist Ted Hammond the action filled cover.
Amazon.com: Sinbad V.7
Kindle Version: Sinbad V.7
Available as a PDF ebook for only $3! Use the link below to order.
Two New Voyages!
History’s most daring sailor, Sinbad, returns in two brand new thrilling adventures by writers Nancy Hansen and Greg Hatcher. With his international crew, Sinbad captains the Blue Nymph to strange and fantastic worlds.
Notes from a magic device open a portal through time sending the crew to a rugged ice world in Nancy Hansen’s full-length novella filled with action and suspense.Then writer Greg Hatcher takes us to Ralf’s impending wedding only to meet a party-crashing group of deadly dark wizards.
Inspired by the films of Ray Harryhausen, Airship 27 invites readers to two amazing classic pulp adventures.
Amazon.com: Sinbad 6
Kindle Version: Sinbad 6
Available as a PDF ebook for only $3! Use the link below to order.
Sinbad-The New Voyages Volume 5
The Crew of the Blue Numph
They are the most daring, courageous, fool-hardy seagoing crew ever assembled. Foremost among them are Henri Delacrois, the French archer, Ralf Gunarson, the blonde Viking giant, Tishimi Osara the lovely female samurai, and Omar the irascible first mate. These are the colorful adventurers of the magnificent Blue Nymph. All pledged to follow their captain, the most famous sailor of all time, Sinbad El Ari.
Now they return in four brand new fantasy tales by Barbara Doran, Ron Fortier, Lee Houston Jr. and Percival Constantine. Set against the backdrop of far-off exotic lands filled with magic and mystery here are epic tales worthy of this legendary hero, Sinbad the Sailor!
Amazon.com: Sinbad 5
Kindle Version: Sinbad 5
Available as a PDF ebook for only $3! Use the link below to order.
Sinbad-The New Voyages Volume 4
They are the most daring, courageous, fool hardy crew ever assembled under one flag. Chief among them are Henri Delacrois, the French archer, Ralf Gunarson, the blonde Viking giant, the lovely but deadly female Samurai Tishimi Osara, Omar the cantankerous first mate and Haroun, the eagle-eyed youth who mans the towering crow’s nest of the magnificent Blue Nymph. All pledged to follow their captain, the most famous seagoing adventurer of all time, Sinbad El Ari.
Now they return in four brand new fantasy tales by Joe Bonadonna, Ralph L. Angelo, Jeff Fournier and I.A. Watson. Thrills and danger await on colorful exotic shores as the crew of the Blue Nymph search for the Golden Fleece, battle a Scorpion God and Sinbad alone must defeat an evil djin in a game of chess for the life of a beautiful princess. Here are epic tales worthy of this legendary hero, Sinbad the Sailor!
“Ray Harryhausen would have loved this!”
—Says Charles Saunders, author of the popular Imaro series.
Amazon.com: Sinbad 4
Kindle Version: Sinbad 4
Available as a PDF ebook for only $3! Use the link below to order.
Sinbad-the new voyages Volume 3
BEWARE! The Warriors of Forever When the undead Warriors of Forever, led by the one-eyed witch, Asentua, attack the peaceful fishing village of the Xubanthali kidnapping the children, it falls upon Sinbad and the crew of the Blue Nymph to come to their aid. Accompanied by the town elder, Al-Bulcar, and Illia, the beautiful daughter of the village shaman, the Blue Nymph is set on a course of dangerous mystery. To locate the fabled demon horde they must first find the elusive Scholars of Bethsea for they alone hold the key to solving the riddle of the evil sorceress and the reason behind her abduction of the villagers’ young. Writer C.B. Harvey spins a fantastic seafaring adventure that will leave readers cheering.
Kindle Version: Sinbad V. 3
Available as a PDF ebook for only $3! Use the link below to order.
Amazon.com: Sinbad V. 3
Sinbad-the new voyages Volume 2
Pull up anchor, cast off the mooring lines and drop the sail, the good ship Blue Nymph is about to set sail for adventure once again with her famous seafaring captain at the helm.
Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to present the second volume of brand new stories starring the greatest seaman of them all, Sinbad the Sailor and his international crew of daring adventurers. Here is Henri Delacrois, the deadly archer from Gaul, Ralf Gunarson, the strapping young Viking giant, Tishimi Osara the beautiful female samurai and Omar, the irascible first mate. All of them bound together by their love of action and yearning to explore uncharted lands.
Over the horizon awaits treasure, beautiful exotic maidens and monsters beyond imagining. Dare you sign aboard with Sinbad El Ari? If so, then batten the hatches and have your curved blade ready, heart pounding adventure awaits within these pages.
Amazon.com: Sinbad: The New Voyages Vol. 2
Kindle Version: Sinbad: The New Voyages Vol. 2
Available as a PDF ebook for only $3! Use the link below to order.
Writers Nancy Hansen, I.A. Watson and Derrick Ferguson offer up three classic Sinbad tales to rival those of legend while adding a familiar sensibility from the cult favorite Sinbad movies of FX master, Ray Harryhausen. SINBAD – The New Voyages will enthrall and entertain all lovers of fantasy adventure in a brand new way; featuring cover art by Bryan Fowler and twelve black and white illustrations by Ralf van der Hoeven. So pack up your you traveling bags, bid ado to your loved ones and get ready to sail with the tide as Sinbad El Ari takes the tiller and the Blue Nymph sets sails once more; its destination worlds of wonder, mystery and high adventure.
Amazon.com: Sinbad: The New Voyages
Kindle version: Sinbad
Available as a PDF ebook for only $3! Use the link below to order.
Captain Action and Lady Action
Captain Action was an action figure created in 1966, equipped with a wardrobe of costumes allowing him to become various Superheroes and comics characters. Captain Action was the Ideal Toy Company's answer to Hasbro's G.I. Joe — although the protagonist dolls of both toy lines were created and designed by the same toy-and-idea man, Stan Weston. Revived as an action figure and comics character in the 2000's, Captain Action takes his first trip into Pulp Adventure in Airship 27's line of New Pulp novels and anthologies.
™ & © Captain Action Enterprises, LLC
Captain Action: Cry of the Jungle Lord
1969 - Something mysterious is happening in the depths of the Yucatan jungle and Miles Drake, aka Captain Action, has been sent to investigate. His superiors believe their main nemesis, the alien criminal known as Dr. Evil is hunting something called the Sky Rock, a supposed fallen meteor possessing strange energies. But as soon as Drake arrives on the site, he's met with two other unexpected characters that may or may not be involved with Evil's nefarious plans.
One of these is a beautiful female Mexican agent named Selena Rubio, whereas the other is a strange masked figure woven from local Mayan myths called the Gibbon, the Protector of the Jungle. Whose side are they on and how does Evil's actual scheme involve the forthcoming Cape Kennedy space rocket launch? The deeper Captain Action delves into the affair, the more dangerous it becomes with death awaiting him at every twist and turn along this deadly verdant path.
Writers Jim Beard and Barry Reese weave a fast- paced, new pulp thriller filled with action galore, exotic locales and larger than life characters to offer up a great new chapter in the exploits of one of the most iconic heroes of the 1960s, Captain Action. Miles Drake is his name but Action is his game!!
Available at Amazon.com: Captain Action 3
Kindle version: Captain Action 3
Available as a PDF ebook for only $3 Use the link below to order.
Lady Action: The Sands of Forever
When a top A.C.T.I.O.N. agent goes missing in the arid wastelands of the Libyan Desert, the super secret organization sends in their top field operative; Nicola Sinclair – Codename: Lady Action.
An ancient power as old as the earth lies buried there and a wealthy Arab tycoon with ties to Islamic Terrorists groups will do anything to claim it. With only a few brave allies and her considerable skills, the lovely and deadly Lady Action must defeat this powerful villain and uncover the secret of the Sands of Forever or the civilized world is doomed to destruction.
Combining the modern day flair of today’s spy thrillers with the pacing of new pulp adventures, Ron Fortier brings to life one of the most charismatic new action heroes ever to dive into danger and suspense.
Available at Amazon.com for $7.99: Lady Action
Kindle version $1.99: Lady Action
Available as a PDF ebook for only $1! Use the link below to order.
Captain Action-Hearts of the Rising Sun
While on assignment in Japan, Captain Action is haunted by the woman he loved and lost years ago in the underground kingdom beneath Siberia. When she mysteriously begins reappearing during his clandestine mission to witness a newly discovered power source, agent Miles Drake begins to question his own sanity.
Forces are at work to steal two naturally formed energy stones whose limitless power in the wrong hands could destroy the world. When he begins to suspect his alien nemesis, Dr. Evil, is behind these attacks, Drake has to utilize his most daring disguises ever to learn the truth and ally himself with an old vigilante hero from the past.
Now the one and only Captain Action must walk a delicate tightrope between old and new allies while attempting to discover the source of the threat to the Hearts of the Rising Sun. If he fails, mankind is doomed!
Airship 27 Productions – Pulp Fiction For A New Generation ™ & © Captain Action Enterprises, LLC www.CaptainAction.com
Available at Amazon.com for $16.99: Captain Action 2
Kindle version now available for only $4.99: Captain Action
Available as a PDF ebook for only $3! Use the link below to order.
One of the most popular heroes of the 1960s returns in his first ever full-length novel. Super-spy and master of disguise, Miles Drake, aka Captain Action investigates the “Riddle of the Glowing Men,” by writer Jim Beard. Foreign assassins are sent to kill Captain Action and though he manages to defeat them, it is their lifeless bodies that pose the greater mystery as they give off a green, glowing radiation.
Teamed with a beautiful and seductive Russian Agent, Captain Action travels to the barren, frozen wastelands of Siberia where the secret behind the glowing men lies buried in a fantastic, lost underground world. It is a secret also pur- sued by his most dangerous nemesis, the insidious Dr. Evil. What is this strange power hidden beneath the earth that could destroy all of mankind and who will unlock its mysteries first?
“Riddle of the Glowing Men,” is a classic pulp thriller packed with enough intrigue, daring escapes and breakneck adventure to fill a dozen books. Featuring a stunning cover by artist Nick Runge and interior illustrations by award winning artist, Rob Davis, it presents a well loved hero to a new audience eager to experience his special brand of two-fisted battling, Captain Action style!
Airship 27 Productions – Pulp Fiction For A New Generation ™ & © Captain Action Enterprises, LLC www.CaptainAction.com
Available at Amazon.com:Riddle of the Glowing Men
Kindle version : Riddle of the Glowing Men
Available as a PDF ebook for only $3! Use the link below to order.
TALES OF THE SOUTH SEAS In the middle of the South SeaS is THE island of Motugra, so named by the natives. It has the only deep water port in this island chain. On Motugra you’ll find THE HANGING MONKEY, an inn and bar owned and operated by Irish ex-patriot Corky O’Brien. Here gather some of the most colorful rogues, scalawags and pirates ever to ply the trade routes of the Pacific during the late 1930s.
Tales from the Hanging Monkey Volume 2
When Irishman Corky O’Brian opened his bar, the Hanging Monkey, on the island of Motugra he had no idea it would become a magnet for some of the most colorful rogues ever to ply their trades in the South Seas. The cast includes his lovely, but deadly Chinese waitress Miko, Khuna the powerful island warrior, sea captain Nick Fortune and pilot Jimmy Dolan.
Together these five colorful characters fight their way through one breathtaking adventure after another courtesy of writers Bill Craig, J. Walt Layne, Don Gates, Nancy Hansen and Lee Houston Jr. From chasing after a cursed diamond to uncovering the mystery of a lethal mermaid, when you stop in at the Hanging Monkey, there’s no telling what will happen next!
These are old-fashioned South Seas tales done New Pulp style with fast-paced action amidst tropical sea breezes that will have readers soon clamoring for more…Tales From the Hanging Monkey.
Available at Amazon.com: Tales from the Hanging Monkey Volume 2
Kindle version: Tales from the Hanging Monkey Volume 2
Available as a PDF ebook for only $3! Use the link below to order.
Tales from the Hanging Monkey Vol. 1

Enter and meet Khuna, the bar’s bouncer and former headhunter. Miko, the slim and beautiful Chinese girl with the mysterious past. One eyed Captain Nick Fortune, owner of the schooner Fortune’s Folly and air freight pilot, Jimmy Dolan. And don’t forget ace reporter, the lovely blond Grace Thomas. All of these characters spring from the mind of writer Bill Craig as homage to the classic pulp island stories of yesterday. Along for the ride, Craig is joined by Derrick Ferguson, Joshua Reynolds and Tommy Hancock. Here are four fast paced, island adventures guaranteed to whisk your imagination to tropical paradises of warm breezes, swaying palm trees and crystal blue waters. Where danger can lurk behind the smile of an alluring native girl and a man’s fists are as important as his wits. So hitch up your gunbelt, cock your pilot’s cap and swing the door’s open…Welcome to The Hanging Monkey! AIRSHIP 27 PRODUCTIONS – PULP FICTION FOR A NEW GENERATION!
Available at Amazon.com: Tales from the Hanging Monkey
Kindle version: Tales from the Hanging Monkey
Available as a PDF ebook for only $3! Use the link below to order.
JUNGLE MYSTERIES ---- One of the most popular sub-genres of the classic pulp magazines were those with jungle settings. With the success and popularity of Edgar Rice Burrough’s Tarzan stories, editors began clamoring for similar tales featuring jungle heroes. Soon dozens of cheap loin-cloth wearing imitators were popping up everywhere, including a few jungle queens to add spice to the mix.
Deep in the heart of the Congo is a jungle wilderness filled with exotic beauty and danger. This is the world of Ki-Gor the Jungle Lord, his beautiful mate, Helene and their allies; Tembu George the transplanted American turned Masia warrior and N'Geeso, the daring pygmy chieftain. Here are three brand new adventures featuring these beloved characters from one of pulpdom's most popular series.
Writer John R. Rose offers u a trilogy of original tales: A long novella and two short stories. In these Ki-Gor and his friends discover a hidden world, battle Nazi agents and run afoul of greedy treasure hunters. This is classic pullp jungle action reliving the days when Africa was still a vast, uncharted continent and only the braves of the brave dared to venture within its lost and hidden realms.
Amazon.com: http: Jungle Tales 2
Kindle version: Jungle Tales 2
PDF download at only $3.00!:

By far the most successful of the Tarzan clones was the blond-haired Ki-Gor, the Jungle Lord whose adventures appeared regularly in the pages of Jungle Stories magazine.
Now Airship 27 Productions offers up this new collection with three brand new adventures of Ki-Gor and his lovely, red headed mate, Helene, as they travel into the mysterious, uncharted jungles of Africa.
Penned by Aaron Smith, Duane Spurlock and Peter Miller, here are a trio of fast paced tales that have the Jungle Lord discovering a hidden village of Vikings, crossing paths with dinosaurs in a lost valley and battling cannibals to save the life of a benevolent jungle princess. This is the pulse-pounding action and thrill-a-minute adventure fans have come to expect from the classic jungle pulps.
Featuring a stunning cover by painter Bryan Fowler with magnificent interior illustrations by Kelly Everaert, JUNGLE TALES Vol One kicks off another new series pulp fans are sure to approve of happily.
Amazon.com: http: Jungle Tales V. 1
Kindle version: Jungle Tales
PDF download at only $3.00!:

Restaurant owner Steve Beaudine is killed in a car accident and his beautiful wife, Ava is severely injured. After months of physical recuperation, she returns to AVA’S with the desire to keep the business going. But Tony Jasco, her husband’s partner, has plans to sell the eatery and split the profits. Ava adamantly refuses to terminate what had been Steve’s dream. She is determined to make it work no matter Jasco’s opposition.
Then the mysterious David Ehlert enters her life with a fantastic story, one straight out of a fairy tale. He claims to be a wizard and that Jasco is trying to have her killed to gain his own ends. Ava simply can’t believe such a fanciful claim…until they are attacked by magical dark forces. Suddenly she finds herself the target of a twisted, dark magician and her only salvation is Ehlert, a man claiming to have been born in 1886 but still looking young and fit. ***
Writer David C. Smith spins a colorful, fast paced thriller that introduces a fascinating new hero in the vein of the classic golden age pulps but with a decidedly modern day twist. It is the story of a haunted man out of time seeking redemption for past sins in a world of arcane mysteries and magiks. CALL TO SHADOWS is a masterful thriller by a veteran writer that will keep you on the edge of your chair from start to finish.
AIRSHIP 27 PRODUCTIONS – Pulp Fiction For A New Generation !
Amazon.com: http: Call of Shadows
Kindle version: Call of Shadows
PDF download at only $3.00!:
Created by pulp masters, Bobby Nash & Sean Taylor, Rick Ruby echoes the tales of Sam Spade and Philip Marlowe while offering up his own brand of two-fisted action. It was the 1930s and America was locked in the grip of the Great Depression. Gangsters controlled the major cities while outlaws roamed the rural back country. It was a time of Speak Easy gin-joints, Tommy-guns, fast cars and even faster dames. This is the world of New York based Private Investigator Rick Ruby, a world he is all too familiar with.
Check out the Rick Ruby Website! rickruby.blogspot.com
Cool Dames. Hot City.
New York City is private eye Rick Ruby's beat and beautiful women his weakness. All Ruby ever wants to do is earn enough to get by and stay out of trouble. But no matter how hard he tries to keep his nose clean, trouble has a way of finding him.
From spies, to gang wars, hangings and cold-blooded murder, writers Alan J. Porter, Ron Fortier, Bobby Nash and Sean Taylor put Ruby through his paces. But in the end, the smart mouth shamus knows that to survive, he's going to need a little help from his friends.
Mystery lovers rejoice as they get ready to crack open The Ruby Files, Volume Two.
Cover Illustration and Logo Design © 2017 Mark Wheatley. All rights reserved.
Amazon.com: The Ruby Files 2
Kindle version: The Ruby Files 2
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The Ruby Files Vol. 1
•WOUNDS By Andrew Salmon While trying to clear a murdered police officer, Ruby becomes entangled in police corruption and a connection to his father's death.
•THE CASE OF THE WAYWARD BROTHER By Bobby Nash- A beautiful, mysterious blond wants her brother found. It's a deadly setup, and Ruby walks into a case of cold blooded murder.
•TULSA BLACKIE'S LAST DIVE By William Patrick Maynard- Rick heads out to Hollywood to solve the death of cowboy superstar Tulsa Blackie.
•DIE GIFTIGE LILIE By Sean Taylor- Rick is hired to help a German scientist defect, but uncovers more to his job than his leggy client let on.
Now available as a print on demand trade paperback for $14.99 at Airship 27's IndyPlanet store.
The Ruby Files Volume One TM and © Bobby Nash and Sean Taylor
“Wounds” © 2012 Andrew Salmon “The Case of the Wayward Brother” © 2012 Bobby Nash “Tulsa Blackie’s Last Dive” © 2012 William Patrick Maynard “Die Giftige Lilie” © 2012 Sean Taylor
Interior Illustrations © 2012 Rob Moran
Cover Illustration and Logo Design © 2012 Mark Wheatley. All rights reserved.
Amazon.com: The Ruby Files
Kindle version: The Ruby Files
PDF download at only $3.00!:
THE ROBIN HOOD OF THE PULPS! *** Detective Sgt. Stephen Thatcher is the son of Police Chief Peter Thatcher. Sickened by the effects of the Great Depression on Great City, the young lawman cannot reconcile the rich society elite living the good life while across town the poor of Great City go hungry. Unable to correct this injustice through the system he represents, Thatcher assumes the role of the vigilante thief the Moon Man by disguising himself behind a one-way Argus glass globe. In this get up he then proceed to rob the rich and give to the needy via his loyal aide, former boxer Ned “Angel” Dargan. He is also aided by the lovely Sue McEwen, the daughter of the man sworn to capture him, his own boss, Lt. Detective Gil McEwen.
Costumed in a cloak and a globe of "Argus Glass" the Moon Man was a contemporary "Robin Hood" of the pulp era: robbing from the well off and the dishonest and giving to the poor. Created by pulp legend Frederick C. Davis, the Moon Man’s exploits appeared in the pages of “Ten Detective Aces” and was a reader favorite. Now he returns to the streets of Great City in new thrilling adventures written by modern New Pulp writers.
During the days of the Great Depression, the suffering endured by the people of Great City seemed to rain only upon the downtrodden. The elite rich continued to live the high life while their fellow citizens scrambled to get food and a roof over their heads. Police Detective Sgt. Thatcher considered this injustice and decided to become a modern-day Robin Hood, stealing from the rich to give to the poor.
Thus he donned a fishbowl-like one-way dome of argus glass and became the notorious Moon Man, one of Pulpdom’s most unique heroes. Here, in this new volume, the Moon Man, and his sidekick Ned, take on a madman treasure hunter, aviators duped into committing crimes, and a crooked lawyer. Three new tales of action and adventure continue the saga of the weirdest avenger of them all; the Moon Man.
Amazon Link: Moon Man V3
Kindle Link: Moon Man V3
$3 PDF at the link below:
The Robin Hood of Great City
In the middle of the Great Depression, many unscrupulous people found ways to enrich their own wealth while ignoring the plight of those less fortunate. It was an injustice the law could not remedy. Men like Detective Sgt. Stephen Thatcher found themselves at odds with the very laws they were sworn to uphold. But, unlike the others, Thatcher solved his moral dilemma by creating an alter-ego who would rob from the very rich and give to the poor. Wearing a bizarre argus glass globe over his head, the Moon Man became the Robin Hood of Great City and one of pulpdom’s most endearing classic heroes.
Writers Gene Moyers, Greg Hatcher, Tim Bruckner and Terry Alexander have now whipped up four new stories pitting the Moon Man against a variety of foes and challenges. From a group of street kids emulating The Moon Man to deadly Nazi saboteurs, the glass globe wearing champion of the underdogs, finds himself battling as never before to see that justice will triumph in the end.
Amazon.com: The Moon Man V2
Kindle version: The Moon Man V2
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BAIT TRAP By Gary Lovisi Inspector McEwen comes up with a foolproof plan to capture the Moon Man which seems like curtains for the Robin Hood of Crime. THE FALSE GLOBE By Erwin K. Roberts A phony Moon Man is terrorizing the streets of Great City and it’s up to Steve Thatcher to stop this imposter before his own efforts are destroyed. FIRE AND GLASS By Ken Janssens An arsonist is on the loose in Great City and Steve Thatcher’s college friend is the number one suspect. Only the Moon Man can prove him innocent. BLACK MOON By Andrew Salmon The Moon Man is caught between the police and a trigger happy mercenary force. OUT OF BUSINESS By Gary Lovisi When Ned gets thrown in the slammer, it’s up to the Moon Man to take on a mob boss solo and save his best friend and ally. THE ROBIN HOOD OF THE PULPS Afterword on the character’s history by Ron Fortier
Amazon.com: The Moon Man
Kindle version: Moon Man
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TOUCHED BY DEATH While on his vision quest, the young Cheyenne brave High Bird encounters the sprit of Death. The powerful wraith recruits the boy as his new agent in the world and High Bird returns to his tribe altered forever as Deathwalker. When the Cheyenne become the target of a vengeful Pawnee Shaman, Stands Alone, only Deathwalker can stand between this evil sorcerer and the total destruction of his people.
Writer R.A. Jones has woven a new and exciting fantasy set against a background authentic Native American lore and culture. He dares to imagine what this wild untamed land would have become had there been no conquests by outside civilizations beyond the great waters. Here is an old world re-envisioned in a bold new action packed adventure worthy of pulp writers such as Robert E. Howard and Edgar Rice Burroughs. Featuring stunning cover art by Laura Givens with interior illustrations by Michael Neno.
Amazon.com: Deathwalker
Kindle version: Deathwalker
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Move over Doc Savage and Captain Hazzard, here comes America’s newest pulp hero -
The sole survivor of a senseless tragedy, the heir to a massive fortune devotes himself to a life protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty. From his base of operations at the Miami Aerodrome Research & Development Laboratories, he and his colorful associates brave any danger to bring justice to those in need.
His name is Clifton Storm... the world will call him "Challenger."
Challenger Storm: The Curse of Poseidon
Death Beneath the Waves! When several cargo ships begin disappearing on the waters of the Aegean Sea rumors begin to spread about black-armored demons rising up out of the deep. For Challenger Storm and his MARDL team, these events hold no particular interest until one of Storm’s troubleshooters, Diana St.Clair, informs him that her former lover, and one-time MARDL scientist, Herbert Chambers is among the missing. Later, a freakish wave wipes out a small Greek fishing village leaving only a handful of survivors. Is it possible someone has learned how to control the seas to do their bidding? When Storm and his companions arrive at a mid-ocean refueling station, they are attacked by saboteurs wielding bizarre rifles that fire sea-water. Who is the mysterious figure calling himself Poseidon and what is the secret of his ability to create monstrous tidal waves? Can Challenger Storm find his underwater base in time to stop this mad genius before he rains down more watery destruction upon unsuspecting coastal populations? Is mankind doomed to be ruled by a new King of the Seas! Here is high-octane pulp adventure on…and below the waves!
Amazon.com: The Curse of Poseidon
Kindle version: The Curse of Poseidon
PDF download at only $3.00!:
Challenger Storm: Isle of Blood
The Isle of Blood
When a wealthy aviation tycoon asks Storm to help return his kidnapped daughter, the MARDL crew is plunged into a rescue-mission on the tiny island-nation of La Isla de Sangre. From the sunny streets of Miami to the assault on a guerrilla enclave & the ruins of a lost-city deep in the jungle, the action is non-stop in this debut pulp thriller. Can Storm rid La Isla de Sangre from the vicious warlords known as the Villalobos Brothers and defeat the mysterious Goddess of Death?
Writer Don Gates and legendary graphic artist, Michael Kaluta join forces to unleash this exciting and original new pulp hero guaranteed to provide pulp fans with explosive thrill-a-minute entertainment. All brought to you by the always ground-breaking crew of Airship 27 Productions.
AIRSHIP 27 PRODUCTIONS – Pulp Fiction for a New Generation!
Amazon.com: Isle of Blood
Kindle version: Isle of Blood
PDF download at only $3.00!:
Making Pulp History!
From the heart of Africa to the streets of Harlem, a new hero is born sworn to support and protect Americans of all races and creeds; he is Damballa and he strikes from the shadows. When the reigning black heavy weight boxing champion of the world agrees to defend his crown against a German fighter representing Hitler's Nazis regime, the ring becomes the stage for a greater political contest. The Nazis' agenda is to humble the American champion and prove the superiority of their pure-blood Aryan heritage. To achieve this end, they employ an unscrupulous scientist capable of transforming their warrior into a superhuman killing machine.
Can the mysterious Damballa unravel their insidious plot before it is too late to save a brave and noble man? Airship 27 Productions and Cornerstone Book Publishers are proud to introduce pulpdom's first ever 1930s African-American pulp hero as created by the acclaimed author, Charles Saunders.
"Having revolutionized the genre of epic fantasy with the creation of Imaro, a black warrior easily equal to such classic characters as Tarzan and Conan, Charles Saunders has done it again. This time he has created DAMBALLA, a true hero in every sense of the word. Battling racism and evil in the 1930's, DAMBALLA is no pale imitation of The Shadow or The Avenger. In fact, after reading this excellent book, I think that they would be proud to consider him a brother in the ceaseless war against crime and injustice." Derrick Ferguson – "Dillon and the Voice of Odin"
AIRSHIP 27 PRODUCTIONS – Pulp Fiction for a New Generation!
Amazon.com: Damballa
Kindle version: Damballa
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From Andrew Salmon, the acclaimed author of the “The Light of Men,” comes another gripping science fiction novel.
In the not too distant future, Earth is ravaged by a series of natural disasters that have decimated the population. To rebuild mankind, science has begun human cloning. They are created from the DNA of police officers and fire fighters– the goal , to establish a new cadre of selfless guardians to protect the fragile remains of humanity.
Clones are grown with the memories of past lives erased so that they don’t have to carry around the baggage of lost tragedies. But something is wrong with C-Peter Reilly, grown from the cells of a Vancouver detective. He has memories of his first life, of his wife and children and the world before the devastation. Such information is taboo and should his secret be discovered, he would instantly be mind-wiped. Reilly must keep his painful memories to himself while coping mentally and physically with his “second” life.
Praise for THE DARK LAND:
“Andrew Salmon has done it again. ‘The Dark Land’ is an excellent blend of noir crime fiction and hard SF, with the unmistakable spice of the classic pulp spirit. Plus which Salmon raises moral questions, and does not provide pat answers for them. This is a rare novel that both entertains readers, and makes them think as well.” Charles Saunders (Author of popular Imaro series.)
Originally self-published in a limited edition, Airship 27 Productions is proud to present this re-edited, new edition featuring a cover by Mark Maddox and interior illustrations by Victor Dandridge, with book designs by Rob Davis.
AIRSHIP 27 PRODUCTIONS – Pulp Fiction for a New Generation!
Video for THE DARK LAND: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h3bDkDgcPg
Amazon.com: The Dark Land
Kindle version: The Dark Land
PDF download at only $3.00!:
Mars MCoy-Space Ranger
it's MARS McCOY to the Rescue!
Move aside, Flash Gordon. Shove over, Buck Rogers. Here comes the newest space hero of them all, Captain Marshall "Mars" McCoy of the Space Rangers. Created by the writers of the Pulp Factory, this new rocket-blasting hero and his Space Rangers blast off to new heights of action and adventure from Airship 27 Productions.
Working from their secret asteroid base known as the Black Hole, the Space Rangers are an elite band of men, women, robots and aliens, banded together to patrol the lawless and ever dangerous sections of the space known as the Frontier Worlds. Their daring and heroic exploits in their sleek, super fast Black Birds blaze a glorious path across the stars.
Mars McCoy-Space Ranger Volume Three
Airship 27 Production is thrilled to announce the release of “Mars McCoy-Space Ranger Vol 3.” This is the third volume in this series created in the mold of the classic pulp space operas from Flash Gordon to Buck Rogers. In this volume, Mars and his beautiful android co-pilot Betty 12, take on villainous Space Queens and Pirates. Nothing is too dangerous for the legendary Mars McCoy, from asteroid mining adventures to an undercover assignment aboard a luxury space liner.
Writers John Bear Ross, Wayne Carey, Robert J. Mendenhall, and Russ Anderson are Piloting the tales in this assembly. So, fellow Space Rangers, get ready to blast off from the Black Hole Command Center aboard the Black Bird 5! Mars McCoy is back!
Amazon Link: Mars McCoy V3
Kindle Link: Mars McCoy V3
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Mars McCoy-Space Ranger Volume Two
In this second volume, Captain Mars McCoy, and his gorgeous co-pilot, android Lt. Betty-12 confront two unique and malevolent threats. In “The Curse of the Star Lance,” by James Palmer, they discover a lost Imperial Space Cruiser and the hidden horror that still dwells within it.
Next up is Van Allen Plexico novella length adventure, “Mars McCoy and the Chaos Herd.” A mysterious army of monsters begins materializing at random throughout the Fringe worlds wreaking chaos in their path. What is their secret origin and how can Mars & Betty-12 put an end to their lethal rampage?
Cast in the mold of classic pulp sci-fi heroes ala Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers, Mars McCoy Space Ranger blasts off once more for brand new outer space adventures jammed packed with galaxy spanning suspense and thrills.
Amazon.com: Mars McCoy Volume 2
Kindle version: Mars McCoy Volume 2
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Mars McCoy-Space Ranger Volume One
Here are three brand new stories of Mars and his gorgeous robotic co-pilot, Betty 12, as they face off against overwhelming odds to preserve the peace and defend the Galactic Empire. Writers John Bear Ross, Greg Gick and Andrew Salmon have whipped up kidnapping pirate aliens, body snatching spores and a giant, invading space behemoth to challenge Mars and his allies. From page one, the action blasts-off and goes into orbit. Featuring a stunning cover by ace artist Chad Hardin, with a dozen marvelous illustrations by Michael Youngblood. MARS McCOY – Space Ranger is a bold new trip into the reaches of the imagination. So, buckle up pulp fans, for star-spanning thrills and excitement as only Airship 27 Productions can deliver.
Amazon.com: Mars McCoy Volume 1
Kindle version: Mars McCoy Volume 1
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He is an orphan raised by a Tibetan mystic known only as Nameless One and taught
Eastern magics from the dawn of time. As an Occult Detective he has no equal and is called upon by the authorities when they are challenged by super-natural mysteries. One of the more obscure pulp characters, Ravenwood – The Stepson of Mystery appeared as a back-up feature in the pages of Secret Agent X magazine. There were only five Ravenwood stories ever written, all by his creator, the prolific pulp veteran, Frederick C. Davis.
Ravenwood Stepson of Mystery V.5
The classic occult detective, Ravenwood – Stepson of Mystery returns in three new adventures. From Manhattan to Istanbul, the master of the oriental arts faces the puzzle of a man murdered three times in the same night. Then there is the stage mentalist seeing revenge against those who exposed his twisted mentor. Lastly, Ravenwood comes to the aid of his British manservant, Sterling, who has become the target of a sadistic killer who once served with him in the Great War.
Writers Dexter Fabi, Michael Housel, and Carson Demmans pull out all the stops and lead readers into the bizarre, ever-wonderous world of magic via the exploits of the greatest arcane investigator of them all, Ravenwood – Stepson of Mystery.
Amazon link: Ravenwood V5
Kindle link: Ravenwood V5
PDF download at only $3.00! Click the button below:
Ravenwood-Stepson of Mystery V. 4
Ravenwood – Stepson of Mystery, one of pulp history’s first and most colorful occult detectives returns in four brand new tales. Adventures that will pit him against a hell-born demon, a mythological monster and a slew of genetically mutated cats. Joining Ravenwood are his constant companions; Sterling the loyal British butler and his mysterious mentor; the Yogi Master known simply as the Nameless One.
Here is mystery, suspense and danger as brought to you by wordsmiths Lance Stahlberg, DeWayne Dowers, Michael A. Black and Michael F. Housel. Pour yourself a brandy, lock the doors and lower the lights as you prepare to enter the chilling world of the one and only Ravenwood – Stepson of Mystery.
Amazon.com: Ravenwood V.4
Kindle version: Ravenwood V.4
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Of the original Ravenwood Stepson of Mystery stories, there were only ever five. In the past three years Airship 27 Productions has published nine short stories and one full length novel starring this unique occult detective.
Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to reprint four of those fan-favorite tales in this new edition. This volume features writers Aaron Smith, Jonathan Fisher, Gene Moyers and Ron Fortier, as each adds his own storytelling talents to one of pulpdom's least known but most original heroes. Sit back and prepare to encounter bizarre, supernatural mysteries as only Airship 27 Productions can deliver.
(reprints three stories from the out of print Ravenwood: Stepson of Mystery V.2 and a Ravenwood story from OCCULT Detectives V.1)
Amazon.com: Ravenwood SE
Kindle version: Ravenwood SE
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Ravenwood Stepson of Mystery Volume 3: "Return of the Dugpa"
One of the most famous unsolved murder mysteries was the shootin
g death of well-known actor-director William Desmond Taylor in Hollywood, circa 1922. Nine years later, while investigating an alleged curse on German composer Wilhem Richard Wagner’s lost opera, occult detective Ravenwood uncovers a connection between the missing score and the death of the flamboyant Taylor. He is hired to find it
Upon arriving in Hollywood he discovers others connected to the lost opera have also perished under mysterious circumstances. It is an arcane trail of death that leads back in time to the ancient plateaus of Lost Hyperborea and an immortal entity seeking the ultimate power to rule mankind. As the first sound movie version of Wagner’s opera goes into production, the Stepson of Mystery races to solve Taylor’s murder before more blood is shed and the City of Dreams becomes a Nightmare Wasteland.
From the Golden Age of Hollywood to the magnificent seven ascending plateaus of Lost Hyperborea, writer Micah S. Harris delivers the first ever Ravenwood Stepson of Mystery full length novel in “Return of the Dugpa”. All this wrapped in a stunning cover, and also interior illustrations, by artist Bret Blevins!
Amazon.com: Ravenwood V3
Kindle version: Ravenwood V3
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Ravenwood-Stepson of Mystery Vol. 1
Ravenwood returns in a brand new series of weird adventures, beginning with this volume in
which he combats Sun Koh, a lost prince of Atlantis, battles with monstrous Yetis in Manhattan and deals with murderous ghosts and zombie assassins.
New pulp storytellers Frank Schildiner, B.C. Bell, Bill Gladman and Bobby Nash offer up a quartet of fast paced, bizarre thrillers that rekindle the excitement and wonder that were the pulps.
With a stunning cover by Bryan Fowler and dramatic interior illustrations by Charles Fetherolf, Ravenwood – Stepson of Mystery was designed by Rob Davis and edited by Ron Fortier. Once again Airship 27 Productions presents pulp fans with another quality pulp reading experience like no other on the market today.
Amazon.com: Ravenwood
Kindle version: Ravenwood V. 1
PDF download at only $3.00!:
Airship 27's bullpen of writers and artists create ALL-NEW pulp era characters to excite New Pulp fans. Each volume features stories of characters created in the Pulp-era vein with their own unique twist.
Four brand new pulp stories featuring some of the most bizarre and fantastic characters ever imagined.
Skymarshal – A brand new aviation hero, courtesy of award-winning writer Teel James Glenn, takes to the skies. In this debut adventure, he takes on fliers from prehistoric times.
The Black Wraith – Jonathan W. Sweet beautiful but deadly masked warrior returns in a gripping tale. A mysterious brute is butchering petty criminals in the back alleys of the city and the police suspect the black-clad avenger.
Walking Deadman – When a convicted mobster is sentenced to death by electric chair, he miraculously survives only to discover his body has been rejuvenated. All from the mind of writer Carson Demmans.
The Ghoul – Harding McFadden & Eleanor Hawkins offer up another tale starring the special investigative team led by Marvin “Ghoul” MacCormac. Their mission, find missing children in a small town and rescue them.
Award-winning illustrator Rob Davis provides the art for the great black and white interior illustrations and the gorgeous color cover. “Our fans love this series,” says Airship 27 Managing Editor Ron Fortier. “And we’re happy to bring them more.”
Once again, gloves are off, as Airship 27 presents four truly amazing pulp yarns.
Amazon Link: Mystery Men V10
Kindle link: Mystery Men V10
Click the button below for a PDF download at only $3.00!:
Airship 27 Production is thrilled the present the ninth volume in this showcase anthologies series featuring new pulp heroes created by today’s writers. With these pages are stores by Jamie Ramos,
Jonathan W. Sweet, Mark Allen Vann and Jarrett Mazza. Interior illustrations and cover art by Award Winning artist Rob Davis.
Jamie Ramos offers up ex-super cop Steelgrave who comes face to face with an old foe on the streets of Detroit.
Jonathan W.Sweet introduces the beautiful and deadly, Black Wraith who investigated the blackmailing of a U.S. Senator.
Mark Allen Vann’s gangster hero, Killdevil, returns in a second outing when learns a woman is targeted by her own husband.
Jarrett Mazza introduces Arnold Zigler, an enhanced athlete soon to be known by his secret identity as The Zig Zag Man.
Amazon Link:Mystery Men V. 9
Kindle link: Mystery Men V.9
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The 8th volume in their best-selling series of new pulp heroes, “Mystery Men (& Women). This collection features four brand new adventures by today’s premier New Pulp writers.
Kevin Findley offers up the rousing adventures of a movie stuntman turned masked avenger named Quirt. Veteran scribe Joel Jenkins gives us another Eel and Adder and adventure and Mark Allen Vann introduces his mob nemesis, Killdevil. The entire package wraps up with a brand new Dr. Fixit by the late Greg Hatcher.
Airship 27 Production Art Director enhances the volume with its beautiful black and white illustrations and provided the cover featuring Dr. Fixit. “This one was special to us,” reports Airship 27 Managing Editor Ron Davis. “Greg Hatcher submitted his third Dr. Fixit tale to us shortly before being admitted to the hospital. His passing came as a shock to all of the New Pulp community and will miss him greatly. Look for a solo Dr. Fixit title coming later this year which will highlight Greg’s last story featuring this unique character.”
Amazon Link: Mystery Men V.8
Kindle link: Mystery Men V.8
Click the button below for a PDF download at only $3.00!:
In this 7th Volume Teel James Glenn introduces his heroes of the future—The Exceptionals—fighting crime with unique skills and powers. Also premiering in this book is Harding McFadden & Eleanor Hawkins’ tough-as-nails agent known as The Ghoul.
Returning for a second appearances are Curtis Fernlund’s martial arts beauty Kiri in another action-packed tale and Greg Hatcher’s quirky Dr. Fixit is back for another whimsical adventure as he continues to build incredible gizmo weapons for super villains.
Along with the writers on board, Award Winning Art Director Rob Davis provides the twelve interior illustrations and the super talented Adam Shaw offers up a Dr. Fixit cover. All part of a terrific new entry in a fan-favorite series.
Amazon Link: Mystery Men V.7
Kindle link: Mystery Men V.7
Click the button below for a PDF download at only $3.00!:
Introducing Teel James Glenn's the Scythe as he battles his way across time
Curtis Fernund's Kiri returns to take on a group of Nazi saboteurs in New York City.
Greg Hatcher wonders who makes all those evil gizmos. Meet Dr. Fixit ace mechanic.
Dale Cozort presents Dr. Vida, doctor to the dead in a bizarre, gruesome mystery.
Amazon.com: Mystery Men & Women V.6
Kindle version: Mystery Men & Women V. 6
PDF download at only $3.00!:
Mystery Men (& Women) Volume 5
Pulp Heroes Reborn
Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to present volume five of MYSTERY MEN ( & Women ), their showcase anthology for debuting new pulp heroes created by today’s best action-adventure writers. THE SHRIKE – in “Not That Kind of Girl” by Gene Moyers. A mysterious female mastermind recruits her agents to combat the forces of evil in this, her first adventure novella. THE NIGHTBREAKER – in “Lost in the Flood” by Thomas Deja. Straight out of the pages of the Shadow Legion series comes Nocturne city’s masked avenger as he takes on a villain capable of manipulating water. DOC ATLAS - in “The Death Ray,” by Michael Black & Ray Lovato. Inspired by the heroes of old, Doc Atlas and his team must stop a criminal intent on destroying the Statue of Liberty with his deadly new weapon. Relive the thrill of the pulps in these three outstanding, fast paced adventures brought to by today’s stellar pulp writers.
Amazon.com: Mystery Men V. 5
Kindle version: Mystery Men V. 5
PDF download at only $3.00!:
Airship 27 Productions offers up another quartet of new, original pulp heroes by today's finest pulp writers.
"A Waltz in Scarlet." From the pages of the Shadow Legion, comes the Ferryman; a blind man who sees through the eyes of ghosts. Created by Thomas Deja.
"Cult of the Stranger." The popular Eel and Adder, aided by another mystery man ally, must take on a gang of modern Thuggees loose in the city. Created by Joel Jenkins.
"The Cult of Kali Kill," is another rousing adventure starring Chicago's most unique avenger, the bumbling hero the Bagman as invented by B.C. Bell.
"The Grey Mantis Strikes," wherein a masked martial artist races the clock to save a group of kidnapped childrend. Created by C. William Russette.
Four thrill-a-minute tales of suspense, mystery and action that keep the true spirit of the classic pulps alive and well for today's readers.
Amazon.com: Mystery Men V.4
Kindle version: Mystery Men V.4
PDF download at only $3.00!:
Welcome to Volume Three of this exciting series wherein today’s top pulp fictions both on their creative caps and whip up a quartet of thrilling new pulp type avengers. In this volume, you’ll get to meet three brand new characters and have the pleasure of enjoying the return of a familiar character from volume two.
A black veteran of World War One returns home to the bayou country only confront an evil practitioner of the voodoo magic is turning living people into lifeless zombies. Donning his old doughboy uniform and a gasmask, the Skein is born to protect the innocent and defeat the wicked.
Created by Kevin Noel Olson
In the grand tradition of the old pulp mags, this new series focuses not on the stalwart heroes of the tale but rather on the dastardly villain. A mad scientist whose genius is capable of inventing the most bizarre weapons, the Brown Recluse has but one goal in mind, the complete domination of all mankind under his heel.
Created by Greg Gick
A beautiful female samurai comes to New York in the early 1930s employed as the personal aid to a newspaper business woman wanting to clean up the city from vice and corruption. Along the way, Kiri stumbles on a white slavery ring connected to a former ally who murdered her teacher back in Japan. Suddenly her mission becomes that of personal vengeance and before it is over blood will be spilled.
Created by Curt Ferlund
(Chapter Two)
The saga of the modern day action hero, Mongrel, continues in this second chapter picking up where the first ended. There is a conspiracy to destroy Mongrel’s family, the owners of a multi-faceted high tech communications empire. Using disguised, sophisticated cyborg assassins, the enemy strikes from the shadows.
Created by Derrick Ferguson
Once again we present four fast-paced, colorful heroes created in the spirit of the golden age pulp avengers and brought to you by the publisher where adventure reigns. Airship 27 Productions.
Amazon.com: Mystery Men Vol. 3
Kindle version: Mystery Men Vol. 3
PDF download at only $3.00!:
Mystery Men (& Women) Volume Two
The Return of the All-New
(& Women)
Now available in print at a special budget "Return to Print" Price!
In Volume One of this series, we introduced pulp fans to four original pulp heroes by today's leading writers of pulp fiction. Now we proudly present the second installment and another brand new quartet of fresh and exciting heroes cast in the mold of the classic adventurers of the past.
Operating on the streets of Central City, he is a mysterious vigilante daring to confront the mobs and protect the innocent. But who is he really? The cop, the famous radio announcer, the brother to a victimized young woman? Created by Mark Halegua with writing partner Andrew Salmon.
Writer, editor, Jack Minch thought he knew New York City like the back of his hand until one of his star reporters suddenly vanishes within the deep, maze like sewer tunnels beneath the concrete Gotham. Now Minch and a detective ally must travel into this unknown domain where death lurks at every turn. Created by Greg Bastianelli.
Dock Doyle was a movie matinee hero of the cliffhanger serials known around the world. But when things go horribly awry on location of his latest jungle adventure, the actor must come to grips with becoming a true hero, or dying in the process. Created by Adam Garcia.
In today's world of high tech communications, private companies wield power like governments, some for the public good, and others for their own evil agendas. Now a modern day warrior will champion his family's technological empire and defend it against all who would destroy them. His name is Mongrel. Created by Derrick Ferguson.
Here are four brand new, action packed pulp tales starring four original heroes to thrill and entertain today's diehard pulp enthusiasts.
Amazon.com: Mystery Men & Women V.2
Kindle version: Mystery Men & Women V. 2
PDF download at only $3.00!:
MYSTERY MEN (& women) Volume One
Now available in print at a special budget "Return to Print" Price!
During the golden days of American pulps hundreds of masked avengers were created to battle evildoers around the globe. The Black Bat, Moon Man, Domino Lady, and the Purple Scar to name only a few of these amazing pulp heroes. Now Airship 27 Productions introduces to pulp readers brand new pulp heroes cast in the mold of their 1930s counterparts. Get ready for high octane thrills and adventure with…
A former street thug, Frank "Mac" MaCullough now fights the very gang
bosses her grew up admiring in defense of the poor and helpless in his
Chicago neighborhood.
Created by B.C.Bell.
The Bagman is featured in his own novel-length collection: Tales of the Bagman
When her beloved cop husband is gunned down
and the police refuse to investigate, Irish immigrant
Maria Smith dons red widow's garb and dishes out
her own brand of justice.
Created by Aaron Smith.
Crippled by the mob for not throwing a game,
star football player Gordon "Gory" Burrell is
tragically transformed into a bizarre metal man.
Accepting his fate, he vows to destroy those who
prey on the weak.
Created by David Boop.
Haunted by a brutal past, Sue Timlin dons a mask and
becomes judge, jury and executioner to those villains the law
cannot touch, all the while maintaining a unique secret that
gives her the upper hand in her war on crime.
Created by Barry Reese.
Four brand new action-packed stories starring four original
heroes to thrill and excite pulps fans everywhere as brought to you by
Airship 27 Productions.
Amazon.com: Mystery Men and Women V.1
Kindle version: Mystery Men & Women V. 1
PDF download at only $3.00!:
Somewhere on the rocky coast of Maine there exists the small, quiet town of Light's End. Built along a metaphysical fault line between the universal forces of good and evil. it has been the setting for countless episodes of mind-numbing horror and depravity.
Weird Horror Tales: Light's End
Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to announce the release of the third and final chapter in Michael Vance's WEIRD HORROR TALES trilogy. WEIRD HORROR TALES – LIGHT'S END, is an amazing, page turning suspense thriller that is one of this author's finest works to date and a fantastic culmination to this masterful terror filled series.
Welcome to Light's End, a small, quaint little fishing town on the rugged coast of Maine. It's a quiet place much like many other such communities throughout New England. And yet there is a presence of evil about the streets and byways of this harmless appearing hamlet. For here, amidst the age old Yankee traditions of its citizens lurks a dark secret, a brooding, religious philosophy which infects every aspect of daily life.
Dare you enter Light's End and uncover what lies beneath its pleasant, homey façade? Dare you challenge your sanity and confront the sublime horrors that await you here, in this cursed nexus of dementia.
Award winning author, Michael Vance unleashes his dark imagination in this tense, gripping novel of sheer terror that readers will never forget. Often compared to the writings of H.P. Lovecraft, Vance's work is not for the faint of heart, featuring a cover by famed painter Keith Birdsong and ten interior illustrations by Eric York. Bolt the door, lock the shutters and keep the candle lit, the end is near, Light's End.
Amazon link: Light's End
Kindle link: Light's End
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Weird Horror Tales-The Feasting
PRAISE FOR WEIRD HORROR TALES Vol.One (now available!):
"..seems to draw from the some of the same tainted wells that Lovecraft did.."
Mark Orr
"..is a must read for genre fans.."
Frank Creed
"If you loved the Twilight Zone …where you would enjoy reading short stories in that style, then WHT might be for you…"
It's Dark in the Dark Blog
"…entertaining and engaging stories which will surprise you with its variety and reward you with each re-reading."
Michelle Souliere
And Now Volume Two, "The Feasting"
Award winning writer Michael Vance returns with another fifteen tales of gripping, horrific and deeply moving stories of people caught in unimaginable horror. Douse the lights, bolt the doors and get ready to be frightened by this all-new collection of the macabre by a true master. Illustrated throughout by fantasy illustrator, Earl Geier, Weird Horror Tales Two – The Feasting is custom made for the jaded horror fan wanting something new. Pulp horror at its finest.
Amazon link: Weird Horror Tales: The Feasting
Kindle link: Weird Horror Tales: The Feasting
PDF download at only $3.00!:
Weird Horror Tales Volume One
Welcome to classic pulp horror at its most gruesome.
Somewhere on the rocky coast of Maine there exists the small, quiet town of Light's End. Built along a metaphysical fault line between the universal forces of good and evil. it has been the setting for countless episodes of mind-numbing horror and depravity.
Horror master Michael Vance chronicles a baker's dozen terror-inducing tales that will leave you shivering in the night. These razor-sharp gems are fiendishly illustrated by Earl Geier and are collected here for the first time.
Amazon link: Weird Horror Tales
Kindle link: Weird Horror Tales
PDF download at only $3.00!:
In the mid 1930s, Chicago was one of the fastest growing metropolises in the country. Situated on mighty Lake Michigan, it was the home to millions of hard working Americans looking to a better themselves. The Windy City was also shackled by its bootleg history, a time of violent gang wars that had permanently established a brutal underworld empire second to none. Corruption was the order of the day and both the police and government were in the pocket of the mob bosses.
Frank “Mac” McCullough was a foot-soldier in one of the city’s toughest crime families until he was ordered to rough up his uncle; a decent man with a gambling problem. The innate decency in Mac rebelled and suddenly he found himself up against the very men he had once admired and followed. Determined to put an end to their lawlessness, he put a bag over his head as a crude disguise only to become labeled the Bagman by the press.
A new gang boss is taking over the meat-packing district of Chicago and his tools are murder and intimidation. He calls himself the Butcher and the trail of death and destruction he leaves in his wake is a testament to that moniker. Now it will take all of the Bagman’s skills and know-how to unmask this savage foe and save the streets of the Windy City from a new and bloody gang war.
Writer B. Chris Bell unleashes a trio of brand new adventures featuring his sarcastic 1930’s hero who wears a burlap sack over his head and fights for his neighborhood streets. Added to this volume’s roster is a mystery involving the kidnapping of newsboys and in a third story, Bagman’s trusted ally and driver, Crankshaft, is featured in a solo short. Here is pulp action in a truly unique style starring one of the most original new pulp stars ever put to paper, the Bagman!
Amazon link: The Bagman 3
Kindle link: The Bagman 3
PDF download at only $3.00, use the button below to order:
The Bagman Vs. The World's Fair
It is the summer of 1933 and the Windy City is hosting the fabulous World’s Fair. The famous Navy Pier along the shores of Lake Michigan is invaded by thousands of tourists from around the nation and the world; all there to marvel at the newest scientific advancements on display.
But within this glittering pleasure park of wonder lurks a devilish fiend set upon causing mass destruction and ruining the Fair; a scientist turned mad employing a bizarre sonic cannon to commit murder and chaos amongst the innocent throngs. Now it will be up to the unlikeliest hero of them all, the odd, notorious Bagman, to save the day.
Writer B.C. Bell sends his one time petty crook, Frank “Mac” McCullough back into action in this, the Bagman’s first full length adventure. Along with his loyal buddy, the ace mechanic, Crankshaft, Chicago’s most unusual mystery man must find the lunatic inventor and put an end to his heinous attacks before more people will die.
Also features a very special cameo by writer Calvin Daniels’ own new pulp hero, the Black Wolf.
So slap another clip in your .45, straighten your tie and put that bag over your head, pulp fans; here comes the Bagman, delivering justice in his own peculiar way.
AIRSHIP 27 PRODUCTIONS – Pulp Fiction for a New Generation!
Amazon link: The Bagman Vs. The World's Fair
Kindle link: The Bagman Vs. The World's Fair
PDF download at only $3.00, use the button below to order:
Tales of the BAGMAN Vol. 1
In the mid 1930s, Chicago was one of the fastest growing metropolises in the country. Situated on mighty Lake Michigan, it was the home to millions of hard working Americans looking to a better themselves. The Windy City was also shackled by its bootleg history, a time of violent gang wars that had permanently established a brutal underworld empire second to none. Corruption was the order of the day and both the police and government were in the pocket of the mob bosses.
Frank “Mac” McCullough was a foot-soldier in one of the city’s toughest crime families until he was ordered to rough up his uncle; a decent man with a gambling problem. The innate decency in Mac rebelled and suddenly he found himself up against the very men he had once admired and followed. Determined to put an end to their lawlessness, he put a bag over his head as a crude disguise only to become labeled the Bagman by the press.
Writer B.C. Bells tells the amazing stories of old Chicago’s most unique hero. Aided by solely by a tough, black WW I veteran named Crankshaft, the Mac wages war against the mobs in fast paced, non-stop action tales pulp fans will cheer. Featuring nine illustrations by Kelly Evereart and a cover by Laura Givens. Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to present pulpdom’s newest avenger, THE BAGMAN.
Amazon link: The Bagman
Kindle link: The Bagman
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The Bagman is also in a short story in MYSTERY MEN & women
Van Allen Plexico presents GIDEON CAIN
During the famous Salem Witch Trials (1692-93) British born Puritan soldier, Gideon Cain, aided the inquisitions, believing them to be just. Soon thereafter, God revealed to Cain that he and the righteous citizens of Salem had been duped by a cunning, ageless demon from Hell known as Azazel. The guilt of his actions weighed heavily on his conscience and rather than be driven mad by it, Gideon chose to make atonement. Taking up his sword, a blade inscribed with holy runes, he bids farewell to his wife and children and departs on his sacred mission. He now wanders the earth doing God’s work and destroying evil in whatever shape or guise it appears– his one consuming goal, to find and destroy Azazel.
Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to be bringing pulp fans this great new hero written in the tradition of Robert E. Howard’s Solomon Kane. Here are seven exciting, action-packed tales of Gideon Cain the Demon Hunter by Scott Harris, Brian Zavitz, Ian Watson, James Palmer, K. G. McAbee, David Wright and Van Allen Plexico. With a special introduction by co-creator, Kurt Busiek. (Marvels – Astro City)
Amazon link: Gideon Cain
Kindle link: Gideon Cain
PDF download at only $3.00!:
When wealthy young socialite, Jethro Dumont, traveled to Tibet he was in search of enlightenment and purpose for his life. He found them along with a very rare and unique talent for the mystic arts. Now empowered by powerful, arcane abilities, he has set forth on a new and bold path, one of truth and justice. With his Buddhist sensibilities, Jethro Dumont becomes the most unique and memorable pulp hero of them all, The Green Lama.
The Mystic Warrior
Jethro Dumont was a jaded, rich American who hungered to find purpose in this world. His search for self-knowledge and fulfillment led him to a secluded Buddhist monastery high in the Tibetan Himalayas. There Dumont studied the mysteries of the orient at the same time learning to accept the non-violent tenets of this ancient and venerated philosophy. By the time he returned to America, he was a changed man; one possessed with mental clarity and unique, mystic abilities beyond the understanding of normal men. Now, with the aid of his Buddhist companion, Tsarong, he assumes the identity of a new, eerie crime-fighter, The Green Lama!
For years the exploits of Green Lama have thrilled pulp fans both in his own magazine, in comics and on radio. Now he returns to pulp action in this collection featuring two previous issued classics by Peter Miller and Kevin Noel Olson and two brand new, never before printed adventures by Nick Ahlhelm and Robert Craig. From confronting Nazis in his beloved Tibet to investigating bizarre murders in a Hollywood movie studio, Jethro Dumont's new career is one filled with plenty of action and adventure as the Mystic Warrior strikes again!
Amazon.com link: Green Lama- Mystic Warrior
Kindle edition: Green Lama-Mystic Warrior
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
One of the most original heroes in all of pulpdom returns in four gun-blazing adventures jam-packed with action and adventure. Crusading Attorney Anthony Quinn believed his career was over when a criminal threw acid into his face blinding him. Months later, desperate to regain his sight, Quinn underwent a unique transplant operation which gave him the eyes of a slain lawman. Not only did the procedure work, but it also gave Quinn the ability to see in the dark. Using this fantastic gift, he created the Black Bat, a justice seeking vigilante able to battle those villains beyond the reach of the law. Aided by his team of loyal crime-fighters, Carol Baldwin, Silk Kerby and Butch O’Leary, the Black Bat is once again on the prowl, his target, the depraved and evil denizens of his beloved city.
One of the greatest pulp action heroes is back in four brand new adventures. Tony Quinn, blind defense attorney and police consultant, is in reality the crime-busting vigilante known as the Black Bat. He is aided by the lovely Carol Baldwin, former con-artist Silk Kirby and ex-boxer Butch O'Malley. Together they battle the underworld of New York City, fearlessly putting their lives at risk to champion justice.
In this third volume, the Black Bat faces a mystic swami said to possess arcane powers, boards a high speed train to foil a gang's bold attempt to rescue their captured boss and offers his services to protect the life of a famous Broadway personality threatened with death. New pulp writers Greg Hatcher, Gene Moyers, Gordon Dymowski and Erik Franklin have captured all the action and thrills that were hallmarks of the early pulps and delivered a quartet of amazing Black Bat exploits pulp fans will cherish.
Amazon.com link: Black Bat V.3
Kindle edition: Black Bat V.3
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
“This new collection of stories are so much fun,” stated Managing Editor, Ron Fortier. “We knew after the success of Volume One, we needed to really find other unique and original stories that our readers would appreciate.” New pulp writers, Aaron Smith, Joshua Reynolds, Jim Beard and Frank Byrns offer up a deadly quartet of fast pace action thrills. There are traditional pulp themed plots that pit the Black Bat against super human Nazis monsters and mysterious aircrafts terrorizing a small town. But at the same time there is Frank Byrn’s yarn about corrupt politicians involved with Major League Baseball. “The idea of using a 1930s baseball background for a Black Bat adventure was extremely exciting for us,” Fortier continued. “And then there’s Reynolds story that has him teaming up with another classic pulp legend, Jim Anthony the Super Detective. Now who doesn’t love a good pulp team-up?”
The book features a stunning cover by Ingrid Hardy and Rob Davis based on Byrn’s story and has gorgeous interior illustrations by Andres Labrada. BLACK BAT MYSTERY Vol. Two is another great pulp collection from the high flying Airship 27 Productions you won’t want to miss.
Amazon.com link: Black Bat V. 2
Kindle edition: Black Bat V.2
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Black Bat Mystery
Volume 1
One of the most original heroes in all of pulpdom returns in four gun-blazing adventures jam-packed with action and adventure. The mysterious Black Bat once again patrols the urban jungle. His targets: Those who would prey on the weak the helpless. Crusading District Attorney, Anthony Quinn, was scarred and blinded by gangland hoods. When an experimental transplant operation returns his sight, it also grants him the ability to see in the dark! Allowing the public to continue believing he is a harmless, blind attorney, Quinn invents a new identity, that of the crime-fighting avenger known as the Black Bat! With a trio of loyal aids, he launches his campaign against the forces of evil.
From a giant Nazi-bred monster to a gun-slinging Commie assassin, here are four brand new tales by Andrew Salmon, Aaron Smith, Mark Justice and Frank Schildiner starring the master of the night, the Black Bat, once again thrilling pulp fans with his daring exploits. Long considered the template from which dozens of comic book heroes were inspired, including Marvel’s Daredevil and DC’s Batman, the Black Bat is truly one of the most unique characters ever born of the pulps.
Amazon.com link: Black Bat V. 1
Kindle edition: Black Bat V. 1
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Half Irish, half Comanche and all American, Jim Anthony is the near perfect human being in both physical strength and superior mental intellect. He's a scientific genius with degrees in all the major fields. Operating from his penthouse suite, which also houses his private research laboratory, he ventures forth into the world at large as a champion of justice, a modern knight righting wrongs and defending the helpless.
Orchestrated Villainy
Jim Anthony had battled all manner of evil and villainy in his illustrious career as a globe-trotting adventurer. But now he finds himself challenged by three unique criminals, each with devastating weapons of destruction; the Flame Wizard, Baron Strum and Prof. Meteon. Each is determined to wreak unimaginable havoc on the world and vanquish the Super Detective in the process.
The hero soon comes to suspect there is a fourth nemesis; a super Mastermind orchestrating these other villains in a cunning, deadly plot for reasons he is unable to fathom. But the Super Detective is never alone thanks to his various allies ala pilot Tm Gentry and British butler Dawkins and along the way he is joined by the beautiful Maria Flores and her All-Girl Squad.
Writer Adam Mudman Bezecny has plotted a fast-paced and action-packed novel in four parts creating some of the most dastardly pulp villains ever to challenge the Super Detective. Buckle up for a wild ride, pulp fans, this is adventure with a capital A …for Jim Anthony!
Amazon.com link: Jim Anthony V.5
Kindle edition: Jim Anthony V.5
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Jim Anthony: Super-Detective Volume 4
He’s half Comanche, half Irish and ALL AMERICAN!! Jim Anthony the Super Detective returns in his fourth volume of brand new adventures from Airship 27 Productions.
Traveling the globe, Anthony battles all manner of twisted villainy in four new tales and his challenges are herculean. Writers Erwin K. Roberts, Joel Jenkins, Frank Byrns and Mark Justice have whipped up a quartet of high adventure stories that are the hallmark of the Super Detective. From Mexico, where he encounters a Nazi spy ring, to the streets of Manhattan where he hunts down a brutal serial killer, Jim Anthony proves once again why he is one of the most exciting and fun heroes ever created in the golden age of American pulps.
This volume, the fourth in an on-going series, features interior illustrations by Michael Neno and a dazzling cover by Eric Meador, with book designs by Rob Davis. Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to continue the exploits of the one and only, Jim Anthony – Super Detective.
AIRSHIP 27 PRODUCTIONS – Pulp Fiction For a New Generation!
Amazon.com link: Jim Anthony V. 4
Kindle edition: Jim Anthony V. 4
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Jim Anthony•The Mark of Terror
Caught Between Ancient Cults
From the early days of his crime fighting career a brand-new adventure of the man known as Jim Anthony; Super Detective. Half Irish, half Comanche and All American, Jim Anthony finds himself caught up in a world-wide cospiracy of murder and carnage as two ancient Greek cults square off against each other in modern times – each vying for world dominance over the other.
When several of New York's leading businessmen suddenly go insane and begin committing suicide, the police are baffled, reluctantly looking to the Super Detective for help. Soon, with the aid of a renowned archeological hitorian and a spunky, fearless female reporter, Jim Anthony is quickly caught up in a mystery like none he has faced before. With danger from deadly masked assassins at every turn, the famous adventurer's own life is soon hanging in the balance as he becomes the primary target of both warring cults.
Acclaimed New Pulp scribe, Joshua Reynolds delivers a fast paced, non-stop action thriller that is pure pulp gold. Accompanied by nine illustrations from artist Isaac Nacilla and a stunning cover by painter Jeff Herndon, JIM ANTHONY – THE MARK OF TERROR is the third in an on-going series of brand new Jim Anthony adventures from Airship 27 Productions-
Amazon.com link: Not Available
Kindle edition: Jim Anthony V3
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Jim Anthony•The Hunters
Classic pulp hero, Jim Anthony•Super Detective returns in a brand new novel in two parts that pits him against all kinds of strange and legendary beasts. And in both cases he is accompanied by fanatical hunter, Russian Count Zaroff from the classic short story, The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell.
In part one, Death In Yellow, by Joshua Reynolds, Anthony and Zaroff square off against a group of savage Tibetan Yetis loose in the steel canyons of Manhattan. Why these creatures are here and who is behind their murderous rampage is a classic mystery that challenges the one and only Super Detective. Then in part two, On The Periphery of Legend, by Micah S. Harris, Anthony reluctantly accompanies the mad Russian on an expedition to a lost island in the South Pacific where dinosaurs still roam. But that’s not the most dangerous game in those time lost jungles.
Two amazing tales are woven together into a classic pulp adventure that will test the mettle of our hero who is half-Irish, half-Comanche and All American! Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to present JIM ANTHONY – SUPER DETECTIVE Vol. Two – THE HUNTERS! Features interior illustrations by Pedro Cruz and a stunning cover by Chris Sears.
Amazon.com link : Jim Anthony V.2
Kindle edition: Jim Anthony V. 2
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Jim Anthony Super-Detective Vol. 1
He's Back!!
Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to present the all new adventures of one of pulpdom's most cherished two-fisted action heroes, Jim Anthony Super-Detective. Half Irish, half Comanche and all American, Jim Anthony is the near perfect human being in both physical strength and superior mental intellect. He's a scientific genius with degrees in all the major fields. Operationg from his penthouse suite, which also houses his private research laboratory, he ventures forth into the world at large as a champion of justice, a modern knight righting wrongs and defending the helpless.
Now, he and his trusted associates are back in three original action-packed tales. Here are flying ace Tom Gentry, Antony's right hand mad; Mephito, his Comanche medicine man grandfather; Dawkins, the priim and poper butler; and the lovely Dolores Coquitt, as brave as she is beautiful. Writers Erwin K. Roberts, Andrew Salmon and B. C. Bell bring you a trio of supenseful stories guaranteed to recapture the thrills and spills of those great original pulp adventures.
Featuring eleven illustrations by Pedro Cruz and a stunning cover by Chad Hardin, this is one book pulp fans do not want to miss.
Amazon.com link: Not Yet Available
Kindle edition: Jim Anthony V1
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Award winning author Ian Watson reintroduces the classic outlaw hero from British lore in a fresh and exciting new way. We learn of a carefree youth suddenly cast into the role of hero to save his people from the cruel and sadistic tyranny of Prince John, left to rule over the kingdom while his brother, Richard the Lionhearted traveled to the Holy Lands to fight in the Third Crusade. This series continues the modern re-telling of this classic romantic adventure that New Pulp fans will enjoy!
The Legend of Robin Hood
In 2014, Airship 27 Productions published Robin Hood – King of Sherwood by I.A. Watson; the first in his trilogy reimagining the saga of fiction’s greatest hero. The two sequels, Robin Hood – Arrow of Justice and Robin Hood – Freedom’s Outlaw soon followed to the critical delight of fans everywhere.
A few years later, a fourth volume was released containing a collection of Watson’s Robin Hood short stories titled, Robin Hood – Forbidden Legends.
Now, at along last, the entire four volumes are offered in this special Omnibus Edition containing all the previous published works. Also included is The Death of Robin Hood, the poignant conclusion to the saga never before in print.
Amazon.com link: Forbidden Legend
Only $12.00. Adobe PDF Format use the button below:
Robin Hood's final adventure. After Maid Marian's death during childbirth Robin i' the hood is summoned by his niece to Kirklees Priory. On the trip he discovers he is being pursued by the bloodthirsty madman "Red Roger" and a band of mercenaries backed by King John. This concluding chapter in the Legend of Robin Hood as told by a master storyteller. (Kindle and PDF versions only. This story will be included in the print Omnibus collection of the series: The Legend of Robin Hood)
Kindle: The Death of Robin Hood
Only $2.00. Adobe PDF Format:
In his Robin Hood trilogy; King of Sherwood, Arrow of Justice and Freedom’s Outlaw, I.A. Watson brilliantly re-imagined this classic adventure saga by setting it against England’s actual history. Much to the delight of fans everywhere, old tales became new with fresh insights into the origins of the legend and its colorful characters. Now Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to bring you this Special Fourth Volume as a bonus finale to that trilogy.
In this volume you will find a handful of short stories published here for the very first time; maps of England and Robin Hood’s London plus more of the author’s in-depth essays on his critically acclaimed series and a Robin Hood comic strip illustrated by Pulp Factory Award winner, Artist Rob Davis.
Robin Hood and his Merry Men, heroes for all ages!
Amazon.com link: Forbidden Legend
Kindle edition: Forbidden Legend
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
As depicted in the first two books of this amazing trilogy, King of Sherwood and Arrow of Justice, the upstart outlaw of Sherwood Forest has become a thorn in Prince John’s side. All the efforts by his sadistic stooge, the Sheriff of Nottingham, to capture the elusive figure known as Robin Hood have failed.
Now, in this climatic final chapter to I.A. Watson’s exciting trilogy, Freedom’s Outlaw has Robin’s enemy devising a devious scheme to draw him out into the opening by laying siege to the castle of his ally, Sir Richard at the Lee. But the trickster of the greenwoods may just be two steps ahead of them. Meanwhile the Lady Marion uses her royal connections to bring all parties together before the High Nobles Court in London Town where the brash rogue’s fate will be decided.
Surrounding all these events is the whispered talk of the appearance of a White Hart in Sherwood Forest, a powerful symbol to the people for whoever captures her will be acknowledged the true King of the Forest.
Now I.A. Watson brings his stunning, clever and historically based adventure to a rousing, crowd cheering conclusion that will leave all Robin Hood fans applauding. At last the finale is here and it is one you will never forget!
Amazon.com link: Robin Hood: Freedom's Outlaw
Kindle edition: Robin Hood: Freedom's Outlaw
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
In this second chapter his daring robberies of the jaded gentry have stirred the ire of the Sheriff of Nothingham and his allies. A devious plot is hatched in the guise of an archery contest to lure the daring Robin Hood within the city limits and there trap him. Once more Ian Watson spins a tale of action and adventure steeped in rich historical lore as he relates perhaps the most reckless of the Robin’s famed exploits. Can the King of Sherwood, aided by his loyal and of rogues, claim the prized Golden Arrow or will the walls of Nothingham become his tomb.
Robin Hood, Arrow of Justice is another rollicking grand adventure that continues this innovative and wonderful retelling of a truly classic legend loved by millions. This volume once again spotlights a gorgeous painted cover by Pulp Factory Award Winning recipient Mike Manley, with interior illustrations and designs by Art Director Rob Davis. Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to return to Sherwood Forest.
Amazon.com link: not available
Kindle edition: Robin Hood: Arrow of Justice
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Robin Hood•King of Sherwood
In 1190, two years after wresting the crown from his father, Henry II, Richard the Lionhearted departed France for the Holy Lands and the Third Crusade. He left behind regents: Hugh, Bishop of Durham and his chancellor, William de Longchamp. But his younger brother, Prince John, lusted after the crown and saw Richard’s absence as a golden opportunity to seize control. John began a program of heavy taxation that threatened to destroy the social-economic stability of the England.
While the royals conspired against each other, it was the people of the land who suffered. Working under inhumane laws, they became no more than indentured slaves to the landed gentry. Amidst this age of turmoil and pain, there arose a man with the courage to challenge the aristocracy and fight for the weak and helpless. He was an outlaw named Robin of Loxley and how he became the champion of the people is a timeworn legend that has entertained readers young and old.
Now I.A. Watson brings his own vivid imagination to the saga, setting it against the backdrop of history but maintaining the iconic elements that have endeared the tale of Robin Hood to readers throughout the ages. It is a fresh and rousing retelling of an old legend, imbuing it with a modern sensibility readers will applaud. Airship 27 Productions is extremely proud to present – ROBIN HOOD – KING OF SHERWOOD!
Amazon.com link: Robin Hood: King of Sherwood
Kindle edition: Robin Hood: King of Sherwood
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Masked Rider•Tales of the Wild West
A New Pulp anthology of tales featuring characters with blazing guns and spirited mounts set in the Wild West of Legend. Masked Lawmen and Historic figures populate the pages of this anthology celebrating the age of the cowboy and the gunslinger. Mount up and ride along as we gallop into the wilds of the untamed west!
Masked Rider-Tales of the Wild West Volume 3
The Wild West has always had its share of larger then life heroes; both fictional such as pulpdom’s own Masked Rider and historical ala Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday. In this new collection, we offer up a trio of tales showcasing each.
Western writer Thomas McNulty delivers a south of the border yarn with Earp and Doc Holliday on the hunt for a dangerous desperado. This is followed by Paul Findley’s story of the fabled Masked Rider and his Yaqui partner Blue Hawk on the trail of murderous cattle rustlers.
Finally, in a full length novella, Gordon Dymowski has the mysterious Masked Rider attempting to solve the murder of an Army Cavalry officer in “A Town Called Malice.”
Here is action and adventure set against a frontier stage true to a time and place that forever left its legacy on a nation; the American Wild West.
Amazon.com link: Masked Rider 3
Kindle edition: Masked Rider 3
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Masked Rider- Tales of the Wild West Vol. 2
THE WILD WEST After the bloody American Civil War ended, the rugged landscape that was the frontier west was soon flooded with all manner of immigrants: from cowboys, pioneer settlers and all manner of outlaws. In their path were the various Indian tribes desperate to save their way of life. Soon the mountains, plains and valleys echoed with the sounds of gunfire and bloodshed flowed like rivers in these lawless territories. Then a masked man appeared on the scene, his twin Colts barking out justice. He and his Yaqui partner, Blue Hawk, rode these endless trails protecting law and order wherever they went. He was known as the Masked Rider and now he returns in three brand new gun-blazing adventures by writers Erwin K. Roberts, Bill Craig and Roman Leary. It’s time to saddle up, pulp readers, for classic western action as only the Masked Rider can deliver.
Amazon.com link: Masked Rider 2
Kindle edition: Masked Rider 2
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Masked Rider•Tales of the Wild West Vol. 1
Airship 27 Production saddles up to bring its readers three tales of gun-blazing justice from out of the old Wild West. In the years immediately following the Civil War, the land west of the great Mississippi River was a lawless frontier being shaped by the courageous men and women who ventured there in hopes of finding a better life. What they found was a vast wilderness exploited by outlaws, grifters and cattle barons who made their own law at the end of a gun. Caught in the middle were the brave and noble Native American people, struggling to survive against this tide of so-called civilization.
A rare breed of men took on the challenge of bringing justice the west; men like the mysterious Masked Rider, Virgil Earp and Wild Bill Hickok. These were men who cast their long shadows over western history and went on to become legends. Now writers Eric Jones, Tommy and Aaron Smith bring us their adventures in three fast paced, no-holds barred shoot’em ups wherein it’s good versus evil on the dusty streets and rolling plains of this big country. Load your six shooters, pilgrims and saddle up for western action Airship 27 style.
**Note this PDF version has an alternate cover from the print version!**
Amazon.com link: not available
Kindle edition: Masked Rider V. 1
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Captain Hazzard travels the world in search of action and adventure, accompanied by his team: Jake Cole, Monatana sharp-shooter; Martin Tracey, surgeon; Washington MacGowen, scientific genius; Tyler Randall, ace pilot; and William Crawley, tabloid crime reporter. Their adventures are the stuff of legend.
Captain Hazzard: Custer's Ghost
When an eerie ghost rider appears on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation and begins butchering innocent lives, native superstitions are fueled. Could this wraith actually be General George Armstrong Custer returned from the dead to seek retribution for his massacre at the Battle of Little Bighorn? Then, when gangsters attempt to kidnap a Sioux Princess at a prestigious college in New York, Captain Hazzard and his team of adventurers soon find themselves flying to Montana to unravel a truly bizarre mystery.
Accompanying them is Jim Anthony, the famous Super Detective, along with his grandfather, the Comanche shaman, Mephito. Somewhere in those rugged mountains and plains lies a secret from the past that will change Anthony’s life forever. But to uncover it, he and the Hazzard will have to risk all and solve the mystery of Custer’s Ghost!
Amazon.com: Custer's Ghost
Kindle Link: Custer's Ghost
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Captain Hazzard•Cavemen of New Yor
The Cavemen of New York
An evil scientific genius had learned how to transform people into throwback savages bent on total destruction and has unleashed them throughout Manhattan.
In the midst of the greatest blizzard ever to hit gotham CAPTAIN HAZZARD and his Fighting Five must confront and battle THEE CAVEMEN OF NEW YORK!!
Join the fighting five: cowboy sharpshooter Jake Cole, playboy-surgeon Martin Tracey, noted physicist Washington MacGowen, ace piolot Tyler Randall and crime reporter William Crawley, as they follow their leader, the relentless Champion of Justice, Captain Hazzard in a brand new, never before published pulp saga!
Contains all new art by Rob Davis and a stunning cover by Mark Maddox.
Other Captain Hazzard books available in PDF (click on the title): Python Men of the Lost City, Citadel of Fear,Curse of The Red Maggot
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format. Some devices require Adobe Acrobat reader available free at this link: http://get.adobe.com/reader/otherversions/
Amazon.com: Cavemen of New York
Kindle Link: Cavemen of New York
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Captain Hazzard•The Citadel of Fear
The Citadel of Fear
When the world's leading scientists begin disappearing without a trace, Captain Hazzard and his team of adventurers find themselves on the trail of a mastermind known only as the Green Dragon. Battling an army of minid-controlled zombies, their adventure leads them to a fantastic hidden fortress of wonder and terror and a final confrontation with the forces of evil. Horror and thrills await them at every turn.
Join the fighting five: cowboy sharpshooter Jake Cole, playboy-surgeon Martin Tracey, noted physicist Washington MacGowen, ace piolot Tyler Randall and crime reporter William Crawley, as they follow their leader, the relentless Champion of Justice, Captain Hazzard in a brand new, never before published pulp saga!
Contains all new art by Rob Davis. Also included in this volume, a special afterword by pulpsmith, Ron Fortier.
Amazon.com: not available
Kindle Link: Citadel of Fear
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Captain Hazzard•Curse of The Red Maggot
Curse of the Red Maggot
A heart shaped, blood-red pearl, in the hands of a master criminal has the power to incite bloody native revolts throughout the South Seas. Now, Captain Hazzard and his team of adventurers must travel half-way around the world to put an end to... the Curse of the Red Maggot!...
Thought to be lost for all time, this classic Captain Hazzard story by Chester Hawks has been unearthed and once more completely rewritten and edited by modern day pulpsmith Ron Fortier! This 1938 exploit that pulp readers never saw is now, at long last, in print!...
Cover by Mark Maddox, with interior art by Rob Davis, this fantastic book also contains an interview with Rob Davis, which is illustrated with brand-new pin-ups of Captain Hazzard and his entire team! Not to be missed!
Amazon.com: Curse of the Red Maggot
Kindle Link: Curse of the Red Maggot
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Captain Hazzard•Python Men of the Lost City
The most intriguing character from the action pulps returns! This thrill-a-minute new edition is not merely a reprint of that solo 1938 classic, but a brand new relaunch of this long-forgotten pulp hero.
Captain Hazzard travels the world in search of action and adventure, accompanied by his team: Jake Cole, Monatana sharp-shooter; Martin Tracey, surgeon; Washington MacGowen, scientific genius; Tyler Randall, ace pilot; and William Crawley, tabloid crime reporter. Their adventures are the stuff of legends.
This New, Special Airship 27 Productions Edition contains:
•The completely re-edited and rewritten Captain Hazzard book "Python Men of the Lost City" by Ron Fortier to include new chapters not included in the 1938 book!
• Wonderful spot illustrations by artist Rob Davis!
• A sensational cover by Mark Maddox.
• New introduction and afterward written especially for this new edition.
Amazon.com link: Python Men of the Lost City
Kindle edition: Python Men of the Lost City
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
Victorian England, a time of historic significance as the world was poised expectantly for the coming wonders and terrors of the new century. Amidst this atmosphere of anticipation and intrigue, one man emerged as a beacon of logic and cold, calculating reason in an unsettling time: Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective and his trusted friend and chronicler, Dr. John H. Watson.
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective
After ten years of publishing some of the most exciting and thrilling new adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Airship 27 Productions is proud to offer the 20th in its Consulting Detective anthology series. In this super-special collection are stories by I.A. Watson, Teel James Glenn, Ray Lovato and Michael Black offering challenging new mysteries for the dynamic crime-solving duo of Sherlock Holme sand Dr. Watson.
Included is I.A. Watson's "The Adventure of The Strand Magazine Murder," which brings Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's best-loved characters around to the venue that introduced them to the world.
Two different editions will be designed by award-winning artist Rob Davis. On in our standard 6" x 9" pulp book format and a special deluxe edition to look exactly like Holmes' publisher The Strand Magazine in size and spirit. The deluxe edition contains more illustrations and facsimile advertisements typical of the era in which the magazine first appeared.
Deluxe paperback edition link: Holmes V.20
Deluxe hardback edition link: Holmes V.20 HB
Standard 6" x 9" edition link: Holmes V.20 Standard
Kindle link: Holmes V20
Deluxe version PDF available for just $3 from the button below:
Sherlock Holmes Mysteries by I.A. Watson Volume Three
Available only on Kindle, this is a collection of short stories written by I.A. Watson from the SHERLOCK HOLMES CONSULTING DETECTIVE series of anthologies from Airship 27 Productions to include a never-before-seen story slated for the upcoming 20th volume and collected here for the first time for your mystery reading pleasure. The original illustrations for each story are presented as well.
Included in this volume:
The Testimony of Sherlock Holmes
The Adventure of the Restless Dead
Legacy of the Nottingham Crakster
The Woman Who Collected Queen Victoria
The Woman on the Ledge
The Adventure of the Anarchist's Apprentice
The Adventure of the Frozen Irregular
Kindle link: Mysteries Volume Three
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Volume 19
The Great Detective and his amiable assistant confront four truly unique and bizarre mysteries in this volume. Each of these will challenge Sherlock Holmes’ observation skills. From a trip to the Vatican to retrieve a “lost gospel” to unravel the death of a famous author, there is no rest for the two companions. A young Olympiad cyclist is murdered with an African Zulu spear while in the final entry, a cunning murderer uses well-known poems as clues to the identity of their next victim. The game is afoot once again with Writers Ray Lovato, Jonathan Casey, I.A. Watson, and Ray Lovato providing the excitement and the thrills.
Amazon Link: Holmes V19
Kindle Link: Coming Soon!
Click the link belowfor a PDf copy of the book for only $3.00!
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Volume 18
Villains & Mysteries
In this volume, the Great Detective and his loyal companion take on three exciting new mysteries which will pit them against several cunning and deadly villains. From the strange case of coffins that seem to move from one mausoleum to solving the murder of a lovely young dance hall girl, Holmes and Watson have their hands full. Finally, they are dispatched to Paris in the hunt for valuable British artifacts stolen by and a gang of murderous thieves.
Writers I.A. Watson, Michael A. Black, and Raymond Louis James Lovato employ their abundant writing skills and imagination to offer up a trio of terrific cases to challenge our sleuthing duo like never before.
Amazon Link: Consulting Detective V18
Kindle Link: Consulting Detective V18
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format. Link below:
Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Iron Crown
One of the most cherished religious artifacts in history is the Iron Crown of Constantinople, supposedly containing the nails that were used to crucify Jesus Christ by the Romans. A fire at a London Mason Lodge reveals the murdered remains of one of the Temple Officers. At the request of a Scotland Yard inspector, Sherlock Holmes is brought into the case and learns that four groups are involved in the crime, all revolved around their search for the lost crown. The agents of the Masons, Templars and the Illuminati are involved in the hunt as well as the vicious Thieves Guild controlled by the mysterious mastermind known only as the Hawk.
But none can decipher the Latin poem handed down through the ages which reveals the hidden location of the prized relic. When a second murder is discovered, the Great Detective and his loyal companion find themselves racing against time to solve the puzzle before further blood is spilled. Yes, devoted Holmes readers, the game is most certainly afoot!
Writers Ray Lovato and Michael Black have woven together a fast paced, classic Sherlock Holmes mystery in the grand Conan Doyle style. Award winning artist Rob Davis provides the black and white interior illustrations and British artist Morgan Fitzsimons the cover.
BONUS FEATURE – Illustrator Rob Davis provides a behind-the-scenes look at two very special illustrations and the inspiration behind them.
Amazon link: Iron Crown
Kindle link: Iron Crown
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format. Link below:
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Vol. 17
by I.A. Watson
Holmes and Watson attend the prison funeral of a loveable con artist who died under mysterious circumstances.
by R. A. Jones
When Holmes undertakes to solve the shooting of a boy’s pet, the trail leads to the murder of a young woman.
by George Tackes
When a veteran British officer’s daughter commits suicide, he implores Holmes to find the man responsible for her death.
By Jonathan Casey
When one of Mycroft Holmes’ agents is killed aboard a train, he requests Sherlock’s help as the dead men carried news of a new, deadly plague.
By George Tackes
For the very first time, Holmes investigates a motor vehicle fatality. Was it an unavoidable accident or suicide?
Amazon.com link: Consulting Detective V17
Kindle edition: Consulting Detective V17
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
The Incunabulum of Sherlock Holmes
In 2009 Airship 27 Production launched its series of brand new Sherlock Holmes adventures titled “Sherlock Holmes – Consulting Detective.” Among the contributors was a British writer named I.A. Watson. Considered a good omen by the publishers to have Watson on board, that first volume became a huge success; as did the subsequent sequels.
In the past 12 years I.A. Watson’s Holmes tales have appeared in dozens of anthologies with various publishers much to the delight of his fans. He is well versed in the original Conan Doyle Canon and his stories are magnificently annotated.
In this new collection aptly called “The Incunabulum of Sherlock Holmes,” I.A. Watson delivers six imaginative stories exploring the many facets of the Great Detective and his loyal companion. Each is a rare gem chronicled by a master storyteller. We advise you make yourself comfortable, brew some tea and get ready for a wonderful reading experience as only a Watson can provide. Yes, dear readers, once again, the game is afoot.
Amazon.com link: Incunabulum
Kindle edition: Incunabulum
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective V.16
Once again, the famous Baker St. detective and his loyal companion take on the most baffling cases. Whether it be chasing down a cunning anarchist determined to destroy London, or rescuing his older brother from enemy agents, Sherlock Holmes, the world’s greatest consulting detective, uses his amazing intellect to solve four new mysteries.
Writers I.A. Watson and Greg Hatcher offer up three unique cases while in a novella-length adventure, Lee Houston Jr. has Dr. Watson traveling northward to solve the puzzle of mysterious flying lights in the night skies. Four amazing tales in which the world-famous duo demonstrate their courage, skills and loyalty in the service of crown and country.
Amazon.com link: Consulting Detective V.16
Kindle edition: Consulting Detective V.16
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective V.15
Once again, Sherlock Holmes pits his amazing talents against the criminals of London and beyond. In this new collection of the bestselling series, he and loyal companion Dr. Watson will confront five twisted, dark mysteries and unspeakable horrors. From a child killer to a clever bank robber, a missing groom and a woman persuaded to commit suicide. These are among the bizarre and thrilling cases within these pages.
Find your favorite reading chair, turn on the lights and prepare yourselves to go hunting through London’s foggy streets. Once more, the game is afoot!
Amazon.com link: Consulting Detective V15
Kindle edition: Consulting Detective V15
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective V.14
New Mysteries Arise
In the course of his illustrious career, Sherlock Holmes has been challenged by many bizarre mysteries. In this new volume of adventures, he and Dr. Watson find themselves dealing with a lost treasure from the South Pacific, a ghost that walks on water, an elusive and cunning traitor and lastly a sadistic killer who warns his victims before murdering them.
Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to present the 14th entry in its best selling series. Writers I.A. Watson, Ray Lovato and David Friend offer up a quartet of deadly mysteries that will test the Great Detectives mental abilities beyond the realms of imagination. This is classic Holmes and Watson once again on the hunt through the fog-shrouded streets of London to capture the guilty and protect the innocent.
Amazon.com link: Consulting Detective V14
Kindle edition: Consulting Detective V14
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective V.13
Cases Most Bizarre
In their recorded exploits, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson faced all kinds of mysteries; from the mundane to the most foul and insidious. They solved riddles involving blackmail, thievery and murder—each with the same devotion to serving justice no matter the outcome.
In this latest collection of the bestselling series, Holmes and Watson will deal with three women all claiming to be the heir to a fortune, the brother of an old foe seeking revenge and a severed head sent to their apartment at 221B Baker Street. Writers I.A. Watson, S. Subramanian, Fred Adams Jr. and Dexter Fabi have created thrilling new adventures that will challenge the detective duo in the most bizarre ways ever imagined.
Amazon.com link: Consulting Detective V.13
Kindle edition: Consulting Detective V.13
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Sherlock Holmes Mysteries by I.A. Watson Volume 2
A new “Kindle-Only” collection of I.A. Watson’s tales of the Great Detective from Airship 27’s best-selling Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective series.
“The Impossible Coin,” a never before published story about Holmes and Watson’s second case together.
“Spring-Heeled Jack,” the nefarious boogeyman of legend resurfaces to plague a military widow and
murder soon follows his superhuman exploits.
“Mysteries of the Buried God,” In the excavations beneath an old church, Holmes investigates two murders, one
hundreds of years old.
“The Nottingham Crakster,” The Great Detective matches wits with a clever confidence artist of legendary reputation.
“The Scotland Yard Murder,” A woman’s mutilated corpse is found in pieces stashed away in the foundation site of what will become the New Scotland Yard. The police are baffled and Holmes is called into the affair to solve the mystery.
“The Affair of the Norwegian Sigerson” (A Novella)
The exploits of the Great Detective during his missing years and his re-acquaintance with “The Woman.”
“The Hangman’s Daughter,” A beautiful young bride is murdered on the church porch the night before her wedding. Holmes and Watson set out to find the heinous killer and bring the fiend to justice.
Kindle only format: Sherlock Holmes Mysteries V.2
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective Volume 12
Five New Cases
Why do people cheat, rob and murder? Why are people tempted to commit dark deeds? These are the questions that have always plagued the great detective, Sherlock Holmes. In this, the 12th Volume of the best-selling series, Consulting Detective, he and his faithful companion, Dr. Watson, take on five new cases that will challenge their intellect and lead them through the twisted minds of nefarious souls.
From chasing after a notorious confidence man to solving the death of a twin, a stolen tattoo or the murder of a bride before her wedding day, writers I.A. Watson, Barbara Doran, Fred Adams Jr. and Brad Mengel have produced truly remarkable mysteries guaranteed to keep Holmes and Watson fans up late into the night.
Once again the game is afoot!!
Amazon.com link: Consulting Detective V. 12
Kindle edition: Consulting Detective V. 12
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Volume Eleven
Four New Mysteries
Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to present the 11th volume in its best selling mystery series, “Sherlock Holmes – Consulting Detective.” All of them new and never before published.
A woman’s remains are found in the newly excavated foundation of what will become the New Scotland Yard. The missing painting of a dead woman leads to the unraveling of a devious conspiracy. A U.S. Deputy Marshal is in London pursuing a vicious and elusive criminal. A sadistic serial killer leaves the authorities puzzles before each of his killings.
Four unique and original cases to challenge Sherlock Holmes and his loyal companion, Dr. Watson as delivered by writers I.A. Watson, Lee Houston Jr., Peter Basile and Greg Hatcher. Once again the streets of London are hidden behind the fog of crime and villainy. Yes, indeed, once again the game is afoot!
Amazon.com link: Consulting Detective V. 11
Kindle edition: Consulting Detective V. 11
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Volume Ten
The Missing Years
According to the stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes, while battling his arch foe, Prof. Moriarty, was lost in the Falls at Reichenback and presumed dead, though his body was never recovered. Upon his return to London four years later, Holmes informs Dr. Watson that he had been traveling Europe and the Far East under the disguise of a Norwegian named Sigerson. In a novella length adventure, I.A. Watson delves deeper into those missing years, revealing who it was that accompanied the Great Detective during those lost years. This is one of four all new stories that fill this 10th volume of Airship 27 Productions’ best selling series. Writers Aaron Smith and Greg Hatcher offer up their own unique tales; among them a clever burglar who robs from the rich while they attend theater performances and in another, Holmes and Watson come to the aid of a former Baker Street Irregular accused of murder. Once again three of the finest New Pulp writers breathe life into Conan Doyle’s classic characters and spin exciting, suspenseful tales of mystery and intrigue. Sit back, pour yourself a brandy and prepare to enjoy a truly wonderful collection of stories starring the one and only Sherlock Holmes—Consulting Detective.
Amazon.com link: Consulting Detective 10
Kindle edition: Consulting Detective 10
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Volume Nine
Once again, hidden on the fog shrouded streets of London are heinous criminals set upon their nefarious schemes. All that stands in their way are two men, stalwart and unafraid to take on villainy in all its insidious disguises; Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
In this, the ninth entry in this bestselling series, the crime solving friends tackle five brand new mysteries that are totally unique to any of their previous adventures. Among these; an entire crew of a shoreline light house vanishes during a raging storm, one of Watson’s old army colleagues is accused of murder and a former Baker Street Irregular seeks out their aid on behalf of his crippled father. These three cases and two others are brilliantly delivered by writers I.A. Watson, Fred Adams Jr., Erik Franklin and Aaron Smith. Proving once again there is only one Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective.
Amazon.com link: Consulting Detective V.9
Kindle edition: Consulting Detective V.9
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
===Terror in Gaslight
They call themselves the Far Edge Club, a mysterious cabal of rich, sadistic hedonists who live only to create pain and fear in others. Just one man has ever bested their perverted schemes, the world renowned magician and escape artist, Harry Houdini. London becomes the stage for their final confrontation.
The Club has recruited an army of killers in their maddened goal to destroy Houdini. But they are unaware he is not without his own allies. Joining the fray at the American's side is none other than the Great Detective of Baker Street, Sherlock Holmes, and his loyal companion, Dr. Watson. Together these exceptional heroes will battle an insidious evil and attempt to solve the mystery of the Ghost Mask of L'Inconnu.
Writer I.A. Watson delivers an incredible adventure mystery that will keep readers up till the wee hours of the night. "Homes & Houdini" is New Pulp fiction at its finest.
Amazon.com link: Holmes & Houdini
Kindle edition: Holmes & Houdini
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Sherlock Holmes The Picture of Innocence
From out of the Past
The year 1885 finds Doctor John H. Watson down on his luck. His prospects look bleak until a chance encounter leads him to a meeting with another literary-minded young physician named Arthur Conan Doyle. Together, they hatch a plan for a series of works based on the adventures of Watson’s roommate, the Consulting Detective Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
Then a very attractive young lady, Mary Morstan, arrives at 221 B Baker street seeking help. Soon Holmes and Watson are drawn into the dark world of the Sholto brothers, a web of blackmail and murder. Even with the assistance of a rising playwright named Oscar Wilde, Holmes finds himself taxed to the limit of his powers when his own darkest secrets are exposed. What truths lie beneath the surface of the Picture of Innocence?
Amazon.com link: Picture of Innocence
Kindle edition: Picture of Innocence
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Sherlock Holmes Mysteries Volume 2- By Aaron Smith
Airship 27 Productions is thrilled be offering its second Kindle only collection of Sherlock Holmes adventures; this time by writer Aaron Smith. Our best selling book series continues to be our highly popular “Sherlock Holmes – Consulting Detective,” of which seven volumes have been published and the eight is on the way.
Several of our writers have been regular contributors to this series such as Andrew Salmon, I.A. Watson and Aaron Smith. Last year we collected many of Watson’s pieces in a Kindle only edition called, “Sherlock Holmes Mysteries, Vol One,” and it has been a huge success. Kindle owners have supported the book beyond our own hopes. Enough so that it was time to put out a second collection and this time our spotlight is on Aaron Smith’s excellent stories.
We hope our Holmes fans old and new will check this out. Again, you can only get this on Kindle, whereas all the stories themselves are available in the printed books.
Kindle Only:Sherlock Homes Mysteries V. 2
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective Volume 8
Ancient Evil
During their colorful careers battling crime and villainy, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson encountered the most bizarre mysteries. In this latest volume, they set out to solve three of the most unique puzzles ever put before them.
Two bodies are unearthed during the excavations beneath and old church and Holmes soon determines both are the victims of foul play; one recently and the other well over a hundred years prior. Meanwhile a retired Vice Admirable is found slain in his locked quarters leaving Holmes to solve a classic puzzle of not only “who” but also “how.” And finally, when bodies begin surfacing all over London with their blood completely drained, the famous Consulting Detective and his loyal assistant face the possibility that a legendary monster is roaming the fog-shrouded streets of their beloved London.
Writers I.A. Watson, Raymond Lovato and Aaron Smith put forth a trio of classic Conan Doyle-like mysteries pitting the Great Detective against the most menacing of evils both modern and ancient. Once more, the police Bobby’s whistle shrieks and the game is afoot!
Kindle edition: Consulting Detective V.8
Amazon.com link: Consulting Detective V. 8
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
===Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective Volume 7
Murder by Gaslight
A thick fog envelops the streets of London and nefarious agents set about their evil plots and schemes. Murder most foul rears its ugly head and baffling mysteries confound the good men of Scotland Yard until they've no recourse but to call upon the greatest Consulting Detective of them all, Sherlock Holmes of 221 B Baker Street.
In this seventh volume of Airship 27 Productions' best-selling series, Sherlock Holmes and his steadfast companion, Dr. Watson, set out to solve four brand new mysteries, each a unique puzzle unlike any they've encountered before. From confronting the legendary Spring-Heel Jack to battling a fictional foe become real, Holmes and Watson will have to employ all their considerable talents to unravel these complex and insidious crimes.
Writers I.A. Watson, Aaron Smith, Alan J. Porter and Greg Hatcher have offered up a quartet of intriguing mysteries that will challenge even the most ardent readers as they attempt to match wits with Arthur Conan Doyle's ageless hero, Sherlock Holmes!
Amazon.com link: Consulting Detective V. 7
Kindle edition: Consulting Detective V. 7
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Sherlock Holmes Mysteries by I.A. Watson
Available on Kindle Only
Airship 27 Productions is delighted to present for the first time together seven of award winning writer I.A. Watson's fabulous Sherlock Holmes adventures. Sherlock Holmes Mysteries, available only on Kindle, collects Watson's first seven Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson tales that have appeared in the first six volumes of Airship 27 Productions' bestselling series, Sherlock Holmes – Consulting Detective.
"I.A. Watson has had a new story in each volume of Consulting Detective since its inception," reports Ron Fortier, Airship 27 Productions' Managing Editor. "In fact, his third entry in the series, 'The Last Deposit', won the Pulp Factory Award for Best Pulp Short Story. So we are extremely excited to be putting all these amazing stories together for our Kindle readers."
As an added bonus, Airship 27 Productions is including an eighth and brand new, never before published story, "The Adventure of the Fading Light". That makes this digital book twice the size of Airship's regular volumes for the exact same price.
This Kindle collection also features all the original illustrations by Pulp Factory Award winning artist and Airship 27 Productions Art Director, Rob Davis.
"I.A. Watson's Holmes stories are meticulously researched and set in the established Arthur Conan Doyle canon," Fortier added. "I know of no current writer who researchs his work as much as Watson, and his stories are a pure delight."
Kindle: Watson's Holmes Mysteries
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Volume 6
Gaslight Mysteries
Sherlock Holmes, arguably the greatest fictional character ever created, returns along with his faithful friend, Dr. Watson, in five new stories pitting his deductive skills against all manner of gaslight villainy.
A man awakens in a sanitarium claiming to be Dr. John Watson. A young student is charged with the murder of his famous professor. A Paris gang of jewel thieves brings the Great Detective to the City of Lights. Murder in a London opium den unlocks the evil lurking within the estate of a prestigious British family and the ghost of Dr. Moriarty may have risen from the grave to challenge his Baker Street rival one final time.
These are the baffling cases documented here by writers I.A. Watson, Michael A. Black, Alan J. Porter and Greg Hatcher; all guaranteed to keep Holmes fans intrigued and entertained from the first tale to the last. The fog rolls in off the Thames, the clip-clop of hansom cabs rolls by and shrill screams cut through the night. Once more the game is afoot!
Amazon.com link: Consulting Detective 6
Kindle edition: Consutling Detective 6
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Sherlock Holmes Consutling Detective Volume 5
Four New Mysteries
Amidst the fog covered alleys and byways of London, murder and mayhem run rampant. With the dawning of a new century, Consulting Detective Sherlock Holmes and his able assistant, Dr. Watson represent the forces of truth and justice, ready to confront the villainy of these new modern horrors.
Here is another quartet of unique, perplexing cases that will challenge this noble duo and test their fortitude and courage. Why would someone murder an old man a few months before his hundredth birthday? Why is Holmes’ arch nemesis, Prof. Moriarty, hunting the city for the same sadistic killer Holmes is after? And, when the Great Detective is arrested and imprisoned for attempting to seduce the wife of a wealthy nobleman, Watson questions whether his friend has finally lost his mind.
Within these pages, writers Chuck Miller, Aaron Smith, I.A. Watson and Andrew Salmon offer up four of the most thrilling and suspenseful adventures ever devised to confound Arthur Conan Doyle’s most beloved heroes. It is time to load your revolver, hail a hansom cab and prepare for action, as once again, the game is afoot!
Amazon.com link: Consulting Detective V. 5
Kindle edition:Consulting Detective V. 5
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective, Volume 4
The time and place, Victorian England on the cusp of a new century where the marvels of science will spur the Industrial Revolution to new heights of cultural wonder. And yet amidst this societal upheaval, the dark elements of human kind continue to worm their way through the streets of London and its surrounding countryside. Murder and mayhem remain and thus the work of Sherlock Holmes continues; his powers of deductive reasoning the crucial bulwark to stem this tide of villainy.
Here are five new adventures of Holmes and Dr.Watson written in the traditional style of his creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Writers I.A. Watson, Aaron Smith, Bradley H. Sinor, Bill Thinnes and Andrew Salmon deliver a quintet of truly memorable cases to challenge the famous crime fighting duo. From the murder of a man who collects clockwork automatons to the theft of a valued Japanese sword, our heroes are once again called into action confronting a diverse set of mysteries guaranteed to entice the world’s greatest Consulting Detective.
Sporting a cover by Chad Hardin with interior illustrations and design by Rob Davis, the
fourth volume in this bestselling series also features a fascinating essay, “The Mystery of
Mr. Holmes,” by I.A. Watson. Here is grand adventure as Sherlock Homes fans around
the world have come to expect from Airship 27 Productions.
Amazon.com link: Consulting Detective V. 4
Kindle edition:Consulting Detective V. 4
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Sherlock Holmes• The Baron's Revenge
In 1902 Sir James Damery enlisted the aid of Sherlock Holmes to prevent the daughter of an old friend from marrying a womanizing Austrian named Adelbert Gruner who was suspected of murdering his first wife. Dr.Watson chronicled the case as “The Adventure of the Illustrious Client.” By its conclusion, Gruner was exposed to the young lady when Holmes came into possession of an album listing his many amorous conquest. Then a former prostitute mistress took her own revenge by throwing acid in his face and permanently disfiguring him.
Holmes believed the matter concluded. He is proven wrong when a hideous murder occurs rife with evidence indicating the Baron has returned. Soon the Great Detective will learn he has been targeted for revenge in a cruel and sadistic fashion. Not only does the Baron wish his death but he is obsessed with causing Holmes emotional suffering. He desires nothing less that the complete and utter destruction of the Great Detective in body and soul.
Gary Lovisi spins a fast paced tale of horror and intrigue that is both suspenseful and poignant, all the while remaining true to Arthur Conan Doyle’s original stories. “The Baron’s Revenge” is a thrilling sequel to a classic Holmes adventure fans will soon be applauding.
Airship 27 Productions – Pulps For A New Generation!
Amazon.com link: Not available at this time
Kindle edition: not available at this time
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Volume 3
Airship 27 Productions & Golden Hammer Press are delighted to announce the next chapter in their best selling series with Volume III of “Sherlock Holmes – Consulting Detective” and present a brand new quintet of terrific, classic Holmes mysteries written in the tradition of his creator; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Five brand new puzzles to challenge the Great Detective and his ever loyal companion, Dr.Watson. Within these pages they will encounter mythological fairies seeming to plague a beautiful country estate, man-eating tigers on the loose in the streets of London and a stolen museum mummy. These are only some of the mysteries awaiting the famous crime solving duo as penned by today’s most gifted writers; Aaron Smith, I.A. Watson, Joshua Reynolds and Andrew Salmon. Both Salmon & Watson having won the prestigious Pulp Factory Award for their earlier Holmes tales in volumes one and two respectively.
Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to be continuing this extremely popular series which Sherlock Holmes fans around the globe have made an overwhelming success. “Of all the books we’ve done in the past six years, this series generates the most reader mail,” Airship 27 Managing Editor Ron Fortier reports. “For months we’ve been bombarded by our Holmes fans wanting to know when this book was coming out. I’m truly happy to say the wait is over.” Volume III features a wonderful new cover painting by Brian McCulloch plus eleven interior illustrations by the book’s designer, Rob Davis, another Pulp Factor Award winner for his work on volume one. So load your revolvers, hail a hansom and prepare yourself for page turning thrills aplenty. Once again, the game is afoot!
Amazon.com link: Consulting Detective V. 3
Kindle edition: not available at this time
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Volume 2
Airship 27 Productions is once again thrilled to offer mystery fans this brand new anthology of mystery adventures. Once again, Holmes and Watson challenge the criminal forces that threaten Victorian England at every turn.
A twisted scientist plots to alter the course of human evolution while another dreams of creating the world’s first mechanical thinking machine. A body is found in a secured bank vault and modern day pirates have begun harassing Her Majesty’s Royal Navy. Here are five new mysteries that will test the Great Detective’s uncanny talents of observation and the courage of his loyal companion.
Writers Bernadette Johnson, Joshua Reynolds, Ian Watson and Andrew Salmon have delivered another compilation of fast paced, old fashioned tales guaranteed to warm the blood of the most ardent Holmes enthusiast. Sit back, dim the lights, and prepare yourself for the chase. Once more, the game is afoot!
This new volume features a stunning cover by artist Ingrid Hardy and black and white interior illustrations by the book’s designer, artist Rob Davis. Edited by Airship 27 Productions’ Managing Editor, Ron Fortier. Sherlock Holmes – Consulting Detective Vol.Two is another quality addition to the company’s list of action/adventure pulp titles.
Amazon.com link: Consulting Detective V. 2
Kindle edition: Consulting Detective V. 2
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Also available: Season of Madness-A Dr. Watson Adventure
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Volume 1
A famous soccer player is found dead in the clubhouse. An unidentified stowaway is murdered aboard a U.S. Navy warship while another man is found asphyxiated in an empty, locked room. These are several of the twisted puzzles challenging the Baker Street sleuth as he once again takes up the hunt on the fog-ridden streets of London accompanied by his faithful ally, Dr. Watson.
Writers Aaron Smith, Andrew Salmon, Van Allen Plexico and Ian Watson have set forth exciting new mysteries done in the traditional style of the original Holmes stories as written by his creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. There are no space aliens or howling werewolves here, simply good, old-fashioned whodunits. So arm yourself for danger and all manner of villainy as once agin, the game is afoot!
Amazon.com link: Consulting Detective V. 1
Kindle edition: Consulting Detective V. 1
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
When Sherlock Holmes, who was presumed dead at the hands of his arch nemesis, Professor Moriarty, returned in the story Dr.Watson chronicles as “The Adventure of the Empty House,” we were told how the Great Detective had spent the intervening years abroad in disguise as a secret agent for England. For the devoted Holmes fan, that seemed sufficient to close this chapter of the duo’s life and move on to new adventure.+++ But when a heavy locker box arrives at 221 B Baker St. from the United States addressed to Dr. Watson, it is Holmes who finds his curiosity piqued.
What is in the mysterious box? Who sent it and why? Holmes summons his loyal companion who in turn sets about telling Holmes of his own unique adventure abroad during his hiatus. What follows is an amazing mystery involving Watson’s lovely wife, Mary, and her family history. The answer to the puzzle rests in the foothills of the Adirondacks of upper New York State and the couple soon set sail for America, Mary hoping the trip will pull her husband’s mood from the gloom in which it was mired since the supposed death of Holmes. Once in New York, they encounter the vibrant, colorful civil servant, Teddy Roosevelt, who provides the vital clue that triggers the Watsons' quest?
From the majestic peaks of the Adirondacks to open plains of the wild west, Erwin K. Roberts spins a fantastic, rip-roaring yarn that will have Holmes and Watson fans cheering from the first page to the last.
PULP Bonus – “Hyde and Seek” A brand adventure starring her Majesty’s Secret Agent, Hound Dog Harker by Aaron Smith.
Amazon.com link: Watson's American Adventure
Kindle edition: not available at this time
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Season of Madness- A Dr. Watson Adventure
When a group of men and women throughout London begin exhibiting strangge psychotic behavior, Dr. John Seward, from the Dracula affair, is brought in on the case. Faced with a mystery beyond his realm of experiences, he turns to Sherlock HOlmes' trusted companion, Dr. Watson, for help.
Together these two men of science must uncover the riddle behind a white powder drug with the ability to drive people mad before the entire population is infected.
Her is an original, never-before-published mystery set against the backdropo f Victorian England by a master storyteller. Suspense and adventure await on every corner as two of literature's mos tfamous characters join forces to unravel a SEASON OF MADNESS.
And as a bonus the first short-story in a brand new series starring her Majesty's Secret Service agent Hound Dog Harker: "The Electrick Shark."
Amazon.com link: Season of Madness
Kindle edition: Season of Madness
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
A long-forgotten pulp hero makes his glorious return to action and adventure in these special volumes featuring Lance Star and his team of rough-and-ready Sky Rangers.
Airship 27 Productions brings together all four of writer Bobby Nash’s Lance Star adventures in this Kindle-Only edition. Plus, as an added bonus, this digital collection includes the first chapter of Nash’s new full length Lance Star novel.
Kindle edition: The Adventures of Lance Star
Paperback edition: The Adventures of Lance Star
Lance Star : Sky Ranger Cold SnapARCTIC DUEL
As World War II rages across the globe, the Nazis have built a secret fortress beneath the frozen wasteland of the Arctic Circle. Here they field test a secret weapon that could turn the tide of the war in Hitler’s favor. When U.S. Military Intelligence learns of the hidden facility, Army General Pettigrew turns to Lance Star and the Sky Rangers. If anyone can uncover what is buried at the top of the world, it is these dedicated airmen.
For Lance it seems just another death-defying mission until it is revealed that his arch nemesis, Austrian aviation ace Baron Von Blood, may be a part of the Nazi operation. For five years Lance has sought out the man who killed his young friend, Skip Terrel. Now that hunt may be coming to an end in a fiery Arctic duel.
Amazon link: Cold Snap
Kindle link: Cold Snap
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
High flying Thrills!
Rev up those Pratt-Whitney engines, pull back on the stick and prepare for take-off, as LANCE STAR – SKY RANGER gets ready to soar into the clouds in this, his fourth volume of high flying adventures.
Once again it's time to join America's aviation ace, Lance Star and his faithful team; Buck Tellonger, Cy Hawkins, Jim Nolan and Red Davis as they fly into four brand-new hair-raising tales. From discovering a hidden Nazis base on lost South Seas Island inhabited by prehistoric monsters to foiling an assassination attempt on President Roosevelt, the Sky Rangers travel the globe tackling danger wherever they go..
So goose your fuel lines, spin the props of your Skybolts and Skeeter and prepare yourself for classic pulp action. Writers Bobby Nash, Sean Taylor, Andrew Salmon and Jim Beard have delivered a quartet of fast-paced, high soaring stories to keep you buckled up tight.
Amazon.com link: Lance Star 4
Kindle edition: Lance Star 4
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Pulp Aviation Ace, Lance Star takes off for another thrill-packed collection of four brand new action tales. In this third volume, Lance and his Sky Rangers face off against Oklahoma rustlers, Chinese warlords, jungle magic and a saucy British femme fatale who flirts with danger. New Pulp witers, Bobby Nash, Bernadette Johnson, Van Allen Plexico and Sean Taylor spin their yarns of incredible bravery and daring among the clouds that will hold the most jaded reader spellbound.
So release the chocks, kick the props and pull back on the stick as adventure once again takes to the skies in Airship 27 Productions latest high flying anthology. All the art for this book was provided by talented newcomer, Shannon Hall, to include twelve black and white interior illustrations and a stunning, fully painted cover. Designed by Rob Davis and edited by Ron Fortier, LANCE STAR – SKY RANGER Vol III is another quality addition to this soaring pulp series you won't want to miss.
Amazon.com link ("Return to Print" version at $12.99!): Lance Star V.3
Kindle edition: Lance Star V. 3
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Lance Star Sky Ranger•Volume 2
<High Flying Adventure!
Strap on your seat belts and rev up your props, as Lance Star – Sky Ranger returns with another helping of all out action, adventure, thrills and spills high up in the wild blue yonder. And this time he's accompanied by a handful of pulpdom's greatest aviation heroes, including: The Griffon, The Three Mosquitos, and the undisputed Commander of the Clouds, America's # 1 action ace, Captain Midnight!
Writers Bobby Nash, Van Allen Plexico, Aaron Smith and David Walker go full throttle to bring you five pulse-pounding tales of brave men and their flying machines as they fight our country's deadliest foes at home and abroad. Featuring interior illustrations by Rob Davis and a stunning cover by Shane Evans, Lance Star – Sky Ranger Vol. Two is the high-flying collection pulp fans have been waiting for.
Amazon.com link: Lance Star Sky Ranger V. 2
Kindle edition: Lance Star Sky Ranger V. 2
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
Lance Star Sky Ranger•Volume 1
A long-forgotten pulp hero makes his glorious return to action and adventure in this special volume featuring Lance Star and his team of rough-and-ready Sky Rangers. Four brand-new, action-packed tales of highflying thrills await you--
ATTACK OF THE BIRDMAN by Frank Dirscherl
Lance and his wingman-sidekick Buck Tellonger head out to the coast of California where flocks of birds are attacking the populace of a small seaside village. They are said to be guided by a giant bird-man!
Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, off the shores of tropical Hawaii, a hidden treasure has been discovered. Now a band of sky pirates is out to steal it no matter how many innocent lives must be sacrificed in the process. Only Lance and the Sky Rangers can end their bloody assaults!
A government agent sends Lance and his team of flyers off to the roof of the world, Tibet, in search of a lost World War One ace and a hidden power source that could change the course of history!
Flying rebels have captured the Panama Canal, threatening to destroy it unless their ransom demands are met-Lance and the Sky Rangers soon find themselves fighting an old enemy who's come back from the grave!
Amazon.com link: Lance Star V.1
Kindle edition: Lance Star V. 1
Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format:
The greatest, two-fisted, gun-blasting pulp G-Man of them all returns, in DAN FOWLER G-MAN Vol One. Folwer was the toughest F.B.I. agent of them all for many years, in the pages of his own pulp magazine, he fought America’s outlaws with nerves of steel and unrelenting duty. Now, four talented new pulp scribes deliver brand new stories featuring Fowler, fellow agent Larry Kendall and the ever loyal lovely, Sally Vane.
Classic pulp G-Man, Dan Fowler returns in two brand new action-packed adventures.
When a Denver armored car disappears into thin air, Fowler and a local agent find themselves looking to the skies for answers. Dan and his colleagues then find themselves on the hunt for a demented serial killer who proves clever enough to stay one step ahead of them with each new kill.
Writer Fred Adams Jr. delivers the action non-stop with Gangland’s number one nemesis hot on their trails. Twin tales illustrated by artist Sam Salas and wrapped up with a colorful cover by Michael Youngblood.
Amazon Link: Dan Fowler V4
Kindle Link: Coming Soon!
PDF eBook, only $3.00:
Pulpdom’s great G-Man, Dan Fowler, returns in four brand new, gun-blazing stories as he chases down America’s Most Wanted Gangsters. Accompanied by Agents Larry Kendall and Sally Vane, the dedicated manhunter races from the streets of New York City to the dirt roads of rural America’s farmlands as he pursues the lawless.
New Pulp writers Whit Howland, Gene Moyers, Aaron Powers and Fred Adams Jr. introduce four action-packed tales featuring deadly bank-robbing twins, mysterious foreign assassins and a family of backwoods killers. All of them completely ruthless in their zeal to outwit the G-Man and pursue their twisted careers. But none is a match for Dan Fowler, a relentless lawman devoted to the cause of justice.
So tighten your seat belts and get ready for one hell of a bumpy ride as only Airship 27 Productions can deliver.
Amazon.com: Dan Fowler G-Man V.3
Kindle edition: Dan Fowler G-Man V.3
PDF eBook, only $3.00:
One of the greatest pulp heroes of old returns in four gun-blazing new adventures. Dan Fowler, ace investigator for the FBI, is back in action again. This time facing off against quartet of deadly villains; from a hideous monkey-faced gang boss to avenging the murder of an undercover agent. Along the way he’ll team up with a colorful assortment of allies from a sexy jewel thief to none other than Jim Anthony, the Super Detective.
Writers Derrick Ferguson, Aaron Smith, Joshua Reynolds and B.C. Bell have whipped up four of the most fast-paced, nail biting crime thrillers ever to grace any pulp collection. Dan Fowler is an iconic pulp hero who, during the course of his original series, battled criminals and outlaws from rural hick bootleggers to the organized syndicates of New York and Chicago. Always a fan favorite, Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to be bringing him back into the spotlight of New Pulp fiction with these original thrill-a-minutes tales.
Wrapped up by a gorgeous cover from Brian McCulloch and featuring wonderful black and white interior illustrations by Neil T. Foster, DAN FOWLER G-MAN Vol II was designed by Rob Davis and edited by Ron Fortier. So move over Elliot Ness and Melvin Purvis, here comes the greatest G-Man of them all- DAN FOWLER!!
Airship 27 Productions
Dan Fowler•G-Man Vol. 1
Follow Fowler and his team into The Dungeon of Death by Gregory Bastianelli, the Harvest of Crime by B.C.Bell, The Music of Murder by Aaron Smith and Andrew Salmon’s Dan Fowler And the League of Patriots. Each story is a hard hitting action adventure tale set in the thrill packed days of yesterday, each a genuine gem of purple prose you will not want to miss.
Featuring twelve black and white illustrations by Kelly Everart, a cover by Robert Brown and designed by Rob Davis with editing by Ron Fortier. Get your Tommy Guns loaded, gas up the Studebaker and prepare yourself for a wild reading experience as Dan Fowler G-Man is once again on the hunt!
Amazon.com: not available
Kindle edition: not available
PDF eBook, only $3.00:
Jagger•Time Served
Upon his return home, U.S. Marine James Jagger wanted nothing more than to start a new life with the woman he loved. Alas, a cruel twist of fate sends him spiraling down a nighmarish detour. Wrongly accused and imprisoned for a crime he did not commit, Jagger spends seven years of his life behind bars.
Now on parole, he discovers a sadistic child predator is terrorizing a small New England town. An old friend from the past begs Jagger to help save the innocent children in the path of a perverted killer. But, to do so, Jagger will have to break parole and jeopardize his new-found freedom.
First time novelist, Jared Cantin, delivers a fast-paced, modern thriller that echoes the suspense of classic pulp adventures. In doing so he creates a new, modern hero for our times. Airship 27 is proud to present: JAGGER: TIME SERVED, the first in a brand new series featuring ex-Marine warrior, James Jagger.
Amazon.com link: Jagger Time Served
$3.99 PDF:
Working undercover for the government and thought a vigillante by local law-enforcement the mysterious Secret Agent "X" fights crime using his uncanny skills at makeup and disguise. His true role known only to his controller "K-9" and ace reporter Betty Dale Agent "X" uses his collection of subordinates and his many identities to thwart evil in all its varied forms!
Pulpdom’s premier spy returns via Airship 27 productions Secret Agent X Vol 6 in three new pulse-pounding adventures. The Man of a Thousand Faces is confronted with the most threatening challenges to America imaginable and only his incredible talents as a super spy can overcome each.
From destroying a spreading world plague launched from a giant airship to stymieing Nazi subterfuge at a mountain enclave and then having to fight dead men under spell of an evil mystic. All in a days work for the Agent X. Writers Fred Adams Jr., Kaushik Karforma and Frank Schildiner deliver three top-notch pulp thrillers that will have fans turning pages at break-neck speed.
Learn why Nick Carter to James Bond and Matt Helm, and all the great heroes of espionage fiction owe their very existence to the character that created the mold, Secret Agent X.
Amazon.com link: Secret Agent X V.6
Kindle version: Secret Agent X V.6
Purchase PDF download for $3 using the following button!
DEAD MEN DON'T LIE By J. Walt Layne X chases after wealthy politicians looking to finance enemy saboteurs and add to their ill-gotten gains.
FACE TO FACE WITH AGENT LOKI By Andy Fix Secret Agent X battles his own counterpart, a German spy who is also a master of disguise.
DEVIL IN THE DEEP BLUE SEA By Fred Adams Jr. From the early days of Secret Agent X's career, as he battles a sadistic U-Boat commander on the high seas.
THE DEATH DUEL OF MADAM ROGUE By Frank Schildiner An old enemy from his past threatens to end Secret Agent X's career…and his life.
Amazon.com link: Secret Agent "X" V 5
Kindle version now available: Secret Agent X 5
Purchase PDF download for $3 using the following button!
Secret Agent "X"-Volume Four
Authored by Bobby Nash, Jarrod Courtemanche, Kevin Noel Olson, Frank Shildiner
The greatest pulp spy of them all, Secret Agent X returns in four brand new adventures. Continuing the excitement and thrills generated by the previous three volumes in this series, the Man of a Thousand Faces is back in four daring adventures written by today's most talented pulp writers.
Deep in mountains of central Europe, Bobby Nash pits X against a deadly beast-man with a special agenda while Jarrod Courtemanche has the master spy confronting a scientist who controls fears. In a one of a kind cross-over, Agent X confronts one of the most nefarious pulp villains of them all, Fantômas, courtesy of Kevin Noel Olson and finally Frank Schildiner chronicles one of our hero's earliest missions alongside the famed Sir Lawrence of Arabia in the burning sands of the Sahara.
Dedicated to the protection of his country, the master of disguises, America's top secret agent is in wavering his loyalty and courage as he once against takes on villainy in all its myriad forms. He is the one and only Secret Agent X!
AIRSHIP 27 PRODUCTIONS - Pulp Fiction for a New Generation!
Amazon.com link: Secret Agent "X" V. 4
Kindle version now available: Secret Agent "X" V. 4
Purchase PDF download for $3 using the following button!
___Secret Agent "X" Volume 3
The greatest spy of the pulps returns in three classic tales of action and adventure, plus a fourth brand new story exclusive to this new edition. Edited by Ron Fortier with art by Rob Davis and Shane Evans. Not to be missed!!
Amazon.com link: Secret Agent "X" V. 3
Kindle version now available: Secret Agent "X" V. 3
Purchase PDF download for $3 using the following button!
Secret Agent "X" Volume 2
Pulp's top super spy returns in four action packed missions, written by today's finest thriller writers; one brand new to this gorgeous reprint edition. Stories by Sean Ellis, Kevin Noel Olson, G.L. Gick & B.C. Bell. Features 12 interior illustrations by Rob Davis, with a cover by Davis and Chris Carney. Pulp action at its best!
Amazon.com link: Secret Agent "X" V. 2
Kindle version now available: Secret Agent "X" V. 2
Purchase PDF download for $3 using the following button
Secret Agent "X" Volume 1
The greatest spy of the pulps returns in three classic tales of action and adventure, plus a fourth brand new story exclusive to this new edition. Edited by Ron Fortier with art by Rob Davis and Shane Evans.
Amazon.com link: Secret Agent "X" V. 1
Kindle version now available: Secret Agent "X" V. 1
Purchase PDF download for $3 using the following button

Pulp Era excitement as an immortal man gathers together a team of heroes to battle evil.
Ghost Squad•Rise of the Black Legion
A United States Senator is murdered on the floor of the Senate by an invisible assassin; a French nobleman in Jerusalem during the First Crusades gives rise to a new order, the Knights Templar; a creature of dark mythology becomes the power behind the Third Reich. Three supposedly unrelated events weaving their way through the corridors of time as if by no reason or rhyme. But what if all these moments were connected through the incredible exploits of one man? An immortal man destined to battle evil throughout the ages!
From Munich to the hills of San Francisco and a speeding midnight train across the badlands of Utah, pulpsmiths Ron Fortier and Andrew Salmon unleash an incredible adventure pitting America's secret defenders, the GHOST SQUAD, on their first thrill-a-minute mission. Led by the man who cannot die, they must battle the most sophisticated spy nework ever conceived, the BLACK LEGION! At stake- the life of one of the country's most beloved heroes and the fighting spirit of an entire nation.
Amazon.com link: Ghost Squad 1
Kindle version now available: Ghost Squad 1
Purchase PDF download for $3 using the following button
The Light of Men
It is 1945 and the war is beginning to wind down. Allied forces are pushing toward Berlin with relentless force and the Third Reich is on the verge of collapse. Still, in dozens of hellish concentration camps scattered throughout Germany, thousands of emaciated men and women are kept ignorant of these events. With over fourteen million already murdered in the gas chambers, the Nazis are all too aware the remaining survivors could become a serious liability, all of them living proof of their barbaric Holocaust.
Into one of these death camps comes a man named Aaron. Unlike the hopeless, starving men around him, he is strangely aloof and detached from the living nightmare that surrounds them. Obeying orders, falling in line with his fellow prisoners, Aaron methodically begins to learn the camp routines in order to fulfill his own mysterious agenda. Is he an allied spy on some desperate mission? Or worse yet, is he a Nazi collaborator sent to foil any last minute rebellion by the inmates? Having heard rumors that the Allied Forces are getting closer every day, many inmates want to revolt and take control of the camp before their merciless captors can silence them forever.
Andrew Salmon delivers a taut, gripping novel set against the background of one of history's most tragic episodes. He adds a unique science-fiction element that weaves its way through this amazing adventure and drives it to a powerful, heart-wrenching climax. THE LIGHT OF MEN is a powerful statement on the human condition and the heroism inherent in all men and women with the courage to endure.
Amazon.com link: Light of Men
Kindle version now available: Light of Men
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Brother Bones-The Undead Avenger
He has been sent to avenge the innocent and punish the guilty. Haunting the dark streets
of Cape Noire, he is Brother Bones, the Undead Avenger. Collected here are tales of classic pulp action and adventure. Haunted by the spirit of a young prostitute he murdered while he was living, Brother Bones dons a skull mask, black slouch hat and trench coat and is sent out to avenge the innocent. So put on your slouch hat and grab your twin .45 automatics, there are werewolves and monsters awaiting to challenge the most macabre hero of them all; Brother Bones!
Cape Noire: A Beest and Beauty Tale
Cape Noire is a busy seaport on the Northwest coast riddled with crime and depravity of every sort. It is also the home of the Undead Avenger, Brother Bones along with other colorful and bizarre characters. None stranger than gorilla mobster, Harry Beest. Their exploits have been chronicled for the past ten years in four anthologies, one full length novel and assorted comic strip adventures.
Now, Brother Bones creator Ron Fortier takes us back in time to reveal the history behind these unique characters. He invites us to a Cape Noire run by Topper Wyld and his chief rival, Big Swede Jorgenson. He introduces Wyld’s crafty advisor, lawyer Fat Jacob Wiseman and we meet a young rookie detective named Dan Rains for the very first time.
Here is Harry Beest, Wyld’s number one man; a suave, debonair killer. Wyld’s lovely and devious daughter, Alexis. Prostitute Sadie Levine and ex-boxer Butch Hammer along with twin thirteen-year-old street punks, Jack and Tommy Bonello. All of them are caught up in a twisted fate they can never escape. Each plays their part as the story of Cape Noire begins.
Amazon link: Cape Noire
Kindle Link: Cape Noire
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Airship 27 Productioons first Hardcover book! Collecting the very first two anthologies; “Brother Bones – The Undead Avenger” and “Brother Bones – Tapestry of Blood,” for a total of 12 hair raising tales of suspense, mystery and horror. Here is Cape Noire, a city filled with the most bizarre, twisted monsters both human and supernatural, all vying for power and control. Only one thing stands in their way, the Avenger of the Innocent, the skull masked vigilante known only as Brother Bones. Contains all original black and white illustrations by Award Winning artist Rob Davis. Not for the faint of heart.
Amazon link: Grave Tales
Brother Bones: Tales of Cape Noire
Cape Noire is a bustling, commercial seaport on the northwest coast. It is also an urban jungle where over a million souls reside. Among these are monsters both human and supernatural. Keeping them in check is the white skull masked Brother Bones, the Undead Avenger. In this new collection of tales, writers Fred Adams Jr., Andy Fix and Drew Meyer join creator Ron Fortier in presenting the next chapter in Hell’s own backyard.
Dr. Bugosi, the Mad Scientist of Cape Noire is dead and Harry Beest, the gorilla mobster, is assailed on all fronts as he tries to salvage the dead man’s journals. Meanwhile the sexy vampire, Sister Blood encounters a creature descended of island magic while trying to save a friend. At the same time Lt. Dan Rains hunts a kidnapped girl amidst a bloody gang war that threatens to flood the streets in blood.
Here is a mash-up of action, adventure and horror as only the saga of Brother Bones can provide. “Tales of Cape Noire” is a quartet of fevered nightmares you will not soon forget.
Amazon.com link: Tales of Cape Noire
Kindle version: Tales of Cape Noire
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Brother Bones: City of Lost Souls
For decades, Cape Noire had existed on the northwest coast, a bustling metropolis of international commerce. Over time it became a nexus for all manner of evil and corruption fed by a dark, insidious spirit of darkness that seemed to infuse itself into the city’s very foundations.
Then one night the strangest creature of them all was born in the midst of thunder, lighting and murder. He wears a torn black trench-coat, wide-brim fedora and a bone white skull mask while wielding twin silver-plated automatics. He is Cape Noire’s supernatural protector; Brother Bones – The Undead Avenger. At his hands none find mercy, only cold, unforgiving justice.
He now returns in five macabre, horror-filled adventures pitting him against both monsters real and imaginary. Among these a notorious fiend garbed in blood red and known as Doctor Satan, Master of the Occult Arts. Once again, Award winning pulp scribe, Ron Fortier, offers up a collection of new Brother Bones exploits from his feverish imagination. In Cape Noire, the fun is only getting started.
Amazon.com link: City of Lost Souls
Kindle version: City of Lost Souls
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Brother Bones-Tapestry of Blood
Located on the Northwest Coast, Cape Noire is a booming economic giant whose inner core has been corrupted by all manner of evil. From the sadistic mob bosses who ruthlessly control vast criminal empires to the fiendish creatures that haunt its maze of back alleys, Cape Noire is a modern Babylon of sin and depravity.
Amidst this den of iniquity strides a macabre warrior committed to avenging the innocent and holding back the tide of villainy. He is Brother Bones, the Undead Avenger and there is no other like him. A one time, heartless killer, he is now the spirit of vengeance trapped in an undying body. He is the unrelenting sword of justice as meted about by his twin .45 automatics.
His face, hidden forever behind an ivory white skull mask, is the entrance to madness for those unfortunate enough to behold it. This new collection features five suspenseful, fast-paced, action packed stories featuring pulp fiction's most original hero, Brother Bones. Time to draw the shades, light the candles and enter into a Tapestry of Blood.
Amazon.com link: Tapestry of Blood
Kindle version: Tapestry of Blood
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Ron Fortier's Brother Bones: Six Days of the Dragon
Ron Fortier's darkest creation returns!
When the souls of the innocent cry for justice,One man hears their call:
The Undead Avenger—Brother Bones
He stalks the streets of Cape Noire, waging a never-ending war against the forces of darkness. Bones has never met a foe he could not defeat, but now he faces an enemy unlike any he has ever known. With only a motley crew of unlikely allies – and his silver-plated twin .45s – Bones must stop an ancient evil that threatens not only Cape Noire, but the entire world.
Six Days of the Dragon
Brother Bones is back to cut a swathe of destruction through his first full-length novel!
Writer Roman Leary and illustrator Rob Moran deliver the gun-blazing thrills in this epic tale of two-fisted action and spine-chilling horror!
Amazon.com link: Six Days of the Dragon
Kindle version: Six Days of the Dragon
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Brother Bones-The Undead Avenger Vol. 1
He has been sent to avenge the innocent and punish the guilty. Haunting the dark streets
of Cape Noire, he is Brother Bones, the Undead Avenger. Collected here are six classic tales of pulp action and adventure; The Bone Brothers, The Shield & the Claw, The Scales of Terror, See Spot Kill, The Root of Evil, Gorilla Dreams and for the very first time a never before published tale, The Ghost Train. So put on your slouch hat and grab your twin .45 automatics, there are werewolves and monsters awaiting to challenge the most macabre hero of them all; Brother Bones!
Amazon.com link: Brother Bones
Kindle version now available: Brother Bones
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Reviews of Brother Bones: Bones REVIEWS
As a young child, Morgan Rein was taught by Mother Kalavela the curative powers of White Witchcraft. Ancient arts and skills employed in the service of mankind. The greatest of these elemental talents is the ability to control fire.
Now, from out of her tortured past, comes a deadly threat in the form of a psychotic warlock bent on murder and destruction. A cruel, sadistic soul who also happens to be her brother.
It will take all of Morgan's arcane skills, and the aide of a wisecracking cynical scientist, to combat the Dark Forces unleashed against her. To survive she will have to summon the purest flame of all, Witchfire!
Amazon.com link: Witchfire
Kindle: Witchfire
Audio book from Audible.com: Witchfire
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Hounds of Hell
When Pulp Worlds Collide! The Moon Man and Doctor Satan, hero and villain of their own pulp magazines, meet here for the first time ever in the cross-over that will leave you spellbound and begging for more. Written by Ron Fortier ("The Green Hornet", "Rambo", "The Terminator", etc.) and Gordon Linzner. Illustrated by Rob Davis ("Star Trek: The Next Generation", "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine", Marvel, DC and Malibu comics.) and Bradley Walton, with an eye-popping wrap-around cover by Tom Floyd. This edition also includes the short story “Fury in Vermont” by Ron Fortier.
This is an updated/reworked edition of the very first New Pulp book from Airship 27!
Now on Amazon.com: Hounds of Hell
Kindle: Hounds of Hell
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