2009 Nominees:
Best Pulp Novel:
•Lobster Johnson – The Satan Factory by Thomas E. Sniegoski (Dark Horse Books)
•Secret Agent X - The Sea Wraiths by Sean Ellis (Age of Adventure Press)
•The Terror of Fu Manchu by William Maynard (Black Coat Press)
Best Short Story:
•The Adventure of the Locked Room by Andrew Salmon from Sherlock Holmes – Consulting Detective Vol One. (Airship 27 Productions)
•Horror in Clay by Adam Lance Garcia from Green Lama Vol One (Airship 27 Productions)
•Heart of the Crucible by Howard Hopkins from The Avenger Chronicles (Moonstone Books)
Best Cover:
•Mike Fyles for The Green Lama Vol. One (Airship 27 Productions)
•Chad Harding for Jim Anthony Super Detective Vol One (Airship 27 Productions)
•Mark Maddox for Captain Hazzard – Python Men of the Lost City (Airship 27 Productions)
•Mark Maddox for Sherlock Holmes – Consulting Detective Vol One (Airship 27 Productions)
Best Interior Illustrations:
•Rob Davis for Sherlock Holmes – Consulting Detective Vol. One (Airship 27 Productions)
•Pedro Cruz for Jim Anthony Super Detective Vol.One (Airship 27 Productions)
•Jay Piscopo for The Green Lama Vol.One (Airship 27 Productions)

2010 Nominees:
Best Pulp Novel:
•Green Lama Unbound by Adam Lance Garcia (Airship 27 Productions)
•Ghosts of Manhattan by George Mann (Snowbooks)
•Pulp Heroes – Khan Dynasty by Wayne Reinagel (Knightraven Studios)
•Sun Koh – Heir of Atlantis by Art Sippo (Age of Adventure)
•Robin Hood – King of Sherwood by I.A. Watson (Airship 27 Productions)
Best Short Story:
•The Last Deposit by I.A. Watson from Sherlock Holmes – Consulting Detective Vol Two (Airship 27 Productions)
•The Red Flame of Death by Van Allen Plexico from Van Allen Plexico presents Gideon Cain (White Rocket)
•Death Rides the Valkyrie by Andrew Salmon from Black Bat Mystery (Airship 27 Productions)
•The Girl in the Glass Coffin by I.A. Watson from Van Allen Plexico presents Gideon Cain (White Rocket)
Best Cover:
•Mike Manley for Robin Hood – King of Sherwood (Airship 27 Productions)
•Mike Fyles for Green Lama Unbound (Airship 27 Productions)
•Ingrid Hardy for Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Vol. Two (Airship 27 Productions)
•Mark Maddox for Black Bat Mystery (Airship 27 Productions)
Best Interior Illustrations:
•Mike Fyles for Green Lama Unbound (Airship 27 Productions)
•Pedro Crus for Jim Anthony Super Detective – The Hunters (Airship 27 Productions)
•Rob Davis for Van Allen Plexico presents Gideon Cain (White Rocket)
•Charles Fetherolf for Ravenwood – Stepson of Mystery (Airship 27 Productions)

2011 Nominees:
Best Pulp Novel:
•Damballa by Charles Saunders (Airship 27 Productions)
•Viktoriana by Wayne Reinagel (Knightraven Studios)
•Robin Hood – Arrow of Justice by I. A. Watson (Airship 27 Productions)
Best Short Story:
•Vengeance Is Mine by Ron Fortier for The Avenger: The Justice, Inc.Files (Moonstone Books)
•Storms of Blood and Snow by Derrick Ferguson from How The West Was Weird 2 (Createspace)
•Dock Doyle and the Wandering City by Adam Garcia from Mystery Men &Women 2 (Airship 27 Productions)
Best Cover:
•Michael Kaluta for Challenger Storm – Isle of Blood (Airship 27 Productions)
•Chad Hardin for Mars McCoy Space Ranger (Airship 27 Productions)
•Mike Fyles for Mystery Men & Women 2 (Airship 27 Productions)
•Mike Manley for Robin Hood: Arrow of Justice (Airship 27 Productions)
Best Interior Illustrations:
•by Michael Kaluta for Challenger Storm – Isle of Blood (Airship 27 Productions)
•Rob Davis for Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective Vol 3 (Airship 27 Productions)
•Chris Kohler for Blackthorn: Thunder on Mars (White Rocket)
•George Sellas for The Adventures of Lazarus Gray (Createspace)
2012 Nominees:
Best Pulp Novel:
•The Lone Ranger – Vendetta by Howard Hopkins (Moonstone Books)
Dynasty of Mars by I.A Watson (White Rocket Books)
Blood of the Centipede by Chuck Miller (Pro Se Productions)
Best Short Story:
•The Ghoul by Ron Fortier for Monster Aces (Pro Se Productions)
•Wounds by Andrew Salmon from The Ruby Files (Airship 27 Productions)
•Die Giftig Lilie by Sean Taylor from The Ruby Files (Airship 27 Productions)
•Case of the Wayward Brother by Bobby Nash from The Ruby Files (Airship 27 Productions)
•Sinbad and the Sapphire of the Djinn by I.A. Watson from Sinbad: The New Voyages (Airship 27 Productions)
Best Cover:
•Joe Devito for The Infernal Buddha (The Wild Adventures of Doc Savage) (Altus Press)
•Adam Diller for Blackthorn – Dynasty of Mars (White Rocket Books)
•Mark Wheatley for The Ruby Files (Airship 27 Productions)
Best Interior Illustrations:
•Rob Moran for The Ruby Files (Airship 27 Productions)
•Rob Davis for Secret Agent X Vol IV (Airship 27 Productions)
•George Sellas for Tales of the Rook (Pro Se Productions)
•Ralf van der Hoeven for Sinbad The New Voyages (Airship 27 Productions)

2013 Nominees:
•Brother Bones: Six Days of the Dragon by Roman Leary (Airship 27)
•Doc Savage: Skull Island by Will Murray (Altus Press)
•Legion 1: Lords of Fire by Van Allen Plexico (White Rocket Books)
•Sherlock Holmes: Work Capitol by Andrew Salmon (Fight Card Books)
•Robin Hood: Freedom’s Outlaw by I.A. Watson (Airship 27)
•"The Undercover Puzzle" by Derrick Ferguson, Dan Fowler G-Man Vol Two (Airship 27)
•"Fear The Dark " by Bobby Nash, The Spider: Extreme Prejudice (Moonstone Books)
•"Mtimu" by Charles Saunders, Black Pulp (Pro Se Press)
•"The Adventure of the Limehouse Werewolf" by Andrew Salmon, Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Vol. 4, (Airship 27)
•"The Adventure of the Clockwork Courtesan" by I.A. Watson, Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Vol. 4 (Airship 27)
•Andy Fish, The Queen of Escapes (Airship 27)
•Mike Fyles, Zeppelin Tales (Airship 27)
•Chad Hardin, Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Vol 4 (Airship 27)
•Rob Moran, Brother Bones: Six Days of the Dragon (Airship 27)
•Adam Shaw, Black Pulp (Pro Se Press)
•Sean Ali, Pro Se Presents #19 (Pro Se Press)
•Rob Davis, Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Vol 4 (Airship 27)
•Rob Davis, Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Vol 5 (Airship 27)
•Rob Davis, Robin Hood-Freedom's Outlaw (Airship 27)
•Clayton Hinkle, Quartermain: the New Adventures (Airship 27)
•Rob Moran, Brother Bones: Six Days of the Dragon (Airship 27)
Nominations Represented 33 Different Publishers!